
人物訪談:巴斯· 布林克

2018-09-21 09:05
世界建筑導報 2018年4期

















沒錯,除了建筑設計之外,我們也進行室內設計,比如,位于阿姆斯特丹的Acibadem國際醫療中心。在某種程度上來說,室內設計和建筑設計是一樣的。都需要有創新性,都以設計本身為核心。但相比而言,室內設計更注重細節,精確性要求更高。室內設計在材料和紋理的選擇上要求更高,因為室內設計你可以近距離感受得到,如果效果好,甚至會為之震撼。但如果不使用紋理,那么設計效果很容易會黯然失色。要達到材料與色彩之間的和諧,讓人有“賓至如歸”的感覺,尤其是住宅或酒店的室內設計。我們可能傾向于選擇極簡主義設計。設計應該突出功能性和空間性,同時又不會讓人覺得像在電影里一樣,所有設計環節都要認真仔細。這也是為什么我們要實現萬能設計,從外套到車鑰匙的擺放位置,我們都會考慮到。一般客戶找到我們的時候,會跟我們講很多很多想法,而這些想法并不一定適用。我們要做的就是將客戶所提出的想法都融合到同一個設計作品中。因為需要充分了解和尊重客戶的需求,我們一般會與客戶進行很多次的商討。很多地方我們都會為客戶量身定制,不放過任何小的細節,哪怕是一個壁櫥。比如我們設計的Villa Frenay,就很好地體現了園藝與住宅、空間與細節的和諧美。要給出好的設計方法,需要具有創新能力,同時要能夠切身體會客戶的想法和需求。





1. It's been 17 years since you founded 70F,could you share with our readers how you have maintained the great passion for architectural design?

Yes, it’s been a long time already. I guess the thing is, architecture is a lifestyle. I can only do it with passion, or not at all. It is in the core of any good architect, and a must for any top result. Also we have a fixed core team of people we work with, and a small group of interns and young architects who do internships here. This keeps us keen on any new theme or sense of what’s important to focus on for any moment in time. Architecture is a dynamic field; we need to adapt, change, listen, evolve, innovate and take charge towards it continuously.

2. How do you start the design of a project?And how the design concepts are activated and generated?

We start all of our projects with in depth interviews and meetings with the client. It is paramount to have all the input needed. More than just the absolute numbers (3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms etc.) the definition of their architectural and spatial wishes is important. The problem is people find it hard to describe their feelings or express them in a spatial sense. That’s where we have to be smart and creative, asking the right questions to find the answers the client didn’t even know they had. Finding the concept is the most important and time consuming part of the process. The concept becomes the backbone of every project which is important in any stage later on; something to fall back to when you are in doubt or searching for a design solution. Finding the concept for the Duivenvoorde visitors Centre for instance, was a six week process of intense thinking, debating, sketching and reviewing. After these six weeks we were happy as can be having found the answer, while the client didn’t understand because there was nothing much to show for it yet. Only after the building was finished, they really understood.

3. Architectural education is included in your career. What architectural views you’d transmit to your students?

I am a visiting professor at several universities in the world. Working with students is one of my favourite jobs in architecture. You are met with huge talent, fresh eyes, good questions an interesting people. I love teaching students all I know. At the same time, in return the whole experience teaches me new things. The core of my lecturing lies in learning to ask the right questions. That could be questions to your client, to your project but most and foremost to yourself. What do I want to express with this design or solution, and why? At the university of Ljubljana, Slovenia for instance, I had the students design a Silence Chapel, a place within the city where one could still experience or even buy a piece of silence. Apart from the architectural outcome, first there is a take and reflection on the issue of silence in current times by the student necessary. There is a lot of dialogue in my teaching. Drawing is easy, thinking is more difficult. I think we need to contemplate hard and debate intensely,before we start drawing.

4. The volume of most of your buildings is not very big, and the moulding is concise. However,you focus on the design and the choice of materials for the skin. Could you say something about your treatment on the building skin?

For us, size doesn’t matter. All buildings have their context and design choices based on the concept. The challenge with every building is to find the best design, floorplan and fa?ade solution. Moreover, our buildings are an integral result of all building parameters. So the skin is not just a skin, it is the result of an integral process related to everything, not just anything. Often, the skin of the building as you call it, is the thing expressing the architecture of it. Therefore it has huge importance to the buildings that we make. The choice of the fa?ade material, it’s texture and the way it is used becomes the overall expression. But it is the result of a serious indepth research that defines the final fa?ade solution. This is something far from arbitrary, and can be felt more than it can be seen.

5.You think "the simpler you design, the more time you need to make the design more accurate". Would you specifically tell us how you would make the concise moulding more accurate?

