

2017-11-18 10:28程曉
新東方英語 2017年11期




那么,問題來了。環境類話題涉及的“專有性話題詞”還是非常多的,比如說,節能減排(conserve energy and reduce emissions,動詞性)、可持續發展(sustainable development,名詞性)、過度開發(overexploitation,名詞性)這類詞匯,都一定要事先積累好。




1 提出圖片反映的現象。比如,考生可以這樣寫:Subtly (巧妙地) and yet so completely, a social issue of common concern is presented in this picture: Our living environment is literally (真正地,確實地) going from bad to worse. (圖片巧妙而全面地展現了一個人們普遍關注的社會問題:我們生活的環境確實變得越來越糟。)

2 考慮是否能進一步聯系現實將圖片反映的現象進行放大。比如圖片反映的是水污染,那么考生可以進一步放大到“我們周邊生活環境的各種污染”,可提及相關的污染關鍵詞,如haze (霧霾)、 sandstorm (沙塵暴)、global warming (全球變暖)等。又比如圖片反映的是人們不節約用電用水、不注意垃圾回收(從這個角度考查的可能性更大),那么考生可以羅列人們生活中的各類浪費或不環保的行為,如:leaving lighting, heating or cooling systems on (一直開著照明、暖氣或空調系統);keeping computers, printers and other electronic equipment on all night or weekend when they are not being used (保持電腦、打印機或其他電子設備一直開著,哪怕是夜里或周末不用它們的時候);pouring unprocessed waste, both domestic and industrial, directly into rivers (把未經處理過的生活或工業垃圾直接排入河流)等等。

3 分析環境污染或不節能環保出現的原因??忌梢钥紤]從personal convenience (個人便利)、economic interests (經濟利益)、lack of environmental awareness (缺乏環保意識)、lack of supervision (缺乏監管)等角度入手。

4 指出環境污染、資源浪費的嚴峻現實。如:The truth is that the living environments in some places in China have deteriorated (惡化) to such an extent that local people find it impossible to live there. (現實是,中國部分地區的環境惡化到如此的地步,以至于當地人發現無法在那生活。)又如,The world can no longer sustain the widening gap between what nature is able to provide and how much our infrastructure, economies and lifestyles require. (我們的世界已經不能再維持“自然能夠提供的”和“我們的基礎設施、經濟、生活方式需要的”之間越來越大的落差了。)

5 提出言之有物的建議措施,重點是給出實際行動??忌灰獑渭儗憽霸鰪娨庾R”這樣的空話,可以寫一些我們具體能做的事情。比如:What we need now is not words but action. Polluters deserve punishment while protectors deserve credit. Every individual and institution must act as a responsible caretaker (看護人) of our planet, and then we can make the world a better place. (因此,我們現在所需要的不是口號而是行動。污染者應受到懲罰,而環保人士值得嘉獎。每個個體和機構必須做我們地球負責任的管家,然后我們才能把這個世界變得更加美好。)endprint


1 寫出圖片反映的現象,并表示這樣做是必須的。以“綠色出行”為例,考生在描述圖片現象之后,可以這樣寫:In China advocating green transportation is not an option, but a must. (在中國提倡綠色出行不是一個選項,而是必行之事。)

2 分點論述“為什么需要這么做”??忌梢詮耐獠凯h境、內部意義以及反向假設三個角度入手。如,“外部環境”可以這樣寫:Air pollution in our country is severe and global warming is real. (空氣污染在我們國家是嚴重的,全球變暖是真實存在的。)“內部意義”可以這么說:If green transportation becomes the mainstream, both our country and its people will benefit a lot by having a less polluted environment and more sustainable economic development. People will also save money and have better health. (如果綠色出行成為主流,無論是我們國家還是人民都會大大受益:環境污染減輕,經濟發展更可持續,人們既可以省錢也可以擁有更好的健康。)“反向假設”可以這么說:Without restrictions on the use of private cars, seeing the blue sky in China will continue to be a luxury. (如果不限制私家車的使用,在中國見到藍天將成為一種奢侈。)

3 提出言之有物的針對性措施。比如提高民眾意識和參與/開發新能源汽車等,考生可以這么寫:Our government should take a leading role in raising public awareness of the environment and encouraging participation in its protection. The ownership of private vehicles should be better regulated and the development of vehicles powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, should be promoted.




The picture shows a young woman who is riding a bike to work, rather than driving there by car. There is also a man walking by, heading to the bus stop rather than the parking lot. Their smiles seem to tell us that using green transportation is a better commuting option for them.


Actually, in China, advocating green transportation is not an option, but a must. Why? The reasons are simple. First of all, the air pollution in our country is severe and global warming is real. Therefore, transportation, being a great contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, is the prime target for reducing air pollution and obtaining a sustainable environment. Whats more, if green transportation becomes the mainstream, both our country and its people will benefit a lot by having a less polluted environment and more sustainable economic development. People will also save money and have better health. Right now traffic jams are a major problem in most cities. Driving a car in China is anything but an eco-friendly choice.


However, publicizing and popularizing green transportation is no easy task and demands strategic choices. Our government should take a leading role in raising public awareness of the environment and encouraging participation in its protection. The ownership of private vehicles should be better regulated and the development of vehicles powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, should be promoted. In doing so, seeing the blue sky in China may no longer be such a luxury.

