

2008-05-21 10:07李建磊
中學生英語高效課堂探究 2008年5期



1. All 300_____ were killed in an airliner crash in Antarctica.

A. abroadB. aboard

C. absorbD. board

2. The police were obliged to set the suspect free in the_____ of conclusive evidence.

A. shortageB. rareness

C. absenceD. lack

3. The firefighters had nearly_____ control over the fire.

A. perfectB. whole

C. absoluteD. thorough

4. I like reading books in the_____, but I cant bear this boring one.

A. abstractB. absorb

C. absoluteD. absence

5. How to talk to an ET(外星人) is rather an_____ question.

A. advancedB. ancient

C. accurateD. academic

6. Only a few people have_____ to the secret military base.

A. accusationB. accession

C. accessD. account

7. The boss_____ one of his employees of stealing the money at the court.

A. blamedB. complained

C. chargedD. accused

8. Little Tom gradually_____ a bad habit of drinking and smoking.

A. earnedB. acquired

C. derivedD. won

9. He is quick to_____ himself to new circumstances.

A. adoptB. adjust

C. adaptD. adept

10. The heavy rain will_____ our plan for holidays.

A. affectB. influence

C. effectD. infect

11. The old man is deaf, so he has to use a hearing_____.

A. helpB. machine

C. aidD. assist

12. I was_____ at his fluent spoken English.

A. admiredB. amazed

C. wonderedD. advised

13. The food was_____ and found to contain an amount of poison.

A. diagnosedB. examined

C. checkedD. analyzed

14. Tomorrow is the 50th_____ of their wedding.

A. birthdayB. party

C. anniversaryD. memory

15. The_____ output of steel has doubled in the factory this year.

A. yearlyB. amount

C. manualD. annual

16. He may not be at home, but we shall go to see him_____.

A. anywayB. however

C. thoughD. somehow

17. As a result of their_____, a large amount of money has been raised for the disaster area.

A. begB. plead

C. appealD. call

18. If you_____ yourself to your lessons, you are sure to pass the college entrance examination.

A. appealB. request

C. applyD. claim

19. There is no easy_____ to mathematics.

A. approachB. way

C. roadD. shortcut

20. Her parents dont_____ of her going abroad alone.

A. allowB. agree

C. permitD. approve

21._____ being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.

A. As toB. In spite of

C. regardless ofD. Aside from

22. All_____ of American economy were affected by inflation(通貨膨脹).

A. prospectsB. respects

C. aspectsD. suspects

23. We_____ his innocence before acquiring the evidence against him.

A. confirmB. assume

C. believeD. convince

24. These shoes are not_____ in your size, Im afraid.

A. averageB. favorite

C. availableD. convenient

25. You must be_____ that what you are dong is quite illegal(非法的).

A. awareB. confident

C. awfulD. magnificent

26. It is necessary for us to_____ the expenditure(消費) with the income.

A. keepB. balance

C. fitD. compare

27. More and more students are_____ this modern teaching method.

A. resulting fromB. figuring out

C. benefiting fromD. bringing up

28._____, I was very pleased with your behaviors.

A. In short words B. To be brief

C. To be summarizedD. In words

29. He_____ all his expenses in the coming year.

A. estimatedB. predicted

C. budgetedD. calculated

30. He_____ for all the appointments on the ground that he needed more rest.

A. erasedB. cancelled

C. abolishedD. deleted

31. The TV play series is a good_____ for TV prime time during the Spring Festival.

A. candidateB. applicant

C. merchantD. inhabitant

32. Some VIPs will be invited to the opening__________of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A. courtesyB. politeness

C. ceremonyD. respect

33. She claimed her innocence and_____ the newspaper to prove its story.

A. contestedB. challenged

C. exclaimedD. acclaimed

34. Mike Tyson was the world heavyweight boxing_____.

A. championshipB. chamber

C. championD. winner

35. Many experts consider living environment the vital(至關重要的) factor in shaping a boys_____.

A. natureB. character

C. personalityD. individuality

36. What are the_____ that distinguish the Chinese and the Japanese?

A. featuresB. traits

C. characteristicsD. character

37. The_____ forced me to sell the house at a very low price.

A. situationB. circumstances

C. conditionD. environment

38. Stephen Hawkings book History of Time has become a_____ among scientists.

A. classicB. masterpiece

C. legendD. work

39. I would rather live in England because of the mild_____.

A. weatherB. whether

C. climaxD. climate

40. A football team needs a good_____ if its going to win any matches.

A. couchB. coach

C. teacherD. professor

41. One atom of hydrogen_____ with two atoms of oxygen to form a molecule of water, H2O.

A. combinesB. joins

C. unitesD. connects

42. Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister_____ that no decision had yet been made.

