

2018-05-14 13:28
時代英語·初中 2018年3期


1—5? ? ? BCBDC6—10? ? ABBBD


1—5? ? ? ACBBC6—10? ? DDBAB


1—5? ? ? ABBDA6—10? ? BCBAA


1—5? ? ? CBDCD6—10? ? CBADC


1—5? ? ? DCACB6—10? ? DDAAD


1—5? ? ? CBCAC6—10? ? BDBDB


1—5? ? ? ADCDB6—10? ? DAADC


1—5? ? ? BADAB6—10? ? ABABB


1—5? ? ? DBBCD6—10? ? BAABD


1—5? ? ? BBACD6—10? ? BDACD


1—5? BBADC6—10? BCABB


1—5? CBABC6—10? DCDAB


1—5? BACAD6—10? DCBAD


1—5? BCBDC6—10? BCDCA


1—5? CDCBA6—10? BDABC


1—5? BACBD6—10? ACBDA


1—5? BCDCC6—10? BCDCD


1—5? DABDB6—10? DBCDA


1—5? ADBAC6—10? BCBCD


1—5? CDACB6—10? DCCDA


1—5? ABCDA6—10? BCBDB


1—5? DBABC6—10? BBCDB


1—5? BCCDA6—10? DCCBA


1—5? CBCAD6—10? BAACB


1—5? ? ? DDBDC6—10? ? CCDDA

11—15? DDBDB16—20? FTTTT


1—5? ? ? CBACA6—10? ? DDCDA

11—15? DBACC16—20? TFTFT


1—5? ? ? ABBAD6—10? ? DADCB

11—15? DBCAA16—20? TTTFF


1—5? ? ? ADBDC6—10? ? AADCD

11—15? BDCBA16—20? FTTTF


1—5? ? ? CCBDC6—10? ? ABCDC

11—15? DADAB16—20? TTFFT


1—5? ? ? CDAAB6—10? ? BBADC

11—15? DABCA16—20? TFTFT


1—5? ? ? ADDDA6—10? ? CBDAA

11—15? BDCCD16—20? TFFTT


1—5? ? ? DCAAC6—10? ? DCABB

11—15? CBCDB16—20? TFTFT


1. books? ? 2. was published? ? 3. brings? ? 4. the? ? 5. finally? ? 6. his/the? ? 7. different? ? 8.from? ? 9. whom? ? 10. smiling


1. knew? ? 2. speaking? ? 3. students? ? 4. happily? ? 5. as

6. friendly? ? 7. closer? ? 8. has been? ? 9. why? ? 10. it


1. have appeared? ? 2. to recycle? ? 3. an? ? 4. is put? ? 5. coins

6. When? ? 7. greatly? ? 8.eats? ? 9. to? ? 10. will produce


1. being? ? 2. fastest? ? 3. really? ? 4. exciting? ? 5. found

6. to send? ? 7. from? ? 8. so? ? 9. sitting? ? 10. into


1. as? ? 2. is called? ? 3. an? ? 4. faster? ? 5. picked? ? 6. meaning

7. important? ? 8. because? ? 9. to pronounce? ? 10. practicing


1. to? ? 2. gets? ? 3. said? ? 4. to make? ? 5. surprised? ? 6. minutes? ? 7. is? 8. and? ? 9. finally? ? 10. a



A: 1—5: CBGFD??????B: 1—5: EDGAC

C: 1—5: FBGEC??????D: 1—5: GBDEF


Lets do something to save our environment. We all live on the earth. The earth is our one and only home, so we must take care of it. There are three enviromental problems—pollution, illness and disaster. Its our duty to protect our environment, so we must plant more trees, protect plants, save energy, and stop the pollution. We should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories. And it is very important for us to protect the nature.

If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful.


Dear Tony,

How is it going?

Im writing to invite you to visit the Capital Museum in Beijing. We are going to meet at the school gate at 8 am.

We are going to do a lot of interesting activities. First, we will walk around the Capital Museum and visit the ancient art of calligraphy and painting exhibition. After that we will have a picnic. At last, we will visit the old Beijing folk exhibition hall.

Please remember to wear comfortable shoes and clothes, as there will be much walking. You had better bring some simple food for the picnic and enough water, please. We hope to see you, so we can all enjoy this trip together.

Im looking forward to your early reply.


???Li Hua


My Ways of Learning English

My favorite subject is English. I became interested in it when I was little. The most important thing to learn it is that you must listen to the teacher carefully. Besides, I listen to the English news on VOA and BBC. While listening to the news, I try to write down everything I hear to learn expressions and also practice listening. When I find my reading is not poor, I begin to read English newspapers and English novels.

These are my ways of learning English. Ill try my best to learn it well.


Learn to Express Thanks

As students, we should learn to express thanks. The society offers us a chance to receive good education. Our parents also support us to go to school, and our teachers teach us much knowledge, so we should thank them. We should also thank our friends because they give us courage and support when we are in trouble.

In the future, we should always be thankful to our society, parents, teachers and so on. At present, we should study hard and live a positive life to express our thanks.


A charity sale was held on our school playground last Saturday morning. We prepared many things which we made by hand in our spare time, such as kites, model planes and so on. They looked very beautiful. We also brought old toys and second-hand books to sell on the sale. At 8:30, the activity started. Many students and teachers came to take part in it. Everyone chose their favorite items and paid for them at a much cheaper price. In the end the money we made added up to over ?2,000. We sent the money to the community to help children who cannot attend school and the seniors who needed better care.

