

2011-11-22 07:06陳尚勤鄭亞兵李昌崇林振浪
中國病理生理雜志 2011年2期

陳尚勤, 鄭亞兵, 李昌崇, 陳 超, 林振浪△

(溫州醫學院附屬育英兒童醫院 1新生兒科,2呼吸科,浙江 溫州 325027;3復旦大學附屬兒科醫院新生兒科,上海 200032)


陳尚勤1, 鄭亞兵1, 李昌崇2, 陳 超3, 林振浪1△

(溫州醫學院附屬育英兒童醫院1新生兒科,2呼吸科,浙江 溫州 325027;3復旦大學附屬兒科醫院新生兒科,上海 200032)

目的探討孕期肌注不同劑量地塞米松對新生鼠肺泡成熟的影響。方法24只SD孕大鼠分為對照組、產前1次注射組(孕19 d肌注地塞米松0.8 mg·kg-1·d-1)和產前3次注射組(孕18、19、20 d均肌注地塞米松 0.8 mg·kg-1·d-1),每組8只,取新生1、4、10、14 d鼠肺,病理切片,HE染色,觀察肺泡形態學的改變,計算機圖像分析。電鏡檢查觀察產前3次注射組和對照組肺上皮細胞基底膜的連續性。結果對照組從1-14日齡鼠肺泡間隔漸變薄,肺泡面積變小,肺泡表面積/肺泡體積(S/V)增大,肺(囊)泡數漸增多,4日齡鼠肺次級隔開始長出,至14日齡隔數目漸增多。產前3次注射組的1日齡囊泡隔變薄,肺囊泡面積增大,差異非常顯著(P<0.01),肺囊泡數明顯減少(P<0.05);4、10、14日齡肺泡間隔明顯變薄(P<0.05),肺泡明顯增大,S/V較對照組小,肺囊泡數明顯減少,次級隔的長出減少,相對較短,數目較少,差異非常顯著(P<0.01)。產前1次注射組1日齡鼠的肺泡間隔厚度較對照組變薄,差異顯著(P<0.05)。電鏡檢查發現,正常1、4日齡鼠外周肺上皮細胞基底膜變薄,多處不連續,上皮細胞與成纖維細胞靠近、接觸。產前3次注射組肺上皮細胞基底膜的不連續現象較少,上皮間質的直接接觸較少。結論產前3次注射地塞米松影響新生鼠肺泡形態發育,產前1次注射地塞米松對新生鼠肺泡形態發育影響不大。

產前暴露; 地塞米松; 肺泡; 新生大鼠

自從1972年報道產前糖皮質激素治療(antenatal corticosteriod therapy,ACT)能促進肺表面活性物質合成和分泌,ACT廣泛應用于臨床預防早產兒呼吸窘迫綜合征(neonatal respiratory distress syndrome,NRDS)。近40年來,NRDS發病率大為降低[1]。但是并不減低早產兒支氣管肺發育不良的發生(bronchopulmonary dysplasia,BPD)[2]。而BPD 的發生與肺泡成熟障礙關系密切[3]。哺乳動物肺泡發育從孕26周開始,其關鍵階段在圍產期,決定了生后甚至成年后的肺形態結構及功能[4]。圍產期的肺發育易受物理、化學、生物、病理等不良因素的影響,近年來隨著醫療技術的進步,早產兒、超早早產兒的出生率和存活率大大提高,慢性肺疾病(chronic lung disease,CLD)成為影響早產兒生存質量的重要并發癥,BPD是CLD的主要表現。

國際認可的ACT用法指產前單一療程使用,但目前全球產科醫師對高危早產孕婦每周1次的多療程反復用藥[5]的現象相當普遍,這一現象在國內也相當突出。同時ACT的不良反應近期日漸受到重視,隨著 ACT重復應用增多,糖皮質激素對胎兒、新生兒的不良反應也相應增加,但尚無定論[6]。對腦發育的不良影響研究報道較多,ACT可導致發生腦癱的危險性增加,影響智力性格的發育等;對肺研究少,而對肺發育的不良影響,尤其與BPD發生的關系正引起國內外學者的關注。國外研究發現ACT影響肺泡形態發育,甚至持續到成年,影響成年期肺功能[7]。為進一步探討不同劑量ACT對肺泡發育的影響,我們通過對不同孕齡鼠注射不同次數的地塞米松(dexamethasone,DXM),觀察新生1、4、10、14日齡鼠的肺泡結構形態發育及肺泡上皮細胞基底膜的變化,并探討其可能機制。