A. commandedB. commenced

C. commentedD. commended

43. I would like to make a living in the education rather than in the_____ world.

A. civilB. beneficial

C. commercialD. advantageous

44. Without a proper education in their childhood, young people would_____ all kinds of crimes.

A. conductB. perform

C. doD. commit

45. They used carrier pigeons to_____ with the headquarters.

A. associateB. communicate

C. assistD. convey

46. What you said was too_____ for us to understand.

A. complexB. complicated

C. comprehensiveD. completive

47. Theres no need to_____ yourself with this matter; were dealing with it.

A. concertB. concern

C. sympathyD. concentration

48. We will_____ our activity with the National Anthem March of Brave Volunteers.

A. conductB. productivity

C. concreteD. conclude

49. After the NPC and CPPCC(兩會[人大和政協]), a press_____ was held.

A. conventionB. meeting

C. conferenceD. congress.

50. My experience should be a warning to those who are too_____ in their own opinions.

A. certainB. sure

C. confidentD. bound

51. The mayor_____ that he had resigned.

A. confirmedB. proved

C. verifiedD. testified

52. They had_____ me with their conflicting advice.

A. confusedB. comforted

C. comparedD. competed

53. The government encouraged everyone to__________food and clothing to the refugees.

A. attributeB. contribute

C. distributeD. compute

54. It took the lawyer many hours to_____ the jury of the defendants guilt.

A. believeB. ensure

C. convinceD. persuade

55. The US senate_____ whether the new expressway should be built or not.

A. arguedB. debated

C. bargainedD. talked

56. He said that he really did not_____ that we should be so kind to him.

A. requestB. deserve

C. desertD. award

57. She has been on a_____ for two weeks and has lost five pounds as a result.

A. fall B. decrease C. drop D. diet

58. I_____ with him about how we ought to deal with the matter.

A. disappointB. disappear

C. discloseD. disagree

59. The law_____ accidental and intentional killing.

A. discriminates from

B. discriminates against

C. discriminates between

D. discriminates in favor of

60. Its not easy to_____ cultured(人工養殖的) pearls from genuine(天然的) ones.

A. separateB. divide

C. distinguishD. differ

61. A good manager is both competent(能干的) and_____.

A. effectiveB. efficient

C. effectD. efficiency

62. The door is to be used only in a(n)_____.

A. pressureB. urgency

C. emergencyD. extremity

63. Could you_____ the new plan you put forward at the meeting?

A. engage inB. enlarge upon

C. dwell onD. bring on

64. You mustnt drive into a street with a “No_____” sign.

A. entryB. entrance

C. enteringD. entertainment

65. The scientist must produce_____ in support of his new theory.

A. evidenceB. evident

C. incidentD. accident

66. Most of the goods produced in their factory are for_____.

A. transportB. exploration

C. exploitD. export

67. The lawyers_____ was higher than we expected.

A. fareB. feeC. salaryD. wages

68. The repairs to the school will be_____by the local education department.

A. supportedB. aided

C. financedD. economy

69. All their attention was_____ on finding a solution to the problem.

A. paidB. focused

C. devotedD. emphasized

70. The Central Observatory_____ that there would be snowfall in large areas for the next few days.

A. foresawB. foretold

C. forecastedD. estimated

71. Of tea and coffee, the Chinese prefers the__________to the latter.

A. former B. formal C. form D. front

72. As is well-known, the brain performs a very important_____, which controls the nervous system of the body.

A. motionB. action

C. functionD. fountain

73. I look up to you because you are always__________in giving help.

A. considerateB. considerable

C. generousD. abundant

74. They have_____ that any faulty parts will be replaced free of charge.

A. assuredB. guaranteed

C. ensuredD. promised

75. Humans should live together in perfect__________with nature.

A. satisfactionB. contentment

