

2015-01-13 17:15顧阿倫
中國人口·資源與環境 2015年1期









近年來,隨著我國經濟的快速增長,對外開放不斷擴大,我國對外貿易取得了突飛猛進的發展。圖1顯示隨著近年來對外貿易進出口額的增加,占比GDP也逐年增加,即使經過了世界金融危機也接近50%,顯示進出口貿易對于我國整個經濟的發展起到了重要的作用。在我國對外貿易中,加工貿易是其重要組成部分。2012年,我國出口加工貿易總額為8 627.8億美元,占出口總額的比重達到42%,接近半壁江山。與此同時,我國能源消耗總量也隨著我國經濟的發展而增加,“十一五”期間我國能源消費彈性系數約為0.6,作為發展和貿易大國,我國的碳排放問題也顯得尤為突出,近年來相當多的文獻研究結果顯示[3-16],我國自從2002年到2007年,出口內涵排放量從481-881 MtCO2增加到1 428-2 634 MtCO2,占總排放量的百分比從14%-23%增加到27%-35%,顯示我國進出口貿易額的增長增加了我國國內的能源消耗和排放量,意味著出口產品的能源成本也會有一定的增加。




Fig.1GDP, value of export and import,

and energy consumption in China




TCcoal,ex=∑jbcoal,jEX′j+∑jacoal,jEX″j (1)

TCoil&gas,ex=∑jboil&gas,jEX′j+∑jaoil&gas,jEX″j (2)

TCPower,ex=∑jbPower,jEX′j+∑jaPower,jEX″j ?(3)



由于我國進出口貿易的特殊性質,每年進口的商品中,有較大比例作為中間投入參與了國內的生產,如圖2所示。因此,需要對消耗系數進行修正。令Λ為進口系數矩陣,假定部門i對部門j的投入中進口非加工貿易中間投入的比例相同,則Λ為一個對角矩陣,反映了部門i對進口非加工貿易產品的依賴程度,其主對角線上的每一個分量 瘙 窞 i=LX′i/(Xi+LX′i-EXi),LX′進口非加工貿易向量,Xi為部門i的總產出,則有修正后的直接消耗系數與完全消耗系數矩陣分別如公式(4)和(5)所示:

A′=(I-Λ)A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (4)

? ?B′=(I-(I-Λ)A)-1-I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(5)


Fig.2Import correction coefficient in China


TC′coal,ex=∑jb′coal,jEX′j+∑jacoal,jEX″j (6)

TC′oil&gas,ex=∑jb′oil&gas,jEX′j+∑jaoil&gas,jEX″j (7)

TC′Power,ex=∑jb′Power,jEX′j+∑jaPower,jEX″j ?(8)


TCex=∑i(∑kbik[EX′]k+∑kaik[EX″]k (9)















國內建立碳交易機制面臨著諸多的挑戰,其中電力企業能否將其碳成本向下游傳遞就是一個重要的問題,按照經濟學的理論,上游生產企業額外碳排放生產成本的增加附加到原來的生產成本當中,而這種“附加成本”通過商品與服務價格變動的內在機制傳遞到下游產品上,從而導致下游產品價格的變動。但是目前國內電力的價格是管制的,并不受上游成本的增加而變化,但是按照目前運行的EU ETS碳市場的經驗,碳成本的增加是會傳遞到下游的,雖然成本不會100%傳遞到下游產品,但是模型和實證分析顯示,碳成本傳遞率介于0到1之間,大多集中在70%-90%,取決于國情、市場結構及需求等多方面因素[17-20]。本文假設碳價和價格傳遞率分為三種情況,并在此假設的基礎上,測算出口能源成本的上漲率,結果如表3所示,顯示如果國內電力的碳成本可以向下游傳遞的話,則預計能源成本上漲,其上漲幅度與傳遞率以及碳價相關,導致能源成本至少上漲一半。








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Impacts of Carbon Price on Energy Cost in China International Trade