材 料 和 方 法



1.1產前3次注射組 隨機取8只孕18 d(足月21-22 d)大鼠,于孕18、19、20 d均肌注DXM 0.8 mg·kg-1·d-1(稀釋至0.5 mL)[8]。足月(21-22 d)自然分娩,每窩隨機取2只,共16只;4日齡,每窩隨機取2只,共16只;10日齡每窩隨機取1-2只(因有4窩孕鼠產仔較少),共13只處死取肺;14 d亦每窩隨機取1-2只,共12只處死取肺。

1.2產前1次注射組 隨機取8只孕18 d大鼠,于孕19 d肌注DXM 0.8 mg·kg-1·d-1。孕18、20 d相應肌注0.5 mL生理鹽水,后續分組似產前3次注射組。

1.3對照組 對照組孕鼠8只,于孕18、19、20 d各肌注0.5 mL生理鹽水,后續分組如產前3次注射組。


2.1動物模型的建立 1、 4、10、14 d新生鼠,稱重,10%水合氯醛6 mL·kg-1腹腔注射麻醉。氣管插管給20 cmH2O的氣道壓力擴張肺泡,1 min后逐漸調低至10 cmH2O維持,同時剖開腹腔,刺破膈肌,打開胸腔,右心室穿刺留置灌注生理鹽水,剪開左心房放血,待左心房流出液體變清后改用10%中性緩沖福爾馬林右心灌注,持續20 min。絲線結扎氣管,小心分離出氣管和肺,浸入10%中性緩沖福爾馬林溶液固定48 h,取出放在含50%乙醇的福爾馬林中。24 h后,置于75%乙醛中,并放于4 ℃冰箱。取左肺近肺門,邊緣部肺組織石蠟包埋,5 μm切片,HE染色。

2.2肺組織病理學觀察 光鏡下觀察肺泡形態改變,IMS細胞圖像分析系統的醫學圖像分析軟件(上海申騰信息技術有限公司)作圖像分析,使顯微鏡處于同一放大倍數(100倍)及電壓,每張切片隨機選擇6個視野,分別測量以下指標,測量時避開大、中支氣管及血管 。(1)肺泡間隔厚度:每個視野隨機選6個肺泡,各測量4處間隔厚度,取平均值。(2)肺泡面積,肺泡壁周長,肺泡等效內徑:反映肺泡的大小。(3)肺泡數:計數每個視野(放大100倍視野)的肺泡數,反映肺泡密度。(4)次級隔高度和次級隔數目:測量次級隔頂至基底的高度及每個視野次級隔數目,反映肺呼吸膜面積的擴大程度。(5)肺泡表面積/肺泡體積(surface area/volume,S/V):以每個視野的肺泡面積計算出等效半徑,得出平均等效半徑,再換算出S/V, S/V=4πr2/(4 πr3/3) =3/r,此指標反映有限的肺泡體積下呼吸膜面積。

2.3電鏡檢查 取0.1 cm×0.1 cm×0.1 cm的外周新鮮肺組織,2.5%戊二醛磷酸緩沖液固定2 h,0.1 mol/L磷酸漂洗液漂洗15 min×3次,1%鋨酸作后固定2 h,再0.1 mol/L磷酸漂洗液漂洗15 min×3次,50%、70%、90%、90%乙醇與90%丙酮1∶1混合液、90%丙酮在4 ℃冰箱內依次脫水15 min,再100%丙酮室溫脫水15 min×3次,室溫包埋過夜,再37 ℃包埋2 h,固化后LKB-Ⅰ型超薄切片機切片50-60 nm,3%醋酸鈾-枸櫞酸鉛染色,日本電子JEM—1200EX透射電鏡(復旦大學附屬醫學院電鏡室)觀察3次注射組和對照組上皮細胞基底膜的連續性,并攝片。


結 果





表1 各組新生鼠體重

Figure 1. Effect of antenatal DXM exposure on the lung histology of 1-day-old newborn rats(×100). A: lung section from a rat in thrice-DXM group on day 1, in which the air space was larger and the intersaccular walls were thinner compared with control group on day 1(C);B: lung section from a rat in once-DXM group on day 1, in which the air space was similar to that in control group(C) and the intersaccular walls were thinner than those in the control rats on day 1(C).