C. harmonyD. success

76. Dont_____ about asking me for help when you are in trouble.

A. hesitateB. wander

C. mindD. wonder

77. Some people have a lifelong_____ of stamp colleting.

A. hobbyB. pastime

C. recreationD. sport

78. He_____ the speed limit and drove very fast.

A. disregardedB. neglected

C. ignoredD. omitted

79. Many foreigners are willing to_____ to the United States.

A. emigrateB. immigrate

C. migrateD. move

80. The shops in China shall apply for a__________to sell firecrackers.

A. licenseB. liberty

C. permissionD. allowance

81. Feeling at_____, come and see us.

A. lengthB. will

C. loose endsD. random

82. Bill Gates will leave only a_____ share of his wealth to his children.

A. majorityB. minor

C. minorityD. major

83. The young woman writer is very_____ about her success.

A. modernB. modest

C. modelD. medal

84. She is still_____ for her son, who was killed in a car accident three years ago.

A. mourningB. crying

C. moaningD. wailing

85. Its a_____ idea, but it just wont work.

A. freshB. stale

C. newD. novel

86. The insurance company_____ an office block downtown.

A. occupationB. occupies

C. settlesD. stays

87. Do you Americans_____ the Spring Festival?

A. observeB. serve

C. preserveD. deserve

88. Our government strongly opposes_____military aid to Taiwan from foreign countries.

A. to giveB. given

C. givingD. being given

89. She is of American_____ but now she is a Chinese.

A. rootB. source

C. originD. original

90. No professionals may_____ in the amateur(業余的) tennis tournament(聯賽).

A. participateB. undertake

C. predictC. withdraw

91. Although this area is very poor just now,its_____ wealth is vast.

A. previousB. potential

C. positiveD. possible

92. She makes it a_____ to save some money each month.

A. principleB. principal

C. primaryD. discipline

93. You will make a_____ on your stock by selling it now.

A. goalB. profit

C. moneyD. interest

94. The commercials on TV_____ a new product greatly.

A. progressB. promotes

C. proposesD. produce

95. The real estate is growing fast, so_____ a house in the city centre is expensive.

A. purchasingB. processing

C. buildingD. publishing

96. Everyone liked the stranger, but_____he was a thief.

A. in trueB. in realism

C. in realityD. as matter of fact

97. China is engaged in a nationwide_____ to catch up with the developed countries.

A. settlementB. necessity

C. reformD. correction

98. What you wrote is not related_____ the topic of the composition given.

A. withB. toC. ofD. about

99. They were_____ from among many applicants.

A. selectedB. gathered

C. electedD. collected

100. A red light is usually a_____ of danger.

A. signB. signature

C. signalD. symbol


1. B。 題意:一架客機在南極墜毀,機上300名乘客全部喪生。 abroad在 / 到國外;absorb吸收;board 木 / 甲板。aboard在飛機 / 船 / 車上,與句意相符,故為正確答案。

2. C。題意:由于沒有確鑿的證據,警方只好釋放了嫌疑犯。absence不在 / 缺乏;in the absence of somebody / something 是常用搭配,表“某人不在時 / 沒有…… ”。其他各項都不用于此搭配。

3. C。題意:消防隊員幾乎絕對控制了火勢。absolute只做定語,表示“絕對的,完全的”,沒有比較級,多用nearly修飾;perfect完美的;whole“全部的,完整的”,通常修飾單數可數名詞;thorough徹底的。

4. A。題意:理論上,我喜歡讀書,但卻無法忍受這本枯燥的書。abstract抽象的, in the abstract 為固定詞組,意思是“抽象地 / 理論上”;absorb吸收;absolute絕對的;absence 缺乏,沒有。

5. D。題意:如何與外星人交談是一個學術性很強的問題。academic question 學術問題;advanced 先進的;ancient古代的;accurate準確的,均不合題意。

6. C。題意:只有極少數的人有進入秘密軍事基地的權力。have access to有機會或權力了解某事或接近某人或進入某地。常用詞組有be easy / difficult of access容易或難接近;accusation譴責;accession就職,增加;account賬戶。

7. D。題意:老板在法庭上控告他的一個職員偷錢。accuse控告,常與of搭配,控告某人有罪;blame責備,多與for搭配;complain 抱怨,常用complain about sth.; charge指正式向司法部門起訴,多用charge sb. with sth. / charge + that-clause 句型。

8. B。題意:小湯姆漸漸養成了抽煙酗酒的惡習。acquire指經過一個過程養成習慣或經過努力獲得知識、名聲等; earn指通過勞動獲得報酬、榮譽等,如earn money / friendship; derive多與 from連用,指“從……中獲得(樂趣等)”;win贏得。

9. C。題意:他很快就能適應新的環境。adapt適應,多與to連用,adapt oneself to 指適應(新環境、新生活等),與句意相符。 adopt采用,收養;adjust調整,調節;adept熟練的,拿手的。

10. A。題意:大雨將會影響我們的度假計劃。affect表示“對……發生作用,招致變化”,比其他詞更恰當; influence往往指通過行動或榜樣以影響別人,左右他人的思想或感情;effect是名詞,意為“影響,結果,效果”;infect傳染,感染。