It is a true that in simplicity often lies a profound battle to make this simplicity happen. It is much easier to make a not-simple building, aesthetically. One issue is accuracy; in my opinion and in our buildings we realise this by deciding on every available construction element. It could be saying something about a nailing pattern that will be used in the fa?ade, or the position of sub construction like girders that would normally be chosen randomly by the builder. If you look at our Sheepstable project for instance, a project with which we won the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona in 2008, you will find that all necessary construction parts down to the supporting slats of the fa?ade were given a specific and consequent position. Driving the builder insane, it turned out to have been crucial in the end result. Another issue is the demand for aesthetic simplicity in general. There is no standard solution to generate a simple look. Every opening or deviation needs a specific design solution, in order to make it fit the general look. It should be there, but not show. Simplicity and accidentality do not combine.

6. Most of the projects you designed are in the Netherlands. How would the regional culture and climate affect and influence your design?

In the Netherlands especially the climate and budget are key factors. Creating our architecture would be much easier if there would be less insulation demands or a bigger budget. Also the specific humidity often leads to a challenging use of materials. The good thing is, it has made us very creative into finding solution to get it the way we want it, at a low price. This requires huge knowledge of building techniques, which we have acquired over the years. The building materials we use are predominantly wood and brickwork, both typical Dutch building materials, especially the latter. The Dutch building trade however is focused on standard or proven solutions for these materials, and builders find it difficult to change their ways. Rethinking these construction methods and convincing them to try a new solution is part of the job and can only successfully be done by simply ‘knowing your stuff’. Or, as I often tell my students humorously; I am not arrogant, I simply know better...

Different countries bring a different context in any case. We are doing a project of luxury holiday homes in Italy,on the edge of Tuscany, where politics and knowing the right people in the right places is important. Or our project in Iran, where communication is an issue not only because of the language, but also because of the customary rules that are invisible written between the lines. And our boutique island resort in Belize offers the challenge of hurricanes and light construction materials in order to be able to easily transport these materials to the small island some 45 minutes by boat from Belize city.

7. What do you think of the contemporary architecture in China? If you have a chance, what kind of project you’d like to design in China?

I think China is a very interesting country, mainly because of the scale and numbers things are being done in.Your contemporary architecture evolves on a very high level and I always wonder how the interaction in relation to such a densely populated country works out. It’s a super scale kind of city planning and architecture the Chinese seem to be working with, which is fascinating. We would be very keen on doing a private house, an apartment building or a design hotel in China. Our office focus at the moment is on especially the latter, design- or boutique hotels. We see a huge shift in the way people experience and move around while on holiday. This is something we want to investigate and show in a new, forward looking hotel design concept.

8. We noticed you also design a lot of interiors.How do you apply the materials and colours to express the space characteristics?

Yes, we also do interior design which is an extension of our architecture, like the Acibadem International Medical Centre in Amsterdam. In some way it is the same as architecture; both creative and focused on designing. But interior design is more detailed and refined in another way. Materials and textures are more intense in an interior because you experience them up close and can be overwhelmed by them, but at the same time can easily become dull when you don’t use any texture at all. It’s all about the balance between materials, colour and making it an interior where you long to ‘come home’ to, especially in designing a house or hotel interior. We tend to be on the edge with our minimalistic designs. The design must be functional and spatial but at the same time not give the feeling you’re on a filmset and have to be careful with every design solution. That’s also why we design a spot for everything, from your coat to your car keys. When a client comes to us, they usually have a ton of ideas and they never fit. It is our job to combine their many ideas in to one design that captures everything they want. It’s very personal and therefore we have a lot of consultations with the client. We do a lot of customization and design everything up till the handles of cabinets. A good example of this is Villa Frenay, which turned out to be a very balanced project on garden and house, space and detail. To make a good design you need more than creativity,you have to empathize with your client.

9. Would you please share with our readers the most challenging project since you took up the occupation?

I guess the most challenging project so far was the Duivenvoorde visitors Centre. The completely contradictory demands of a building that should look like a barn in a medieval monumental garden (no windows) but should function like a modern restaurant (lots of windows) was challenging. Executing the solution was even more challenging, since there was no builder able to make what we had in mind. So we had to engineer everything from scratch; the fa?ade had to be openable, but without showing any of the mechanical parts necessary to do so. With a limited frame wood width of 67 mm having to fit the glass and the mechanical parts for the hatches on two sides as just an example of part of the problem, the challenge becomes clear. Keeping the client in the loop and convinced of the choices we had made at the same time was also part of this tedious process. It turned out very well in the end, even winning the Prix Versailles 2018 with it, but it must have been the biggest challenge so far. Another demanding project was the Moravian Church we built in Amsterdam and was nominated for the World Architecture Festival in Singapore. The budget, all money saved privately by the predominantly underprivileged church community, was very limited. By keeping things simple an focussing on the core of this design, being ‘light’and the colour ‘white’, we managed to keep the level at a high architectural standard.

10. What do you think the trend and development direction of 70F?

As an office we are growing and developing continuously. Our architecture is being appreciated worldwide so there is no doubt on our vision or take on it. We are slowly but surely working on larger projects but at the same time we need our contact with the projects to be eminent and constant. Our focus now is on buildings that have a verity of functions and offer a wider experience to a larger public, like hotels and apartment buildings. Working on some local projects within this focus, we are also interested in and focussing on doing this somewhere else in the world.