Figure 2. Effect of antenatal DXM exposure on the lung histology of 4-day-old newborn rats(×100).A:lung section from a rat in thrice-DXM group on day 4,in which there were larger air space, thinner alveolar walls and less sprouting crests compared with the control rats on day 4(C); B:lung section from a rat in once-DXM group on day 4 was similar to that in the control rats on day 4(C).Arrow designates sprouting crests.

Figure 3. Effect of antenatal DXM exposure on the lung histology of 10-day-old newborn rats(×100).A:lung section from a rat in thrice-DXM group on day 10,in which there were much larger air space, much thinner alveolar walls and apparently less and shorter secondary septa compared with the control rats on day 10(C);B:Lung section from a rat in once-DXM group on day 10 was similar to that in the control rats on day 10(C).Arrows designate secondary septa.

Figure 4. Effect of antenatal DXM exposure on the lung histology of 14-day-old newborn rats(×100).A: lung section from a rat in thrice-DXM group on day 14,in which there were much air space larger, thinner alveolar walls and apparently less secondary septa compared with the control rats on day 14(C) ;B: lung section from a rat in once-DXM group on day14 was similar to that in the control rats on day 14(C). Arrows designate secondary septa.

表2 1日齡鼠肺泡形態分析結果

表3 4日齡鼠肺泡形態分析結果

表4 10日齡鼠肺泡形態分析結果

表5 14日齡鼠肺泡形態分析結果



Figure 5. Transmission electron micrographs of 1-day-old rat lungs. A:from a rat in thrice-DXM group on day 1,in which the basement membrane was continuous and close contact of cells were seldom seen;B:from a rat in control group, in which the basement membrane of lung epithelial cells turned thin and discontinuous,helping the close contact between the epithelial cells and the fibroblasts.

討 論

在產科臨床重復多療程的ACT現象相當普遍,因此帶來的對新生個體近期和遠期的副作用也使學術界擔憂。實驗報道重復ACT使胎兒宮內發育遲緩,出生體重下降[9]。我們實驗觀察到,產前3次注射DXM治療的1、4 d新生鼠體重明顯下降。糖皮質激素抑制蛋白合成,以及3次注射組出生時喂養較困難影響了體重增長,至10、14 d產前的外源性糖皮質激素的作用已基本消失,喂養亦較前好轉,體重與對照組比較無差異。1次注射組體重改變不明顯,僅1日齡體重較對照組輕度下降,14日齡體重反而略高于對照組,表明產前1次注射DXM對新生鼠影響不大,ACT對仔鼠體重的影響有劑量或重復次數的依從性。

Figure 6. Transmission electron micrographs of 4-day-old rat lungs. A: from a rat in thrice-DXM group on day 4, in which the basement membrane is continuous and close contact of cells were seldom seen;B: from a rat in control group on day 4, showing the basement membrane of lung epithelial cells turned thin and discontinuous.


產前3次注射注射DXM組的新生大鼠肺泡成熟化受到抑制,肺泡間隔的變薄現象出現早,使氣體通過呼吸膜的彌散速度加快,但次級隔發育較對照組明顯受阻,數目減少,較短,肺泡呈現“大而少”的征象,肺泡化水平降低,阻礙了呼吸膜面積的擴大,影響了肺通/換氣功能的儲備,使之在機械正壓通氣下或/和炎癥、化學等致肺損傷因素的作用下易于肺氣腫或氣胸的產生。有報道糖皮質激素使發育期的羊在機械通氣下易產生肺氣腫[10]。Satoru等[8]研究也發現類似現象:產前注射DXM的大鼠,10日齡仔鼠肺泡化明顯受到抑制,表現肺泡直徑變大,肺泡次級間隔發育受阻,總肺泡數減少;至13-36 d,出現追趕性肺泡化生長,先回復到不成熟狀態,繼而生出次級隔,但延遲的肺泡化不能代償完全,至成年60 d治療組肺泡直徑仍大于對照組,肺泡總數少于對照組。