11. C。題意:這位老人耳朵聾,所以得戴助聽器。aid 輔助物,hearing aid 指“助聽器”。常用詞組有in aid of作為……的幫助。come to ones aid 來幫助某人;help和assist都有幫助之意,但不表示輔助物。

12. B。題意:我對他流利的英語口語感到十分驚奇。amaze表示“令……感到驚奇”;admire欽佩,羨慕; wonder對……感到驚訝,多與at連用; advise提議,建議。

13. D。題意:對該食物進行了分析化驗后發現食物含有一定量的有毒成分。analyze對……結構進行分析,符合句意;diagnose診斷;examine檢查,考試;check檢查,核對。

14. C。題意:明天是他們結婚50周年紀念日。anniversary指周年紀念日;birthday生日;party聚會;memory記憶,記憶力。

15. D。題意:這家工廠今年鋼的年產量翻了一番。annual一年的;yearly一年一次的,每年的,用于本題,句意不通;amount數量;manual手工的;工藝的。

16. A。題意:他可能不在家,但我們無論如何要去看看他。anyway無論如何,不管怎樣;however然而,表轉折,在題中與but在語意上重復;though雖然,盡管,也不與but同時使用 ;somehow以某種方式,反正。

17. C。題意:由于他們的呼吁,已經為災區募捐了一大筆錢。appeal呼吁,請求,常用詞組有appeal to訴諸(武力,輿論等)。appeal for呼吁,請求,上訴 ; beg乞求,懇求;plead求情(以求寬恕或同意);call號召,訪問。

18. C。題意:如果你專心致力于功課,你一定會考上大學的。apply oneself to 致力于。常用詞組還有apply to sb.適用于某人,apply for sth.申請某事務;appeal呼吁,請求,上訴; request請求,要求;claim聲稱,認領。

19. A。題意:學習數學沒有捷徑可走。approach學習或研究問題的方法;way指方式;road道路,通路;shortcut指捷徑,近道,但不用easy來修飾。

20. D。題意:她父母不贊成她一個人出國。各選項都有“同意,允許”之意,但只有approve可與of連用,因此應選D。

21. D。題意:游泳除了有趣和健身外,還是一項非常有用的技能。aside from = apart from 除……之外;as to至于;in spite of和 regardless of都有“不管,不顧”的意思。

22. C。題意:美國經濟的各個方面都受到通貨膨脹的影響。aspect (問題、事物等的)方面;prospect前途,前景;respect也可指“方面”,表“各個方面”要用every respect; suspect嫌疑犯,懷疑。詞根spect表示“看”。

23. B。題意:在沒有獲得不利于他的證據之前,我們假定他是無辜的。assume假定,常用詞組有assume this to be true 假定這是真的。assume office就職;confirm確定,確認(某種說法和想法); believe 相信; convince使確信,使信服,多用于convince sb. of sth.或convince that結構中。

24. C。題意:這些鞋子恐怕沒有你的尺碼。available“可得到的,可利用的”,常用詞組有be available for有空做……; make oneself available for使自己有空; average平均的,一般的; favorite最喜愛的;convenient方便的,便利的。

25. A。題意:你必須明白你的行為是違法的。aware“知道的,意識到的”,作表語,后多接that從句或of引起的短語;confident自信的;awful可怕的,糟糕的;magnificent宏偉的,壯觀的。

26. B。題意:我們必須要使收支平衡。balance ... with ... 使……與……平衡;keep 后多跟形容詞或名詞,keep ones balance 保持平衡;fit常用于be fit for; compare ... with ... 與……相比較。

27. C。題意:越來越多的學生得益于這種現代化的教學方法。benefit from“受益于,從……得到好處”,常用詞組有be of benefit to sb.對某人有好處;result from 由于,有……產生的;figure out 明白,計算出;bring up撫養,教育。

28. B。題意:簡而言之,我對你們的表現很滿意。to be brief = in brief簡而言之,簡單地說;也可以用in short 和in a word 表示此意;無to be summarized這一短語。

29. C。題意:他把來年的所有開銷編入預算。budget多作名詞,也可作動詞,作及物動詞用意為“把……編入預算”,作不及物動詞用。意思是“編預算”(對將來收支進行估計);estimate判斷估計(大小,價錢);predict預言(對將來會發生的事情進行預測);calculate計算(數據)。

30. B。題意:他取消了所有的約會,因為他需要更多的休息。cancel因為某種原因“取消”已決定的事情,如計劃、會議等。on the ground that表示“由于”;erase把記號“抹掉”,“刪除”無用的或認為不合適的東西; abolish主要指用暴力或法律手段“廢除”某種制度或風俗; delete把文章中或印刷品中的不必要的東西“刪掉”。

