

2010-03-22 06:06
中學英語之友·上 2010年11期



Whats her name? 她叫什么名字?

What do you think of this dress? 你覺得這條連衣裙怎么樣?

What do you usually do after school? 你放學后通常干什么?

Whats wrong with your computer? 你的電腦怎么了?

▲還可用“what+名詞”來提問,如what color, what class, what time等。例如:

What color are those clothes? 那些衣服是什么顏色的?

▲“What/How about…?”表示“……怎么樣?”,用來詢問或提出建議,后面接代詞、名詞或v-ing形式。例如:

What about you? 你呢?

What about that T-shirt? 那件T恤怎么樣?

How about having a drink outside? 出去喝一杯怎么樣?


Who is the man over there? 那邊那個男人是誰?


——Who is knocking at the door? 誰在敲門?

——Its me. 是我。


Who are you? 你是誰?【主要用來詢問不認識的人】

Who is it? 哪位?【一般用來詢問敲門的人,回答通常是“Its me.”】

Who is this, please? 請問是哪位?【是電話用語,回答通常是“This is…(speaking).”】


——Whose book is this? 這是誰的書?

——Its Millies. 是米莉的。

——Whose is the red car? 這輛紅色小轎車是誰的?

——Its my uncles. 是我叔叔的。

▲whose與whos讀音相同,但二者的含義及用法不同:whose意為“誰的”,作疑問代詞,引導特殊疑問句;whos是who is的縮寫形式,意為“誰是……”或“……是誰”。


Where are you from? 你來自哪里?

Where is my pen? 我的鋼筆在哪兒?

▲回答時,為了簡潔、明快,可以直接說出地點。如上面兩句的答語分別可以說成“Beijing.”和“On the desk.”。


——Why do you like English? 你為什么喜歡英語?

——Because its interesting. 因為它很有趣。

▲“Why not…?”相當于“Why dont you…?”,是表示提供建議的一種說法,意為“為什么不……?”,后接動詞原形。例如:

Why not go to the zoo?=Why dont you go to the zoo? 為什么不去動物園呢?


How do you do!你好!

How do you spell the word? 你是怎樣拼寫那個單詞的?

▲“How old…?”意為“……多大了?”,常用于詢問年齡。例如:

How old are you? 你多大了?

▲“How many+可數名詞復數+…?”和“How much+不可數名詞+…?”常用于詢問名詞的數量。此外,“How much is/are…?”常用于詢問商品的價格。例如:

How many students are there in your class? 你們班有多少學生?

How much salt do they need? 他們需要多少鹽?

How much is the meat? 這塊肉多少錢?


1. 以What開頭的疑問句,否定回答通常用Nothing。例如:

——What did he say at the meeting? 他在會上講了些什么?

——Nothing. 什么也沒有講。

——Whats in the box? 這盒子里有什么?

——Nothing. 什么也沒有。

2. 以Who開頭的疑問句,否定回答通常用Nobody/No one。例如:

——Who was late today? 今天誰遲到了?

——No one. 沒有人遲到。

——Who has read the book? 誰讀過這本書?

——Nobody. 沒有人。

3. 以 How many, How much 開頭的疑問句,否定回答通常用 None。例如:

——How many dictionaries did you buy yesterday? 昨天你買了幾本字典?

——None. 一本也沒買。

——How much money did he lend you? 他借給你多少錢?

——None. 一分也沒有。

▲一般來說,some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑問句中。但這只是通常的情況,以下特殊情況須注意。

1. 希望得到肯定回答的疑問句通常用some。例如:

May I have some paper? 我可以拿些紙嗎?

Arent there some stamps in that drawer? 那抽屜里不是有幾張郵票嗎?

Didnt he give you some money? 他不是給了你一些錢嗎?

2. 表示請求或建議的疑問句通常用some。例如:

Why not give her some flowers? 為什么不送她些花呢?

Would you like some bananas? 吃點香蕉嗎?

Wont you have some more? 你不再要一點嗎?

Shall I get some chalk for you? 要我給你拿些粉筆來嗎?

3. some 有時用于下面這樣的否定句。例如:

I dont like some of the films. 這些電影中有幾部我不喜歡。

比較:I do not like any of the films. 這些電影中我一部也不喜歡。


1. A: ____ dont you ask Maria?

B: Because she isnt here.

2. A: ____ do you spell it?

B: B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T, breakfast.

3. A: ____ is your little brother?

B: Hes at home.

4. A: ____ is that?

B: Its a black dog.

5. A: ____ ____ is Alan?

B: He is fourteen.

6. A: ____ ____ friends do you have here?

B: Five.

7. A: ____ pencil is it?

B: I think its my sisters.

8. A: ____ not try on that pair?

B: All right.

9. A: He is fine. ____ ____ you?

B: Im fine too, thank you.

10. A: ____ is your English teacher?

B: Miss Gao.

11. A: ____ ____ water is there in the bottle?

B: Only a little.

12. A: ____ are your grandparents?

B: They are fine. Thank you.

13. A: ____ ____ is it, please?

B: Its ten twenty-five.

14. A: ____ ____ are the apples?

B: They are 8 yuan.

15. A: ____ ____ are you in?

B: Im in Class Five, Grade Seven.

[Key:1.Why 2.How 3.Where 4.What 5.How old 6.How many 7.Whose 8.Why 9.What/How about 10.Who 11.How much 12.How 13.What time 14.How much 15.What class]

can have done用法小結
新目標英語七年級(上)Unit8 STEP BY STEP隨堂通
Unit 12 STEP BY STEP 隨堂通
Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 隨堂通Section A