

2019-11-22 10:41王民悅
文化交流 2019年10期







眼前這位年逾花甲的都靈老太太,神采奕奕。她的意大利名字叫博尼諾·加博列拉(Bonino Gabriella),中文名叫唐云,是意大利漢學家、溫州商學院教授。

18 歲那年,她在巴黎參觀博物館時,被中國文物的精美所吸引,由此開啟了自己的中國之旅。這場旅行從 1987 年至今已有 32 年,且仍未止步:“呆在溫州,是一種非常有趣的體驗。在這里,我一直做著自己喜歡的事情。如果條件允許,我愿意呆到 70 歲、80 歲?!?/p>


2002 年春節,她來到溫州,見到了楠溪江沿岸保存相對完整的古村落,認識了第一位溫州朋友。再后來,她看到了“紅日亭”的善舉(),拜訪了民間手工藝人,見識了泰順廊橋的美……在走訪過程中,她不僅越發喜歡溫州的風景與文化,更是精心編輯制作了16期關于溫州的廣播節目,將她的所見所聞介紹給千里之外的意大利同胞。她說,在 20 年的記者生涯中,給一座城市做這么多期節目的不多,溫州就是其中一個。


這些年,唐云總是讀讀走走。甌劇下鄉演出,她隨團下鄉跟蹤采訪;南拳有比武表演時,她一定會前往捧場;她甚至還買了《溫州老城》( ?),把書當作旅游指南逛遍了溫州的大街小巷?,F在,她讀過的與溫州相關的書籍已達 100多本。



唐云 “樂在其中”。不過,也有令她煩惱的事,那就是專業術語的準確翻譯?!跋癞T窯、南戲這些藝術,都有著一大堆艱澀的專業術語,想把這些術語準確地翻譯成意大利文,真的非常困難?!?/p>






聊起近況,作為意大利中意青年會主席,陳銘滔滔不絕。這位 15 歲就隨家人移民的溫州人,在都靈從事翻譯工作。陳銘意識到,語言是彼此融入的第一步。于是,中意青年會都靈中文學校應運而生。一時間,都靈的溫州人有了系統學習意大利語的平臺和場所,很多華人在這里學以致用。這個平臺也成功吸引了不少意大利人來了解和探索中國語言文化。

2007 年,他發起成立意大利中意青年會,是希望創建一條文化交流的橋梁。中意青年會曾在都靈東方藝術博物館舉辦了“同一片天”青年攝影師作品展,展示了旅意華人獨特的視角和精神世界。此后,每年一屆,小到個人、大至國家,“同一片天”為來自北京、上海、廣州的藝術家策劃個展。2015 年,在米蘭的世界博覽會上,中意青年會還攜《中意世界文化遺產指南》意大利卷和中國卷亮相中國國家館。

2016 年,都靈馬西莫電影院迎來了意大利首個中國新銳電影節。這是陳銘及其團隊發起的中意電影交流雙年展?!拔覀冞x取了 30 歲以下中國導演的 5 部長片和 5 部短片進行展映,內容主要圍繞大都市以外最真實的中國場景和故事,有喜劇片、驚悚片,也有科幻片?!?/p>


“文化交流到了一定的深度,人的情感就會體現、升華?!标愩懹浀?,當時都靈市中心的主要街道和餐廳、商店都掛起了大紅燈籠,一位意大利女士和他暢聊了半個小時,說她在 20 世紀 80 年代來過中國,紅燈籠喚起了她的回憶,她期待再次踏上中國之旅。在和而不同、美美與共的氛圍里,陳銘切實感受到了祖國的變化。


The stories of Bonino Gabriella, an Italian based in Wenzhou, and Chen Ming, a Wenzhounese based in Turin, Italy, are the best illustration of the magic of cultural communication that breaks all geographical limits and brings together the two cities separated by vast oceans.

“I am a window through which Italians see China in its true colors,” says Bonino Gabriella, a sinologist from Italy and professor. She has just released her fascination about the Ouyue Culture, represented by Wenzhou, in her Chinese name Tang Yun. Her China adventure began at 18 after she was carried away by what she saw in a museum in Paris, and her fascination about China is yet to reach the finish line.

“Living in Wenzhou, where I have been doing what I really want to do, has been an amazing experience to me, and I want to stay here for as long as I can,” reveals the professor currently teaching at Wenzhou Business College. She has been in Wenzhou since February 2017.

Tang Yun used to work with the Italian Department of China Radio International (CRI), and is the author of a series of books about China, including , for which she became known as “the Marco Polo of modern times”.