31. A 。題意:這部電視連續劇大有可能選在春節的電視黃金時間內播放。candidate 后接for,意為“候選人”,人和物都可做主語;applicant 申請者,后也接for,但只能是人做主語;merchant 商人;inhabitant居民。

32. C。題意:一些重要人士將被邀請參加2008年北京奧運會的開幕式。ceremony典禮,儀式(強調特別的、有特殊意義的場合,如婚禮、喪禮等);常用詞組有stand on ceremony 拘于禮節;with ceremony正式,隆重;without ceremony不拘禮節地,隨便地;courtesy指待人熱情,對人尊重;politeness指有禮貌,有教養; respect尊敬,尊重。

33. B。題意: 他聲稱自己是無辜的,要求這家報紙證實報道的真實性。challenge somebody to do something 向……發出挑戰要求做 ……;contest爭論,競賽; exclaim(因痛苦、憤怒等)驚叫,呼喊;acclaim 歡呼,喝彩。

34. C。題意:邁克·泰森曾是前世界重量級拳擊冠軍。champion冠軍(尤指各項體育比賽項目的冠軍或錦標賽的優勝者),因此符合題意;championship冠軍頭銜;chamber會議廳,臥室;winner獲勝者,優勝者。

35. B。題意:許多專家認為居住環境對一個男孩道德品質的形成具有至關重要的作用。character多指道德方面的人格或品質,符合題意;nature指人的本性,脾氣;personality側重于社交方面的個性或人格;individuality指與別人不同的品質或個性。

36. B。題意:區別中國人和日本人不同的特征是什么?characteristic指某人或某事物所特有行事的特點、特征,多指個體的特點;feature指足以引起人們注意的顯著的特性或細節,多指外部特征;trait指人的品德、性格、心情的特性,多指民族的性格特點;character指人或事物總的性質或品格,不可數。

37. B。題意:當時的情況迫使我把房子低價出售了。 circumstance作“情況,環境”解,多用復數形式,常用詞組有in / under no circumstances無論如何也不……; in / under the circumstances 在目前的情況下;situation形勢,局面,指某一時期的處境;condition條件,情況,指一定時間內人的感覺或事情所處的情況;environment環境,是集合名詞,只能用單數,可表示自然環境,也可表示對某人的感情、成長等有影響的環境。

38. A。題意:斯蒂芬·霍金的《時間簡史》一書在科學家們中間已經成為經典作品。classic文學名著,藝術作品,經典作品;masterpiece 杰作;legend 傳奇(作品); work 表示“著作”時要用復數形式works。

39. D。題意:由于英國的溫和氣候,我寧愿住在那兒。climate 指某地區長時間的天氣特征,特別是氣溫、降雨、刮風等總的氣候情況;weather指某地短時間內的特殊氣候變化,如晴、雨、寒、暖等;whether 是否;climax頂點,高潮。

40. B。題意:一支足球隊想要贏任何比賽就需要一個好教練。coach教練,符合句意;couch與coach是形近詞,意為“睡椅,臥榻”;teacher 和 professor指傳授知識等的老師和教授。

41. A。題意:一個氫原子和兩個氧原子合成一個水分子。combine合并,合成,指把兩個或兩個以上的人或事物結合在一起,結合后仍不改變或失去其本性;join泛指任何事物的直接連接,連結后還能夠分開;unite指緊密地結合,使之成為一個不可分割的整體;connect指通過某種媒介物把事物連接起來。

42. C。題意:當有人問到選舉日期一事時首相稱尚未做出決定。comment評論,發表意見,后面常接介詞on或upon,也可跟that從句或介詞about, comment在搭配和意思上都符合題意;command 命令,指揮,后面常接名詞或不定式的復合結構,也可跟that從句,從句中的謂語要用虛擬語氣;commence開始,著手;commerce商業,貿易。

43. C。題意:我想在教育界而不是在商業界謀生。commercial商業的,貿易的;civil全民的,公民的;beneficial有益的,受益的;advantageous有利的。

44. D。題意:如果年輕人在童年時沒有受到適當的教育,他們就有可能犯各種罪行。commit犯罪,犯錯等,和crime連用,常用詞組有commit suicide自殺 / commit oneself做出承諾; conduct引導,傳導;perform 表演,演出;do作普通的動詞,表示“做”。