I had a wonderful experience. Im proud of what we have done. If everyone makes a contribution to the charity, the world will become much better.


Im a student in Grade Nine. I did a survey—“Who would you like to talk with when you are in trouble”in our class. Here are the results.

Most of the students would like to talk with their classmates or friends when theyre in trouble because they are close in age. Its easy for them to understand each other. About 35% of the students enjoy telling their teacher or parents about their problems. They think the teachers and the parents are patient and experienced. The students believe in them. Only 5% of the students solve their problems by themselves. They arent willing to talk with others.

In my opinion, whenever were in trouble, wed better ask people who we believe in for help.


How Should We Treat Foreign Festivals?

Nowadays, many foreign festivals have come into China, such as Christmas Day, Valentines Day, and April Fools Day.

Some of these are increasingly attracting attention year after year in China. People are worried these foreign festivals might replace our traditional festivals.

In my opinion, we should celebrate some meaningful foreign festivals because these help us Chinese get to know the culture of different countries. At the same time, we should love our own traditional festivals. So why not try to introduce them to foreign countries?


Save Food and Eat Healthily

Our government has called on people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy a happy life. We middle school students should do something as well.

To save food, we should eat up all the food and never order the food more than we can eat while dining out, because many people in the world dont have enough to eat.

To eat healthily, wed better not choose junk food. Its good to keep a balanced diet. Wed better not eat in small restaurants because the food and the oil they use are not clean or healthy enough. Its better to eat at school or at home.

Lets work together from now on!

1—5? ? ? BBCAC 6—10? ? BBAAC 11—15? BCACC

16—20? ACAAC 21—25? ADAAD 26—30? CBCAB

31—35? DBACD 36—40? CBDCA 41—45? CBDCA

46—50? CDBDA 51—55? CBCAD 56—60? BBCAD

61—65? DBBDB

66. how to

67. What useful

68. What; doing

69. was forced

70. hasnt; anything

71. A classmate, a neighbor, or a friend.

72. Unpleasant, painful, or disappointing things.

73. Because they can be learned from. /Because I/we can learn from them.

74. Forgive them.

75. To learn a lesson in life each day we live.

One possible version:

Dear Sir,

My family is planning a holiday to your city. Ive got some information about your hotel, but I still have some questions. Would you be kind enough to reply to my e-mail?

We are arriving in your city on October 1st, and we plan to stay in your hotel for five days. Would you tell me how far your hotel is from the airport? And wed like to know how to get to your hotel. Also, we wonder whether you offer free breakfast. Last but not least, would you mind telling us if there is a discount for a long stay?

Thanks for your time. Im looking forward to your reply.



1—5? ? ? CBABA 6—10? ? ACACB 11—15? BACAB

16—20? CBACC 21—25? CBBAC 26—30? ABBAD

31—35? CABDC 36—40? BABCD 41—45? ABCAA

46—50? DBDCC 51—55? BBADB 56—60? BDBAD

61—65? DCAAB 66—70? DGCEB

71. activities? ? 72. smaller? ? 73. other? ? 74. deepest? ? 75. answer? ? 76. on? ? 77. watching? ? 78. easily? ? 79. ideas? ? 80. learned/learnt

One possible version:

Shopping Online

Shopping online, convenient and time-saving has become important in our lives. With all the traffic problems, getting to shops is not an easy thing. Just sit at a computer, click and choose, and you can find everything you need. You can also compare the prices so that you can buy things at good prices.

Sometimes, you will find that the things you get are different than? you see online. The quality of them are not as good as described. So, in my opinion, we should get very careful to shop online.


1—5? ? ? AACBA 6—10? ?BCCBC

11—15? BBCAC16—20? CACCB


1—5? ? ? ACBBA6—10? ? ABABC

11—15? CCABC16—20? AABAC


1—5? ? ? ABABC6—10? ? CABBC

11—15? AABCA16—20? CBBCC


1—5? ? ? BACCC6—10? ? ACBCA

11—15? BCABC16—20? BBCBC


1—5? ? ? AABBA 6—10? ? BACCA

11—15? BBCCB 16—20? ABACB


1—5? ? ? ABCCA6—10? ? ACABA

11—15? ABBBA16—20? CACAB


1—5? ? ? CCABA 6—10? ? BCBCB

11—15? CBBBC16—20? CBBAC


1—5? ? ? BCCBC6—10? ? BCCCB

11—15? CCCCA16—20? BAABA


1—5? ? ? CACBC6—10? ? ?CABCB

11—15? CBCCA16—20? ?AABCC


1—5? ? ? CAABC6—10? ? ABABC

11—15? CACAB16—20? BACAC


1—5? ? ? BBCAC 6—10? ? ABACB

11—15? BBAAB16—20? CBAAC


1—5? ? ? BACCC 6—10? ? BACBA

11—15? ABABB16—20? CBAAC


1—5? ? ? CCBAC6—10? ? ABAAA

11—15? CBCAA16—20? BBACC


1—5? ? ? CACBC6—10? ? BBABB

11—15? ABBCB16—20? CABCB


1—5? ? ? BBBAC6—10? ? CBBAA

11—15? BACBA16—20? ABBBC


1—5? ? ? BCAAC6—10? ? ACBAA

11—15? BAABB16—20? CBBBA


1—5? ? ? CBBCA6—10? ? CBAAC

11—15? ACBBC16—20? CBCAB


1—5? ? ? CCBAC6—10? ? BBBAC

11—15? BBBCA16—20? BBCBA

有無冠詞 意義大不同