

  • 驚蟄,萬物復蘇萌人懂 ……
    李艷聽?數?聲?驚?蟄?雷 萬?物?吹?又?生驚?醒?鶯?飛?燕?起?” 花?開?富?貴?人?間?喜便?到?了?“?微?雨?眾?卉?新?”?的?時?節 正?是?桃?紅?柳?綠?時愿?這?驚?蟄?有?三?候 愿?春?風?十?里人?間?有?三?喜?的?預?言 陌?上?花?開?,?緩?緩?而?來?…?…?溢?滿?心?田 讓?我?們?努?力?耕?出?蓬?勃?的?景?象也?愿?陌?上?之?花?與?心?之?花?同?時?綻?放?…?… 用?心?活?成?春?天?的?模?樣

    當代作家 2023年3期2023-04-23

  • On “Shí”時
    -907): “萬物不如酒,四 時 唯 愛 春 ” (wànwù bùrú jiǔ,sìshí wéi ài chūn), meaning “Wine is superior to anything as spring,my favorite, is to the four seasons.”A c c o r d i n g t o X i n h u a Dictionary, the first Dictionary of Contemporary

    Special Focus 2017年12期2018-01-05

  • Taizhou Embroidery
    ulgaria.萬物靈·大方巾 萬物生·大方巾Two shawls show the grace of Taizhou Embroidery.現代繡女A view of a workshop at Taizhou Embroidery CompanyThe brand goes back to Ying Dayu, a genius of embroidery. He integrated a group of needle skills and crea

    文化交流 2016年1期2016-03-25