45. B。題意:他們通過信鴿與總部聯系。communicate表示“聯系,溝通”,與with搭配;associate with與……交往,聯想起;assist 幫助;convey運送,運載。

46. A 。題意:你說得太復雜,我們無法理解。complex強調太復雜以至于難以理解;complicated強調事情錯綜復雜; comprehensive 和 completive分別表示“廣泛的”和“完成的”,意思不符。

47. B。題意:你不用管這事了,我們正在處理它。concern oneself in / about / with sth. 忙于(某事);關心(某事),它是一常用詞組,另外還有as / so far as sb. / sth. is concerned 就某人或某事物而言;concert音樂會;sympathy 同情(心);concentration 集中,專心。

48. D。題意:我們將在國歌“義勇軍進行曲”中結束我們的活動。conclude 指達到預期目的而結束,后接by doing 或with sth.;conduct引導,指揮; productivity生產力;concrete具體的,有形的,混凝土。

49. C 。題意:兩會(人大和政協)后,舉行了記者招待會。convention著重指地方性的會議;meeting 是可大可小可長可短事先安排計劃好的會議; conference指正式的會議,協商會;congress指社會專業、團體或國家代表的正式會議。

50. C。題意:我的經歷對于那些對自己的觀點過于自信的人應該是前車之鑒。confident 指對自己充滿信心,相信自己的愿望或預料一定能實現,后面接that從句或介詞about / in / of; certain指由確實的理由或肯定的證據而相信某事,與sure同義,但語氣要強些;sure指人主觀上對人或事很相信,一點也不懷疑;bound表“一定,必然的”,后接to do sth.。

51. A。題意:市長證實了他已辭職。confirm指證實不確定的事情、消息或謠言是真的;prove指用足夠的證據來確證某事是否真實; verify指通過調查或與事實的比較來證明某事是對的; testify指正式在法庭上作證。

52. A。題意:他們完全沖突的建議把我弄糊涂了。confuse混淆,弄糊涂;comfort安慰,使舒適;compare相比,比較;compete比賽,競爭。

53. B。題意:政府鼓勵每個人為難民捐贈食品和衣物。contribute表示“捐贈,出錢(力)”,常用詞組contribute to 有助于,促成;attribute把……歸于,后跟介詞to; distribute分配,分發,后跟介詞to或among; compute估計,計算。

54. C。題意:律師花了許多個小時才使陪審團相信被告有罪。convince強調通過擺事實講道理排除對方的懷疑或反對,使其心服口服,常用于convince sb. of something結構中; believe sb. / something相信,信任;ensure sb. something確保,保證;persuade sb. to do something / into doing something說服,勸誘,偏重從感情上打動對方。

55. B。 題意:美國參議院對是否該修建這條新的高速公路進行辯論。debate可作“對……進行辯論”解,后接whether 或that從句;argue指彼此用一定的理由來說明自己對事物或問題的見解,爭論問題的是非,以求最后得到正確地認識或共同的意見; bargain討價還價; talk談論(后跟about / of),說服(后跟into)。

56. B。題意:他說他真的不值得我們對他那么好。deserve 意思是“應受到,值得”,常跟名詞、動名詞、動詞不定式。表示被動意義時,動名詞用主動時,動詞不定式用被動式;后面接that從句時,要用虛擬語氣should do的形式;request請求,要求; desert放棄,遺棄; award授予,獎給。

57. D。 題意:她已節食兩星期了,結果體重減輕了五磅。on a diet表示為了減肥而“限制飲食,節食”。fall降低,落下,decrease減少,drop落下,下降,均不與on a搭配。

58. D。題意:在如何處理這件事上我和他意見不一致。disagree表示“不一致,(食物、氣候等)不適宜”,常與介詞with連用,有時也接on或about;disappoint使失望,是及物動詞;disappear 消失,不見; disclose揭露,透露。

59. C。題意:意外殺人和故意殺人在法律上是有區別的。discriminate做“區別,辨別”解,可說discriminate between two things / among more than two things / one thing from another,故C項符合題意;discriminate against 歧視;discriminate in favor of另眼看待。

60. C。題意:辨別真珍珠和人工養殖的珍珠不容易。distinguish做“區別,辨別”解,其用法為distinguish one thing from another; distinguish between two things; separate分開,分離,其用法為separate one thing from another; divide 指將整體分成若干部分,后接介詞into或 from; differ不同于,后接介詞from。

