

2015-01-13 18:28樊靜麗劉健張賢
中國人口·資源與環境 2015年1期



































Γ為積分路徑,表示在時間區間(0,Γ)內的曲線段。根據Hulten [9],在線性齊次條件下,式(3)的曲線積分與路徑無關,于是有:











式(4)是連續形式下的指數分解,由積分中值定理,在實際應用中將其近似寫成離散形式??梢圆捎肨rnqvist[10]指數法或Sato [11]-Vartia[12]指數法近似。這里采用更精確的SatoVartia指數法。

















Tab.1Pattern of four regions division in China














與2000年相比,東、中、西部和東北區域居民2011年生活能源消費增量分別大約為6 383,2 565,4 736和2 306萬t標準煤,其中,城鎮化進程對各區域生活直接用能的貢獻分別為4.2%,20.6%,4.1%,-0.01%(見圖2)。這里由于東北區域農村人口增長略高于城鎮人口,整體城鎮



Fig.1Changes of residential energy consumption

during 2000-2011 in China


Fig.2Urbanization effects of residential energy

consumption in China



域居民生活用能增量的貢獻率卻均不足4%。2000-2011年間城鄉人均生活用能增加對各區域生活直接用能增量的貢獻較大,相對而言,東部區域、西部區域和東北區域城鎮人均生活用能增量對區域居民用能增量的貢獻比農村人均生活用能增量的貢獻更大,2000-2011年間貢獻程度基本上均在2 000萬t標準煤以上;而中部區域農村人均生活用能增量對居民用能增量的貢獻比城鎮人均生活用能的貢獻更大,亦接近2 000萬t標準煤,在一定程度反映了中部區域農村居民生活水平的廣泛提高。







Fig.3Urbanization effects of regional residential coal

consumption during 2000-2011 in China


與2000年相比,2011年各區域居民生活油品消費有所增長,其中,東部區域增加最多(3 554萬t標準煤),中、




Fig.4Urbanization effects of regional residential oil

consumption during 2000-2011 in China


我國各區域天然氣消費增長迅速,2011年各區域對天然氣消費是2000年的8-15倍,遠高于其他能源消費增長速度(見圖1)。其中,東、中、西部區域分別增長854,345和1 001萬t標準煤,城鎮化率增加對三個區域生活天然氣消費增量的貢獻分別是7.6%,26.3%和67%。各區域城鎮居民人均生活天然氣消費量增加的貢獻占絕對主導地位,均在70%以上;人口增長僅對東部區域天然氣增量貢獻較大(貢獻率15.7%);東北區域2000-2011年間天然氣增量僅為55萬t標準煤,其中,主要由城鎮居民人均生活用能變化驅動,貢獻率達93%以上。城鎮化率每增長一個百分點,由此引起的東、中、西部天然氣消費增量分別約為6.4,4.4和11.7萬t標準煤(見圖5)。





Fig.5Urbanization effects of regional residential

natural gas consumption during 2000-2011 in China




Fig.6Urbanization effects of regional residential heat

consumption during 2000-2011 in China


2011年東、中、西部區域居民生活電力消費是2000年的3.3-4.7倍,高于生活用能總量的增長幅度,分別增長約2 412,1 142,1 183萬t標準煤,東北區域居民生活用電量是2000年的2.3倍,增長817萬t標準煤(見圖1)。與居民油品消費變化不同,城鎮化率提高對東部區域居民生活用電增量的貢獻非常小,不足3%,對中部和西部區域生活用電增量的貢獻率分別為15.1%和3.4%;城鎮化率每提高一個百分點,由此引起的東、中、西部區域的生活用電量分別增加0.6,8.4和6.9萬t標準煤。其他因素對各區域居民生活用電增量的影響程度與油品合計消費增量的情形大致一致(見圖7)。



Fig.7Urbanization effects of regional residential electricity

consumption during 2000-2011 in China










[1]Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations. World Urbanization Prospects, the 2011 Revision [R]. 2013. http://esa.un.org/unup/CDROM/UrbanRuralPopulation.htm.

[2]Almulali U, Sab C N B C, et al. Exploring the Bidirectional Long Run Relationship between Urbanization, Energy Consumption, and Carbon Dioxide Emission[J]. Energy, 2012, 46(1):156-167.

[3]Almulali U, Fereidouni H G, et al. Exploring the Relationship between Urbanization, Energy Consumption, and CO2 Emission in MENA Countries[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2013, 23:107-112.

[4]O′Neill B C, Ren X L. The Effect of Urbanization on Energy Use in India and China in the IPETS model[J]. Energy Economics, 2012, 34(3):S339-S345.

[5]Kazim A M. Assessments of Primary Energy Consumption and Its Environmental Consequences in the United Arab Emirates[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2007, 11(3):426-446.

[6]Fan Y, Liu ?L C, et al. Analyzing Impact Factors of CO2 Emissions Using the STIRPAT Model[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2006, 26: 377-395.

