

2017-03-27 08:56湖南
教學考試(高考英語) 2017年1期

湖南 劉 景


湖南 劉 景



類 別 被動語態結構 __________例 句一般現在時 主語+ am/ is/ are + done Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 游客請勿觸____________________________摸陳列品。_______________一般過去時________________________主語+ was/ were + done The house was destroyed in the earthquake.房子在地震中被毀。一般將來時①主語+ shall/ will be + done②主語+ am/ is/ are going to+be +done③主語+ am/is/are to +____________________________be_+done A football match is going to be held between China and France.中法之間將舉行一場足球賽。Your job will be kept open for your return.你的工作將保留到你回來。________________過去將來時①主語+ would be+done②主語+ was/ were going to+be+done③主語+ was/were to+ be +done I knew the boy would be taken good care of there.我知道孩子在那里將會得到很好的照顧。She said she was going to be sent abroad.她說她將被派往國外?,F在進行時A new teaching building is being built in our school.我們學_____________________________校正在興建一棟新的教學樓。過去進行時主語+ am/ is/ are + being +done主語+ was/were+being+ done The road was being widened when I passed by the village.當我經_____________________________過那個村莊時,道路正在加寬?,F在完成時主語+have/has been+ done The construction of the two new railway lines has been completed.兩個新鐵路線的建_____________________________設已完工。________________過去完成時 主語+ had been+done He told me that he had been admitted by a famous university.他告訴我他已被一所著名大_____________________________學錄取。__________________情態動詞主語+情態動詞+ be+ done If heated,water can be turned into vapour.如果受熱,水會____________________________變成蒸汽。_______________虛擬語氣使用“be+done”的適當形式If I were given a second chance,I would work even harder.如果再給我一次機會,____________________________________________________________________________我會更加努力工作。




(1)(2016·四川卷)The giant panda(love) by people throughout the world.

(4)(2014·大綱卷,單選改編)Unless some extra money(f nd),the theatre will close.


(1)is loved。題干描述的是客觀事實,主語是動作的承受者,故填一般現在時的被動語態。

(2)is equipped??崭裉幣c主語之間是被動關系,結合空格后的語境可知,空格處應用一般現在時的被動語態。

(3)is called。主語是動作的承受者,結合語境可知,空格處應用一般現在時的被動語態。

(4)is found。主語“money”是動作的承受者,結合“主將從現”的原則可知,空格處應用一般現在時的被動語態。



(1)(2016·全國新課標卷Ⅰ)So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-prof t Panda Base, where ticket money helps pay for research. I(allow) to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre.

(2)(2015·廣東卷)He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby for other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what(leave).


(1)was allowed。主語是動作的承受者,且空格處是過去發生的動作,故用一般過去時的被動語態。

(2)was left。what與空格處之間是被動關系,結合空前的時態和語境可知,空格處應用一般過去時的被動語態。

(3)were told。主語“we”是動作的承受者,結合空后的過去完成時和語境可知,空格處應用一般過去時的被動語態。



(1)(2015·北京卷,單選改編)If accepted for the job,you(inform) soon.

(2)(2015·安徽卷,單選改編)It is reported that a space station(build)on the moon in years to come.

(3)(2015·四川卷,單選改編)More expressways(build) in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.


(1)will be informed。主語“you”是動作的承受者,空格處是將要發生的動作,故用一般將來時的被動語態。

(2)will be built。主語“a space station”是承受者,根據空后的時間狀語和語境可知,空格處是將來的動作,故用一般將來時的被動語態。

(3)will be built。主語“expressways”是動作的承受者,結合標志性狀語“soon”和語境可知,空格處應用一般將來時的被動語態。



(1)(2007·天津卷,單選改編)He didn’t make it clear when and where the meeting(hold) the next day.

(2)Tom said that the science f ction_______(return)to the library the next Friday.


(1)would be held。主語“meeting”是動作的承受者,且空格處是過去將要發生的動作,故空格處應用過去將來時的被動語態。

(2)would be returned。主語“science f ction”是動作的承受者,結合句尾的時間狀語和語境可知,空格處應用過去將來時的被動語態。



(1)(2013·湖北卷·完成句子)It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines________(build)in Wuhan. 據報紙報道,武漢正在建設幾條新的地鐵線路。

(2)(2012·四川卷,單選改編)They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house(rebuild).

(3)(2010·上海卷,單選改編)The church tower which(restore) will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost f nished.


(1)are being built??崭裉幍膭幼髡谶M行,且主語是動作的承受者,故填現在進行時的被動語態。

(2)is being rebuilt。主語“their own house”是動作的承受者,空格處的動作正在進行,故填現在進行時的被動語態。

(3)is being restored。關系詞which指代先行詞“The church tower”,并在從句中作主語,且是動作的承受者,結合語境可知,空格處的動作正在進行,故用現在進行時的被動語態。



(1)(2012·安徽卷,單選改編)After school we went to the reading-room to do some reading,only to be told that it(decorate).