61. B。題意:好經理既要有能力又要有效率。efficient有效率的,能干的;effective有效的,效果好的;effect作用,效果;efficiency 是名詞,意為“效率”。

62. C。題意:這扇門只有在緊急的情況下才能使用。emergency緊急情況或狀態;pressure壓力;urgency也指緊急,緊迫,但多泛指一切緊急的行動;ambulance救護車;extremity極端,極度。

63. B。題意:你能不能詳細地談談你在會上提出的那個新計劃?enlarge on / upon 詳細地談,進一步論述;engage in從事,忙于;dwell on 贅述,細想; bring on致使,引起。

64. A。題意:你不得駕車進入有“禁止駛入”標志的街道。No entry 禁止駛入;entrance入口,門口;entertainment款待,娛樂。

65. A。題意:這位科學家必須提出證據以證明其新理論。evidence 證據;evident 明顯的,顯然的;incident小事件;accident意外事件,事故。

66. D。題意:他們廠生產的貨物大都是用于出口的。export可作名詞,意思是“輸出,出口”;transport 交通,運輸; exploration 考察,探索; exploit開采,開發。

67. B。題意:律師費比我們預計的要高。fee指付給醫生、律師、私人教師或其他腦力勞動者的酬金;fare指付給交通工具的費用;salary指每月通過銀行發給專業人員的薪金;wages指每周為臨時工用現金支付的薪金。

68. C。題意:學校的修繕將由當地的教育部門出資。finance財政,金融,作動詞,意為“向(公益活動、組織或商業活動)提供資金”,符合題意; support撫養,供養(為某人提供金錢上的資助);aid幫助,援助(在某事件中出力或提供幫助);economy是名詞,“經濟,節約”。

69. B。題意:他們把全部的注意力都集中在尋找解決問題的辦法上了。focus ones attention, etc. on something 將(注意力等)集中于(某事物);pay attention to 注意;devote oneself to 獻身于,專心于;emphasize是及物動詞,意為“強調,著重”。

70. C。題意:中央氣象臺預報未來幾天里將會有大范圍的降雪。forecast預報,預測,常用來指天氣; foresee預見,預知;foretell預測,一般強調征兆;estimate評估,估計,通常對象為錢、大小、價值等。

71. A。題意:在茶和咖啡之間,中國人喜歡喝前者勝過后者。former表示剛提到的兩個人或東西中的前者,其反義詞為latter,后者;formal正式的,形式上的;form 形式,表格;front前面,前線。

72. C。題意:眾所周知,大腦起一種非常重要的作用,它控制著身體的神經系統。motion運動,移動; action行動; function作用,功能,詞義符合題意要求; fountain噴泉,泉水。

73. C。題意:你總是慷慨助人,令我欽佩。generous慷慨的,大方的,指樂于以金錢資助別人,為別人提供幫助或做好事;considerate考慮周到的;considerable相當大 / 多的,值得考慮的;abundant豐富的,充裕的。

74. B。題意:他們保證任何有毛病的零件都可免費更換。guarantee經常指對產品質量、服務實施或盡職之許諾;assure指使人消除疑慮,對某事物抱有成功和把握;ensure強調使某一行為或某事的結果得以確保;promise常表示使人確信,但并不保證其結果能如愿以償。

75. C。題意:人類應該和大自然和諧相處。harmony 表示“一致,融洽”,習語in harmony with sb. / something作“與……相配,協調一致”解;satisfaction 滿意,滿足;contentment與satisfaction意義相近,也表示“滿意,滿足”。

76. A。 題意:當你遇到困難時,向我求助,不要猶豫不決。hesitate at / about / over something猶豫,躊躇,對……拿不定主意; wander 漫步,徘徊; mind 介意,反對;wonder對……感到驚訝,想知道。

77. A。題意:有些人一輩子愛好集郵。hobby指小領域內增加專門知識的活動,尤指收集、收藏活動;pastime 指做某事以愉快地消遣時間;recreation 指給人以輕松愉快的活動,側重于戲劇或各種球賽;sport 指各種形式的體育活動、戶外活動。

78. C。題意:他不顧時速限制,把車開得飛快。ignore不顧,忽視,指全然不顧警告或細小的禮節;disregard指由于高傲或再三的考慮對某人某事置之不理或漠視;neglect疏忽,忽略,指有意或無意地對要做或應做之事不關心;omit 疏忽,遺漏。

79. B。題意:許多外國人都愿意移居到美國。immigrate移居,遷入,指人永久地移往某地;emigrate移居,遷出,指人永久地移離某地;migrate遷移,(鳥類成群的)遷徙; move移動,指從一處住所搬到另一處。

80. A。題意:中國的商店必須申請煙花爆竹買賣許可證。license 執照,許可證,常見答配有:apply for a driving / drivers license申請駕駛執照; grant / issue a license 發給執照; renew a license延長執照有效期; suspend a license 暫時吊銷執照;import / export license進 / 出口許可證;dog license狗牌;liberty自由,特權;permission 允許,許可; allowance津貼,補貼。