[7]Zhang C G, Lin Y. Panel Estimation for Urbanization, Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions: A Regional Analysis in China[J]. Energy Policy, 2012, 49:488-498.

[8]Liu Y B. Exploring the Relationship between Urbanization and Energy Consumption in China Using ARDL (Autoregressive DistributedLag) and FDM (Factor Decomposition Model) [J]. Energy, 2009, 34(11):1846-1854.

[9]Hulten C R. Divisia Index Numbers[J]. Econometrica, 1973, 41 (6):1017-25.

[10]Trnqvist L. The Bank of Finlands Consumption Price Index[J]. Bank of Finland Monthly Bulletin, 1936, 10:1-8.

[11]Sato K. The Ideal Logchange Index Number[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1976, 58 (2):223-228.

[12]Vartia Y O. Ideal Logchange Index Numbers[J]. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics Theory and Applications,1976, 3 (3):121-126.

[13]國家統計局.中國能源統計年鑒(2008)[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2009.[ National Bureau of Statistics. China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2008)[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2009.]

[14]國家統計局. 中國能源統計年鑒(2011)[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2012.[ National Bureau of Statistics. China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2011)[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2012.]

[15]國家統計局人口與就業統計司. 中國人口與就業統計年鑒2012[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2013.[Department of Population and Employment Statistics, National Bureau of Statistics of China. China Population and Employment Statistics Yearbook 2012[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press,2013.]

Urbanization Effect on Regional Household Energy Consumption in China

FAN JingLi1,2LIU Jian3ZHANG Xian4

(1. Faculty of Resources & Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing(CUMTB),Beijing 100083,China;

2.Centre for Energy Environment Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;

3. 61741 Troops, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army, Beijing 100094,China;

4. The Administrative Centre of Chinas Agenda 21, Beijing 100038, China)

AbstractChina is experiencing acceleration of urbanization process that with an average annual growth of 1.4% since 1996. Meanwhile residential energy consumption in China is also in a rapid growth in this period. Moreover, given the fact of Chinas unbalanced regional development, the evolutions of urbanization and residential energy use, and the relationships between them in different regions may differ from each other. This paper then studies the individual evolutions of urban effects on direct use of residential energy in Chinese four regions during 1996-2011. By using Divisia index decomposition method, we decompose the changes of residential energy consumption in four regions into four driving factors, i.e. population growth effect, urbanization effect, effect of urban residential energy consumption per capita and effect of rural residential energy consumption. Impacts of urbanization rate increase on residential energy consumption in eastern, western, and central regions are focused, of which absolute and marginal contributions on total energy consumption and each type of energy consumption are analyzed. The results show that: (1) urbanization rate increase contributes to residential energy consumption in eastern, central, western, northeastern regions by 4.2%, 20.6%, 4.1%, and -0.01% respectively. (2) Contribution from urbanization rate increases to residential energy consumption exists little difference among regions, of which that to eastern region is the least. (3) Unlike other regions, urbanization effect in central region on its coal consumption is positive; urbanization increases in eastern and central regions contribute to their oil consumption by 3-4 times of that in western region; urbanization effect in eastern region on its electricity consumption is close to zero. (4) Every one percentage rise in urbanization rate in eastern region contributes to its residential oil consumption by 1.9 and 2.3 times of that in central and western regions respectively, and the situations to natural gas consumption and heat consumption are similar, both with highest contribution in western region. The conclusions provide some implications for regional energy management and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Key wordsurbanization; residential energy consumption; divisia decomposition

[9]Hulten C R. Divisia Index Numbers[J]. Econometrica, 1973, 41 (6):1017-25.

[10]Trnqvist L. The Bank of Finlands Consumption Price Index[J]. Bank of Finland Monthly Bulletin, 1936, 10:1-8.

[11]Sato K. The Ideal Logchange Index Number[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1976, 58 (2):223-228.

[12]Vartia Y O. Ideal Logchange Index Numbers[J]. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics Theory and Applications,1976, 3 (3):121-126.

[13]國家統計局.中國能源統計年鑒(2008)[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2009.[ National Bureau of Statistics. China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2008)[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2009.]

[14]國家統計局. 中國能源統計年鑒(2011)[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2012.[ National Bureau of Statistics. China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2011)[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2012.]

[15]國家統計局人口與就業統計司. 中國人口與就業統計年鑒2012[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2013.[Department of Population and Employment Statistics, National Bureau of Statistics of China. China Population and Employment Statistics Yearbook 2012[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press,2013.]