(2)She felt very anxious while her husband_______(operate) on in the operating room.


(1)was being decorated。主語“it”是動作的承受者,而空格處的動作在過去某時正在進行,故空格處用過去進行時的被動語態。

(2)was being operated??崭裉幍膭幼髟谶^去某時正在進行,且主語“her husband”是動作的承受者,故填過去進行時的被動語態。



(1)(2016·上海卷)In recent years,stress(regard) as a cause of a whole range of medical problems,from high blood pressure to mental illness.

(2)(2015·天津卷,單選改編)Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement(reach) so far by the two sides.

(3)(2013·北京卷,單選改編)Shakespeare’s play Hamlet(make) into at least ten dif ferent films over the past years.


(1)has been regarded。主語“stress”是動作的承受者,結合句首的標志性狀語和語境可知,空格處填現在完成時的被動語態。

(2)has been reached。主語“agreement”是動作的承受者,結合標志性狀語“so far”和語境可知,空格處應用現在完成時的被動語態。

(3)has been made??崭袂暗闹髡Z是動作的承受者,結合狀語“over the past years”可知,空格處應用現在完成時的被動語態。



(1)(2016·全國新課標卷Ⅰ)On my recent visit,I held a lively three-month-old twin that________(reject) by its mother.

(2)(2015·湖北卷·完成句子)The professor was delighted to f nd that two thirds of the project(f nish) by the students independently. 教授高興地發現學生們已獨立完成了該項目三分之二的工作。

(3)(2011·北京卷,單選改編)Experiments of this kind(conduct) in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War.


(1)had been rejected。關系代詞that在從句中作主語,且是動作的承受者,空格處的動作發生在“held”之前,故空格處應填過去完成時的被動語態。

(2)had(already) been f nished。主語是動作的承受者,空格處是過去之前的動作,故用過去完成時的被動語態。

(3)had been conducted。主語是動作的承受者,且空格處的動作發生在“the Second World War”之前,即過去的過去,故空格處用過去完成時的被動語態。



(1)(2016·全國新課標卷Ⅰ)However,it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must_______(change) frequently.

(2)(2016·全國新課標卷Ⅲ)Food in small pieces could________(eat)easily with twigs which gradually turned into chopsticks.

(3)(2016·全國新課標卷Ⅲ)Truly elegant chopsticks might(make) of gold and silver with Chinese characters.


(1)be changed。在題干中,主語“codes”是動作的承受者,故空格處應用被動語態形式,be changed符合題意。

(2)be eaten。分析題干可知,主語“Food”是動作的承受者,故空格處應填寫被動語態形式。

(3)be made。主語“Truly elegant chopsticks”是動作的承受者,故空格處應用被動語態形式。



(1)If he_______(tell) that the meeting would be put off till Friday,he wouldn’t have gone to the meeting room yesterday.

(2)(2010·湖北卷)Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention________(discuss) at the meeting.


(1)had been told。題干是與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣,從句的謂語動詞應用“had done”,且空前的主語是動作的承受者,故填had been told。

(2)(should) be discussed。insisted意為“堅決要求”,所接的賓語從句應用虛擬語氣形式,即“(should)do”,而賓語從句的主語“problem”是動作的承受者,故空格處應用被動語態形式。




1. In the spoken English of some areas in the US ,the“r”sounds at the end of the words_______(drop).

2. So the questions must________(deal) with carefully,the same way you would handle any other hot potato.

3. The f rst Father’s Day________(celebrate) on June 19,1910.

4. It was with great joy that he received the news that his lost daughter________(f nd).

5. It is reported that many a new house_______(build)at present in the disaster area.

6. We are conf dent that the environment_______(improve) by our further efforts to reduce pollution.

7. Had I known about this computer program ,a huge amount of time and energy would_______(save).

8. We won’t start the work until all the preparations_______(make).

9. To the customers’ satisfaction,teas of the same high quality_______(serve) in each shop every day.

10. In the last few years thousands of films________(produce) all over the world.

11. I’m so sorry,but sometimes the bus can_______(delay) for some reasons.

12. By the end of last year,another new gymnasium________(complete) in Beijing.

13. In the near future,more advances in the robot technology________(make) by scientists.

14. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people________(persuade) to eat more fruit and vegetables.

15. The leader,f nding the rule unfair for women,suggested it________(ban).

16. This coastal area_______(name) a national wildlife reserve last year.

17. Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now________(repay) later in life.

18. It’s a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal________(serve).

19. I have to go to school by bus today because my bike_______(repair).

20. At minus 130℃,a living cell can_______(preserve)for a thousand years.

【參考答案】1. are dropped 2. be dealt 3. was celebrated 4. had been found 5. is being built 6. will be improved 7. have been saved 8. have been made 9. are served 10. have been produced 11. be delayed 12. had been completed 13. will be made 14. are persuaded 15. be banned 16. was named 17. will be repaid 18. is served 19. is being repaired 20. be preserved


被動語態復習(The Paasive Voice) 九年級 Unit5—7