81. C。題意:你感到閑得無聊的時候,到我們這兒來坐坐。at a loose end / loose ends無事做,不知做什么好,常作表語;at length最后,詳細充分地;at will任意地,隨意地;at random隨意地,胡亂地。這些詞組只作狀語。

82. B。題意:比爾·蓋茨將只把他的一小部分財產留給孩子們。majority 和 minority是一對反義詞,分別表示“多數”和“少數”; minor和major 也是一對反義詞,分別作“較小的”和“大多數的”解。

83. B。題意:這位年輕女作家對自己的成功表現得很謙虛。modest謙虛的,后面常接介詞about; modern 現代的,通常做定語;model 模特兒,模型;medal獎章,獎牌。

84. A。題意:她還在為三年前死于車禍的兒子傷心。mourn作“為……哀悼 / 難過”解,后面接介詞for / over ; cry哭,喊,常指帶聲音的哭泣;moan呻吟;wail哀號,嚎啕,尤指由于疼痛而放聲大哭。

85. D。題意:那是個新奇的想法,但是卻不能實現。novel新奇的,異常的,著重強調不尋常,與眾不同,新奇或令人矚目;fresh 新鮮的,新奇的,強調指創新的或不陳腐的;stale陳腐的,與fresh相對而言;new新的,常指現時的、從未有過的或剛剛發明創造發現的。

86. B。題意:保險公司占了市區的一個辦公街區。occupation 是occupy的名詞形式,意思是“工作,職業,(空間)占據,占領;occupy 占用,指接管、占有住房或辦公用的建筑;be occupied with / in doing something 忙于做某事;settle 定居,指久居某地;stay指短暫地逗留。

87. A。題意:你們美國人有過春節的習俗嗎?observe指奉行某種習俗,還可作“觀察”解,用于observe somebody do something; serve 服務,服役;preserve 保護,保存;deserve 值得,應受。

88. C。題意:我國政府強烈反對外國向臺灣提供軍事援助。be opposed to / oppose(doing)something表示“反對做某事”。如:She seems very much opposed to your going abroad. 她好像很反對你出國。

89. C。題意:她是美國血統,但現在是中國人。origin指事物的起源或由來,既指時間地點,也可指人的出身或血統;root指植物的根,也常指事物產生的根本原因或起源;source來源,出處,河流的源頭,可指任何事情的起始或原始資料、文獻等;original最初的,原始的;原著。

90. A。題意:職業選手不能參加業余網球聯賽。participate in = take part in 參加(某活動);undertake 從事,承擔;predict預測,預言;withdraw撤退,收回。

91. B。題意:盡管該地區目前很窮,但其潛在的財富非??捎^。potential潛在的,可能的,無比較級形式;previous先前的,早先的; positive積極的,肯定的;possible 可能的。

92. A。題意:她把每月存點錢當作一項原則來執行。principle原則,原理;principal校長;primary 主要的,初級的;discipline紀律,學科。

93. B。題意:你現在出售股票會賺上一筆錢。make a profit on 在......上獲利。goal目標,球門; profit(做生意賺來的)利潤;money 金錢,貨幣;interest (銀行支付的)利息。

94. B。題意:電視上的商業廣告大大地促進了新產品的銷售。progress 前進,進步promote促進,提升;propose提議,建議; produce生產,制造。

95. A。題意:房地產發展很快,在市中心買房很貴的。purchase購買;process 加工,處理;build建造;publish出版,公布。

96. C。題意:大家都喜歡這個陌生人,但實際上他是一個小偷。in reality固定詞組,“實際上”;realism現實主義,不與in搭配;“實際上”也可說as a matter of fact / in truth。

97. C。題意:中國正在進行一場全國性的改革以趕上發達國家。settlement解決,殖民地;necessity必要性,必需品;reform 改革,改良;correction改正,修正。

98. B。題意:你寫的內容與所給的作文題目風馬牛不相及。relate ... to ... 把……與……聯系起來,與……有關。

99. A。題意:他們是從眾多的應聘者中挑選出來的。select指認真仔細的考慮或比較,從許多同類中精選最好的;gather指把一些亂放的或難以明確分開的東西收拾到一起;elect指通過正式手續選舉;collect指有計劃、有選擇地收集某物,有一定的目的或出于愛好。

100. C。 題意:紅燈通常是危險的信號。sign標記,招牌;signature簽名;signal指用聲光色等傳遞信息的信號; symbol特指某種有象征意義的符號。