3次注射組肺泡發育停滯,呈現“大而少”的征象與早產兒BPD的發生和發展關系密切。ACT 減低了24 周至29周出生的早產兒RDS發生率,但并無改善其BPD的發生率和住院時間[12]。1999年Jobe[13]提出以肺發育受阻為特征的 “新型BPD”的說法,病理學上表現為少而大的肺泡,推測胎肺炎癥,產后暴露于機械通氣、吸氧等病理刺激,協同糖皮質激素、營養不良等均會致肺泡發育受抑。BPD與多劑ACT以及生后用激素的實驗肺病理形態學改變相似高度提示ACT可能參與或與其它高危因素協同促進BPD的發生和發展[3],甚至影響成年后的肺功能[2,7,8]。糖皮質激素用于BPD的治療可抑制炎癥反應,但也發現類似損害肺泡化,阻礙肺發育的現象[14]。因在BPD患兒中ACT以及生后用激素的機率較高,故對ACT加重BPD的可能性值得深入研究。

肺的發育和成熟有賴糖皮質激素的作用,促皮質釋放激素基因敲除的小鼠血漿糖皮質激素水平很低,出現遠端肺實質解剖上成熟障礙[15]。大鼠在生后10 d內血漿皮質激素濃度出現一低谷期,恰為肺泡次級隔生成期,而過量的糖皮質激素可阻礙肺泡化。次級隔的長出,毛細血管迅速長入形成網狀結構,上皮細胞、內皮細胞、間質、間質細胞間的接觸和相互作用等與肺上皮細胞基底膜(BM)的重建關系密切[16],我們進一步觀察了基底膜在肺泡發育中的變化。1、4日齡鼠外周肺電鏡可見上皮細胞BM變薄,多處不連續,細胞漿伸出偽足穿越這些BM的孔隙進入下面的間質,與間質細胞,主要是成纖維細胞靠近、緊密接觸,考慮BM的改變可能與上皮細胞的分化、增殖等生物活動有關,促進肺泡的發育。產前3次注射DXM作用下外周肺上皮細胞BM的不連續現象較少見,鮮見伸出偽足,上皮間質的直接接觸較少,說明ACT使肺泡發育中的各個細胞接觸、交流受阻,導致肺發育障礙。



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CHEN Shang-qin1, ZHENG Ya-bing1, LI Chang-chong2, CHEN Chao3, LIN Zhen-lang1


AIM: To evaluate the effects of prenatal dexamethasone(DXM) exposure on growth and lung maturation in rats.METHODSTwenty-four pregnant Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats were divided into 3 groups: 8 pregnant rats in antenatal thrice-DXM group were injected intramuscularly with DXM(0.8 mg·kg-1·day-1) for 3 consecutive days(on gestational day 18, 19 and 20); 8 pregnant rats in antenatal once-DXM group were injected intramuscularly with DXM on gestational day 19. The control rats

equivalent volume of isotonic saline at the same time points. The lungs of the newborn rats on day 1, 4, 10 and 14 were examined. The tissue sections were prepared with HE staining for morphological investigation under light microscope. The data analysis was performed by means of a digital image analysis system, including thickness of interalveolar walls, alveolar(saccules) areas, the number of air spaces, the number and length of secondary septa, and the surface densities of the air spaces. Transmission electronic microscope was used to observe the basement membrane of the lung epithelial cells.RESULTSIn control group, and thickness of interalveolar walls, smaller alveolar(saccules) area,increased surface area/volume and number of air spaces were observed from day 1 to day 14. On day 4, an appreciable number of sprouting crests appeared, then the number and length of secondary septa increased until day 14. In antenatal thrice-DXM group, the air spaces were larger, and the thickness of intersaccular walls were thinner as compared to saccules of the control rats on day 1(P<0.01,P<0.05). There were thinner inter-air space septa(P<0.05), larger and fewer air spaces, and a reduction in the number of sprouting secondary septa on day 4, 10 and 14 than those in the control rats with significant differences(P<0.01). In antenatal once-DXA group, intersaccular walls were thinner than those in the control rats with significant differences(P<0.05). The results of electron microscopy revealed that the basement membrane of lung epithelial cells turned thin and discontinuous on day 1 and day 4 in the control rats, resulting in the close contact between epithelial cells and fibroblasts. In antenatal thrice-DXN group, the discontinuous basement membrane and close contact of the cells were seldom seen.CONCLUSIONAntenatal thrice-injection of DXM applied on gestational day 18, 19 and 20 impairs the alveoli formation in newborn rats. Antenatal once-injection of DXM has no remarkable effect on postnatal alveolarization.

Prenatal exposure; Dexamethasone; Pulmonary alveoli; Newborn rats







△通訊作者 Tel:0577-88816447;E-mail: linzhenlang@hotmail.com

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