Urbanization Effect on Regional Household Energy Consumption in China

FAN JingLi1,2LIU Jian3ZHANG Xian4

(1. Faculty of Resources & Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing(CUMTB),Beijing 100083,China;

2.Centre for Energy Environment Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;

3. 61741 Troops, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army, Beijing 100094,China;

4. The Administrative Centre of Chinas Agenda 21, Beijing 100038, China)

AbstractChina is experiencing acceleration of urbanization process that with an average annual growth of 1.4% since 1996. Meanwhile residential energy consumption in China is also in a rapid growth in this period. Moreover, given the fact of Chinas unbalanced regional development, the evolutions of urbanization and residential energy use, and the relationships between them in different regions may differ from each other. This paper then studies the individual evolutions of urban effects on direct use of residential energy in Chinese four regions during 1996-2011. By using Divisia index decomposition method, we decompose the changes of residential energy consumption in four regions into four driving factors, i.e. population growth effect, urbanization effect, effect of urban residential energy consumption per capita and effect of rural residential energy consumption. Impacts of urbanization rate increase on residential energy consumption in eastern, western, and central regions are focused, of which absolute and marginal contributions on total energy consumption and each type of energy consumption are analyzed. The results show that: (1) urbanization rate increase contributes to residential energy consumption in eastern, central, western, northeastern regions by 4.2%, 20.6%, 4.1%, and -0.01% respectively. (2) Contribution from urbanization rate increases to residential energy consumption exists little difference among regions, of which that to eastern region is the least. (3) Unlike other regions, urbanization effect in central region on its coal consumption is positive; urbanization increases in eastern and central regions contribute to their oil consumption by 3-4 times of that in western region; urbanization effect in eastern region on its electricity consumption is close to zero. (4) Every one percentage rise in urbanization rate in eastern region contributes to its residential oil consumption by 1.9 and 2.3 times of that in central and western regions respectively, and the situations to natural gas consumption and heat consumption are similar, both with highest contribution in western region. The conclusions provide some implications for regional energy management and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Key wordsurbanization; residential energy consumption; divisia decomposition

[9]Hulten C R. Divisia Index Numbers[J]. Econometrica, 1973, 41 (6):1017-25.

[10]Trnqvist L. The Bank of Finlands Consumption Price Index[J]. Bank of Finland Monthly Bulletin, 1936, 10:1-8.

[11]Sato K. The Ideal Logchange Index Number[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1976, 58 (2):223-228.

[12]Vartia Y O. Ideal Logchange Index Numbers[J]. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics Theory and Applications,1976, 3 (3):121-126.

[13]國家統計局.中國能源統計年鑒(2008)[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2009.[ National Bureau of Statistics. China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2008)[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2009.]

[14]國家統計局. 中國能源統計年鑒(2011)[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2012.[ National Bureau of Statistics. China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2011)[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2012.]

[15]國家統計局人口與就業統計司. 中國人口與就業統計年鑒2012[M].北京:中國統計出版社,2013.[Department of Population and Employment Statistics, National Bureau of Statistics of China. China Population and Employment Statistics Yearbook 2012[M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press,2013.]

Urbanization Effect on Regional Household Energy Consumption in China

FAN JingLi1,2LIU Jian3ZHANG Xian4

(1. Faculty of Resources & Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing(CUMTB),Beijing 100083,China;

2.Centre for Energy Environment Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;

3. 61741 Troops, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army, Beijing 100094,China;

4. The Administrative Centre of Chinas Agenda 21, Beijing 100038, China)

AbstractChina is experiencing acceleration of urbanization process that with an average annual growth of 1.4% since 1996. Meanwhile residential energy consumption in China is also in a rapid growth in this period. Moreover, given the fact of Chinas unbalanced regional development, the evolutions of urbanization and residential energy use, and the relationships between them in different regions may differ from each other. This paper then studies the individual evolutions of urban effects on direct use of residential energy in Chinese four regions during 1996-2011. By using Divisia index decomposition method, we decompose the changes of residential energy consumption in four regions into four driving factors, i.e. population growth effect, urbanization effect, effect of urban residential energy consumption per capita and effect of rural residential energy consumption. Impacts of urbanization rate increase on residential energy consumption in eastern, western, and central regions are focused, of which absolute and marginal contributions on total energy consumption and each type of energy consumption are analyzed. The results show that: (1) urbanization rate increase contributes to residential energy consumption in eastern, central, western, northeastern regions by 4.2%, 20.6%, 4.1%, and -0.01% respectively. (2) Contribution from urbanization rate increases to residential energy consumption exists little difference among regions, of which that to eastern region is the least. (3) Unlike other regions, urbanization effect in central region on its coal consumption is positive; urbanization increases in eastern and central regions contribute to their oil consumption by 3-4 times of that in western region; urbanization effect in eastern region on its electricity consumption is close to zero. (4) Every one percentage rise in urbanization rate in eastern region contributes to its residential oil consumption by 1.9 and 2.3 times of that in central and western regions respectively, and the situations to natural gas consumption and heat consumption are similar, both with highest contribution in western region. The conclusions provide some implications for regional energy management and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Key wordsurbanization; residential energy consumption; divisia decomposition
