

2017-11-14 19:00宋學波
中學課程輔導·教學研究 2017年21期


摘要:眾所周知,在英語寫作中,固定句式的應用非常重要。句式使用準確率越高,得到的分數也會相應提高。本文重點探討There be結構的教與學。

關鍵詞:英語寫作;there be結構;教學

中圖分類號:G632.0 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1992-7711(2017)07-0015

眾所周知,在英語寫作中,固定句式的應用非常重要。句式使用準確率越高,得到的分數也會相應提高。本文重點探討there be結構的教與學。

首先,there be +主語+狀語,意為某處有(存在)某人或某物,其中要注意be的變化,其有現在時is/are、過去時was/were、將來時will be/(is/are) going to be及完成時have/has been的情形,此時主語一般為可數名詞。

其次,there be +主語+狀語句式中,主語可為不可數名詞,此時be全部用單數形式(特殊情況除外)。

再次,將there be句式變為否定句時,一般情況下在be后加not即可,但在將來時和完成時中,not應位于助動詞之后be之前。否定句中遇some變any;遇a lot of變many或much;遇something/ somebody變nothing/ nobody。

最后,there be +主語+狀語句式,可轉化為主語+be+表語。eg:There are some books on the desk.=Some books are on the desk.

本文將對there be 的結構特征從以下幾個方面詳細分析:

一、there be結構的肯定句

英語表示某時某處有(指存在)某人某物時用“there be+主語+狀語”句型。eg:There are twenty boys in our class.

there be結構中,there是引導詞,無詞義,be是謂語動詞,be后面的名詞是主語,兩者必須在數上保持一致;若有兩個及以上主語時,謂語常與靠近它的那個主語一致。eg:There is a book on the desk./There are water and grass on this place.

二、there be的否定句和疑問結構

1. 否定式(表“沒有……”):There be +not (any)/no+主語...eg:There are not any people in the room.There is no air and no water on the moon.

2. 疑問句①一般疑問句:Be + there +(any/no)+主語...?

eg:-Is there any water in the glass?-Yes,there is some./-No,there isnt(any).

②特殊疑問句:當提問定語或狀語時,常用疑問詞(+名詞)+be + there +狀語?eg:How many students are there in your class?

當提問定語時,對可數名詞用how many 提問,對不可數名詞用how much提問。eg:There is a sheep under the tree(對劃線部分提問)。提問:How many sheep are there under the tree?

當提問主語時,不論單復數,均用what 提問,且謂語用單數,最重要的是there 要去掉,而回答時用單數或復數均可。

eg:There are some sheep under the tall tree. 提問:Whats under the tall tree?回答:There are some sheep./There is a sheep.

③反義疑問句:肯定句(There be +主語+狀語)的反問句用Isnt /Arent+ there?否定句(There be not+主語+狀語)的反問句用Is/Are+ there構成,切不可用it/ they代替there。eg:There is some coffee in the cup, isnt there?/There is nobody in the classroom, is there?

三、there be結構中的時態、助動詞以及情態動詞

there be結構中be有不同的時態,且同各種助動詞或情態動詞連用。eg:There was a lot of rain last year./There must/can be someone in the room.

四、“There be”結構中謂語動詞的其他形式

下面,我們將對there be的其他結構進行補充說明。

1. 某時有某時 :There are 12 months in a year.

2. 預報天氣:There will be heavy rain this evening.

3. 有某人做某事:There is somebody singing in the room.

4. 表推測:(There must/can/may sb./sth.+介詞短語)There must/ can/ may be someone in the classroom.

5. 固定句式:①There is no sense/no purpose/no point/no use/no good in doing sth.做某事沒有意義。There is no sense in helping such a man like him.endprint

②There is no / some difficulty/ trouble/ problem in doing sth.做某事沒有/有些困難。There is no difficulty in finishing the work in 2 hours.

6. 獨立主格:There being(Because there was) no money on me,I had to borrow some from Lily.

7. there be的復合結構:eg:①I want there to be a home.②Ann never dreams of there being a chance for her to be sent abroad for study one day.

8. there be的被動語態:eg:There is said/reported to be a film tomorrow evening.

9. There seems/happens/appears/used to be+sth./sb.……好像/碰巧/過去常常有。

eg:There seems to be nobody in the hall.

10. 除be外,能與there連用的系動詞有stands /lives/exists/lies。

eg:There exists a greedy old man in the town.

11. There is no need to do sth.沒有必要做某事。eg:There is no need to kill him.

12. There is sth./nothing wrong/the matter with sb./sth.=Sth./Nothing is wrong with sb.eg:There is something wrong with my eyes.

13. 動名詞在there be結構中做主語的情形:there is no doing sth.

eg:There is no denying the fact.

