

2019-09-10 07:22江厚龍彭奎張艷馬紅輝
中國煙草科學 2019年2期

江厚龍 彭奎 張艷 馬紅輝

摘? 要:為明確影響重慶煙葉感官品質的主要化學因子,以烤煙品種云煙87為材料,采用典型相關分析方法研究了煙葉的主要化學成分與感官品質的關系。結果表明,重慶烤煙的糖分含量偏高,煙堿、總氮、淀粉含量適中,鉀、氯含量偏低;兩糖差、糖堿比偏大,兩糖比和鉀氯比適中,氮堿比偏小。典型相關分析顯示,勁頭與總氮、煙堿呈正相關,與糖堿比呈負相關;刺激性與鉀含量和糖堿比呈正相關,與總氮、煙堿含量呈負相關;甜度與淀粉含量呈負相關,與糖堿比呈正相關;透發性與淀粉含量呈負相關。因此認為,糖分、總氮、煙堿、鉀和淀粉是影響重慶烤煙感官質量的關鍵因素。


中圖分類號:TS41+1????????? 文章編號:1007-5119(2019)02-0080-07????? DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2019.02.012

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of chemical components on smoking quality of flue-cured tobacco. Yunyan 87, a flue-cured tobacco variety, was selected as materials to study the correlation between the main chemical components and smoking quality of tobacco by using the method of canonical correlation analysis. The results showed that for Chongqing tobacco, sugar content was relatively high, the contents of nicotine, total nitrogen and starch were appropriate, the contents of potassium and chloride were low. The difference of total sugar and reducing sugar, ratio of reducing sugar to nicotine were relatively high. The ratios of reducing sugar to total sugar and potassium to chloride were appropriate. The ratio of nitrogen to nicotine was low. The canonical correlation analysis showed that the strength had positive correlation with total nitrogen, nicotine, and had negative correlation with the ratio of reducing sugar to nicotine. The irritancy had certain correlation with chemical components, with the effect of potassium and the ratio of reducing sugar to nicotine being positive, while the effect of total nitrogen and nicotine being negative. Sweetness was significantly negatively correlated with starch, while the ratio of reducing sugar was opposite. The permeability had significant negative correlation with starch. Therefore, it is believed that sugar, total nitrogen, nicotine, potassium and starch are the key factors affecting the sensory quality of Chongqing flue-cured tobacco.

Keywords: Chongqing; flue-cured tobacco; chemical components; smoking quality; canonical correlation


1? 材料與方法

1.1? 試驗材料與測定



1.2? 統計分析方法

為了便于統計,將煙葉水溶性總糖(x1)、還原糖(x2)、煙堿(x3)、氯(x4)、鉀(x5)、總氮(x6)和淀粉(x7)作為一組變量;將化學成分協調性指標兩糖差(t1)、兩糖比(t2)、糖堿比(t3)、氮堿比(t4)和鉀氯比(t5)作為一組變量;將煙葉感官評吸指標香氣質(y1)、香氣量(y2)、雜氣(y3)、刺激性(y4)、透發性(y5)、柔細性(y6)、甜度(y7)、余味(y8)、濃度(y9)和勁頭(y10)作為一組變量。采用SPSS 19.0軟件進行典型相關分析。

2? 結? 果

2.1? 煙葉化學成分及其協調性



2.2? 化學成分與評吸質量





2.3? 化學成分協調性與評吸質量


3? 討? 論





4? 結? 論



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