

2018-09-21 09:05
世界建筑導報 2018年4期

阿爾梅勒市一共有80只羊。人們利用這些羊來應對阿爾梅勒市“vroege vogel”森林和“kromsloot”公園內生命力頑強的“老鼠簕屬”或“熊尾草”等雜草。為了將這些羊集中圈養,需要建一個羊舍。






The city of Almere has a sheep population of about 80 sheep. The sheep are mobilized to keep the powerful weed “acanthus” or “bears-breech” that grows in the “vroege vogel” - forest and “kromsloot” -park in Almere under control. To centralize and house this population, a sheep stable was needed.

The stable is designed with an a-symmetrical homogeneous cross-section. The part of the building where the sheep reside is relatively low; the high part is situated above the (public) pathway and the hay storage section, making it possible to store a maximum amount of hay. This shape also creates a natural flow for the air inside the building, which is refreshed by two slits at the foot of each long side of the building.

The detailing of the corner of the building, where the long fa?ade ends and the gable starts, is extremely important for the overall experience of the architecture of this building. It emphasizes the cross sectional shape of the building, and finishes the long fa?ade of the building, which starts as a fa?ade and slowly becomes roof.

The construction (pine) and cladding (Western Red Cedar) are made of wood. Only the curved girders are made of steel. This was done to emphasize the tube-like shape of the interior, which would have been less strong using twice as high wooden girders. The tube has three strategically placed daylight openings, of which one is close to the floor level, so people can look inside even when the building is closed. All vertical walls in the stable and office are clad with beech plywood.

The stable is designed to make it possible for the public or school classes to visit the building and experience the keeping of sheep up close. At one end of the building, on the second floor, a room for the shepherd and a small office is realised. There are sleeping facilities for the shepherd, who has to stay overnight in case any sheep are lambing. Work in and around the stable will be done by, amongst others, people who live with a mental social or psychiatric disability, supervised by the shepherd.

Apart from the public function, the Muslim community will be able to buy the lambs they need for yearly ritual purposes.

陳沛捷 莊綠妮
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