GU Alun

(Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

AbstractAmong the diverse policy instruments to address climate change, market mechanism is most widely used. International carbon trading practices, especially the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), indicate that carbon trading costs in power and other energy processing and conversion sectors bring change to downstream product prices. Typically reflected in increased tariff of downstream electricity, the change subsequently pushes up the cost of production in other sectors. Hence, the introduction of a carbon pricing mechanism will influence the cost of the overall economic development. For an exportoriented economy in China, it is bound to affect the product costs of export trade. Based on the inputoutput tables in 2005 and 2007, this paper examines the energy costs of export trade products in China, and finds that energy costs account for about 13% of the annual export value. If only domestic intermediate inputs are considered and imported ones deducted, the proportion falls to 9%-10%, while electricity cost takes up over 60% of the whole energy costs. Given an increase of electricity costs by 50% with the introduction of the carbon pricing mechanism, the energy costs will be at least doubled, which will massively cut the international competitiveness of Chinas export products. Export trade sectors therefore need to step up the R & D input to enhance their technological strength, and thereby lower energy costs by increasing energy efficiency per unit of product. Meanwhile, in view of the large foreign trade surplus, it is necessary to constantly adjust the structure of export products. In line with the adjustment of domestic industrial policy, the export structure should be optimized by reducing energyintensive products, so as to improve the technological content and added value of exports, while the overall adjustment of trade policies is oriented to competitiveness.

Key wordscarbon price; cost pass through rate; export and import trade; energy cost; climate change

GU Alun

(Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

AbstractAmong the diverse policy instruments to address climate change, market mechanism is most widely used. International carbon trading practices, especially the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), indicate that carbon trading costs in power and other energy processing and conversion sectors bring change to downstream product prices. Typically reflected in increased tariff of downstream electricity, the change subsequently pushes up the cost of production in other sectors. Hence, the introduction of a carbon pricing mechanism will influence the cost of the overall economic development. For an exportoriented economy in China, it is bound to affect the product costs of export trade. Based on the inputoutput tables in 2005 and 2007, this paper examines the energy costs of export trade products in China, and finds that energy costs account for about 13% of the annual export value. If only domestic intermediate inputs are considered and imported ones deducted, the proportion falls to 9%-10%, while electricity cost takes up over 60% of the whole energy costs. Given an increase of electricity costs by 50% with the introduction of the carbon pricing mechanism, the energy costs will be at least doubled, which will massively cut the international competitiveness of Chinas export products. Export trade sectors therefore need to step up the R & D input to enhance their technological strength, and thereby lower energy costs by increasing energy efficiency per unit of product. Meanwhile, in view of the large foreign trade surplus, it is necessary to constantly adjust the structure of export products. In line with the adjustment of domestic industrial policy, the export structure should be optimized by reducing energyintensive products, so as to improve the technological content and added value of exports, while the overall adjustment of trade policies is oriented to competitiveness.

Key wordscarbon price; cost pass through rate; export and import trade; energy cost; climate change

GU Alun

(Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

AbstractAmong the diverse policy instruments to address climate change, market mechanism is most widely used. International carbon trading practices, especially the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), indicate that carbon trading costs in power and other energy processing and conversion sectors bring change to downstream product prices. Typically reflected in increased tariff of downstream electricity, the change subsequently pushes up the cost of production in other sectors. Hence, the introduction of a carbon pricing mechanism will influence the cost of the overall economic development. For an exportoriented economy in China, it is bound to affect the product costs of export trade. Based on the inputoutput tables in 2005 and 2007, this paper examines the energy costs of export trade products in China, and finds that energy costs account for about 13% of the annual export value. If only domestic intermediate inputs are considered and imported ones deducted, the proportion falls to 9%-10%, while electricity cost takes up over 60% of the whole energy costs. Given an increase of electricity costs by 50% with the introduction of the carbon pricing mechanism, the energy costs will be at least doubled, which will massively cut the international competitiveness of Chinas export products. Export trade sectors therefore need to step up the R & D input to enhance their technological strength, and thereby lower energy costs by increasing energy efficiency per unit of product. Meanwhile, in view of the large foreign trade surplus, it is necessary to constantly adjust the structure of export products. In line with the adjustment of domestic industrial policy, the export structure should be optimized by reducing energyintensive products, so as to improve the technological content and added value of exports, while the overall adjustment of trade policies is oriented to competitiveness.

Key wordscarbon price; cost pass through rate; export and import trade; energy cost; climate change