Gabriellas first visit to the ancient villages in the Nanxi River area in Wenzhou during the Spring Festival of 2002 opened a whole new world to her, guiding her into more cultural gems in what she later called “my half homeland”. She put what she saw into a special 16-episode program to share the fascinating culture of Wenzhou with people back in Italy.

Since her arrival in Wenzhou in February 2017, she has never thought about leaving. “One day I bumped into an English-speaking gentleman in an old alley. He told me he made a living as a taxi driver in New York and was back here to visit his family. Where I come from, I lived in a neighborhood that also has a Wenzhounese community thriving on restaurant business. Now I am living in the hometown of my childhood neighbors, and constantly hear ‘ciao. I feel truly at home, and Ive made a lot of friends who have friends and relatives working and living in my hometown, which keeps amazing me.”

Tang Yun is also the author of a special feature titled , crafted by CRI for the arrival of Chinese President Xi Jinping in Italy on March 21, 2019.

In the eye of Tang Yun, Wenzhou Port is a key part of the Silk Road on the Sea, and “port” is a symbol of openness, the quality that explains the unique character of Wenzhou people – diligent, hardworking, ambitious, and pioneering. Behind the vibrant regional economy and city life is the world-famous “Wenzhou mode” that permeates all aspects of activities of the Wenzhou communities across the globe.

Over the years, Tang Yun has been reading and traveling extensively, taking every opportunity to savor magnificent regional cultures across China. She has been keeping a close eye on the development of the local opera and martial arts, and has explored every nook and cranny of Wenzhou. For her, receiving emails from fellow townspeople back in Italy is the biggest reward for all the effort she put in to introduce such a wonderful city to the Italian audience.

The Voice of China Sharedwith the Italian Audience

“The plan is to release in the Chinese School of Turin during the National Day period, for children and parents to further understand their home country and get the younger generation ready to contribute to the exciting Belt-and-Road endeavors,” says Chen Ming, Chair of the Turin-based China-Italy Youth Association, founded in 2007 to help the Chinese community in Italy integrate into local life.

Chen is a native of Wenzhou. Having lived in Italy since he was 15, he is also the founder of a Chinese school operated by the association as a language learning platform. The school also draws locals from all walks of life, including businesspeople who wish to do business with their Chinese counterparts, government officials who believe learning some knowledge of Chinese language and culture helps them to enhance relations with China, and students who take interest in the Chinese language and culture.

“I am happy to see the platform grow into what it is today. Some have even found love through the platform. It is used by a lot of people including a film director named Gianluca Vitale. His documentary about the Chinese dragon boat race has been released. Many volunteers have also contributed to the success of this vibrant community,” says Chen.

The association launched a new branch in 2012, drawing together young Chinese people based in Florence, Milan and Rome and working closely with the Turin division of UNESCO to promote the “People of Earth” conception through various cultural activities, represented by a photography exhibition series titled . The program has evolved into an annual event that collaborates actively with artists in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

The debut of China-Italy World Culture Heritage Directory at the China Pavilion of the 2015 Milan World Expo brought Chen Ming and his team into the global limelight. The project, initiated by Corrado Pastore, a standing council member of the organization and Chinese language teacher, guided the Youth Association towards the new, lofty cause of promoting Chinese culture in Italy.

Chens team also launched the first Chinese Film Festival in Turin. Unveiled at the Massimo Cinema, the film festival shared five features and five short films from budding Chinese filmmakers.

The China-Italy Youth Association is the organizer of the celebrations of Chinese New Year in Turin, co-designed by Turin International Relations Department and the Information Office of Wenzhou Municipality. The event was covered in a local newspaper, and drew the attention of a dozen government representatives.

“The whole city was lit up by Chinese lanterns; and I had a lovely chat with an Italian lady. She told me the lanterns reminded her of her first visit to China in the 1980s and that she was looking forward to setting her foot into China again someday,” recalls Chen.

Now employing 40 full-time people and serving more than 500 members, the association is rated by both the Piedmont government and Turin government as the most active immigrant organization in Italy, and plays an important role as an advisor to the local government. “I appreciate the change from an immigrant trying to survive to a cultural ambassador. It is the kind of sense of achievement Id never experienced before,” says Chen Ming, revealing that his team is working on a bigger plan. He is going to set up a museum that displays Wenzhou and China to the Italian people.

April Fools Day Jokes
郭沫若 陳銘樞 輓劉湘將軍