

2020-03-03 14:33楊春吉
求學·理科版 2020年12期




語法填空題大部分題目容易確定考點,突破也簡單,所以我們要攻克的是考點不易確定的少數題目,這也是考生能考高分的訣竅。對于該類考題,考生要根據設題處已經具備的其他信息,以 “理解上下文句意”為主,慎重確定設題者的意圖及考查內容,精準定位考點。一旦鎖定考點,考生不但可以快速將思維和注意力集中到所考查的內容上,重點分析,針對性突破考點,而且可以事半功倍,減少失誤。


1.However, two weeks later, her aunt called again, ______ (say) that they were not coming to her wedding party, because she had to take a business trip to China.

2.It was at mid-night _____my father woke me up to watch the World Cup together.

3. Dont only stand there, boys! Please find some seats for ______ (you).


1.saying。該題難點在于定位設題處是并列動作還是伴隨狀語。分析句意、句子結構可知,called 是主體動作,say僅是個伴隨動作,且邏輯主語一致,所以該題考查的是現在分詞詞組作伴隨狀語的用法,故應填saying。

2.that。該題考查的是強調結構的用法,強調時間狀語at mid-night。此題很容易誤填when。試比較:It was mid-night when my father woke me up to watch the World Cup together. 這題考生又很容易誤認為是強調句而誤填that。實際上,it在此指“時間”,when引導的是個時間狀語從句。突破這類題的關鍵點在介詞“at”上,有“at”,即為時間狀語;無“at”,即是時間詞組作表語。





1. He dreamed of becoming a writer since he was teenager. But it isnt easy to get a book of mine ______ (publish).

2. The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere _____ his employees enjoy their work.

3. Last month my uncle called me and he said he ______ (visit) me with his family soon.


1.published。該題考查的是“get+賓語+done”結構。賓語book與done 是被動關系,published作賓語補足語。


3.would visit。根據上下文時態,初步斷定應該用一般過去時,但根據句意“上個月,我叔叔電話告訴我,不久他就會和家人一起來看望我”,尤其是標志詞soon的提示作用,即可斷定應該用過去將來時。




1.One morning, he received a call from the publisher and _____ (tell) once again that there was no way his book was published.

2.Seeing that he was truly inspired. He suddenly realized that he shouldnt get _____ (courage) after experiencing failure.

3.As people became comfortable with the song, the wise man started to dance_____ it.


1.was told。由received 和and可推斷出,此處用tell的過去式無疑,但根據句意“今天早上,他收到了出版商的一個電話,再一次被告知他的那本書不可能出版了”判斷,此處應該用一般過去時的被動式。


3.to。根據設空處的設題特征應該填一個介詞使dance和the sweet and soft song聯系起來。該題很容易誤用with,根據句意“當人們沉浸在音樂的韻律中時,這位智者隨著優美的樂曲翩翩起舞”可知,應該用dance to。dance to意為“和著……的節拍跳舞”,后跟樂曲名詞;而dance with sb.才是“和某人跳舞”的意思。







1.Today, there are already robots ______ (work) in factories and hospitals, helping us do many jobs.

2.The teacher, as well as the students ______ fond of using the computer to finish the work they have to do.

3.Each person in the village had made great preparations, thinking about ______ questions he or she might ask the wise man.

4.Li Chen is the only one of the students who _____ (go) to attend the sports meeting.


1.working。該題考查的是“There be +主語+v-ing(作定語)+其他”結構。

2.is。根據“趨遠一致”原則,當as well as,besides,more than,rather than,but,along with,together with,with,beyond,except,in addition to,including,like等連接并列主語時,謂語動詞必須與前者一致。


4.is。該題根據句意“李晨是這些學生中唯一一個去參加這次運動會的學生”可知,the only one是先行詞,故應填is。




1.First of all, a doctor came up. He said that he had saved 9,999 patients during the epidemic. The king shook his head. ______ a poet came up. He said that his poems were no different from those of Li Bai and Du Fu. The king still shook his head again.

2.The disease began to spread slowly through some states. Because of peoples collective unconsciousness(集體無意識), more and more people are inflected with it. Whats ____ (bad), no government paid much attention to the disease.



2.worse。根據文章上文The disease began to spread...; More and more people are infected with the disease可知,此處是“表達情況越來越嚴重的”插入語,應該填worse。


考生運用上述技巧初步確定答案后,為了確保萬無一失,還需要進行全方位核查,檢查自己預填的答案是否正確無誤??忌饕獧z查單詞的大小寫是否存在錯誤;單詞拼寫是否存在錯誤(如:過去時或現在分詞是否需要雙寫最后一個字母,再加-ed或-ing;詞尾是否變y為i再加-es或-ed,等);可數名詞的特殊復數形式(如:five men doctors,many sheep,hundreds of Chinese等)。最后規范書寫,確保得分。


1.Although we might see the same faces every day, we _____ (prefer) hiding behind our newspapers to talking to people around.

2. On Double Eleventh of every year, tens of thousands of ______ (Chinese), in addition to many foreigners, are addicted to shopping on the Internet now.






Nowadays, millions? ?1? lonely singles are now going online instead.? ?2? ?World Wide Web is quickly becoming the worlds most popular matchmaker(媒人).

Singles are flocking(涌向) to the Internet? ?3? ?(main)because their busy lifestyles leave them little time to look for a significant other. Using dating sites(約會網址) is quick and convenient. Many singles say the regular dating scene has just? 4? (lead) them from one bad experience to? 5? and are ready to try something else. Dating sites also make? 6? easy to avoid someone? ?7? ?you are not interested in. In the real world,? ? 8? , ignoring someone you dont like can be difficult.

Despite all the advantages, online dating also presents its own set of problems. People arent always those who they declare to be in their online? ?9? ?(describe). Safety is another concern. You are just? 10? (like) to find a criminal online as you are Mr. Or Miss Right.


1. of 2. The 3. mainly 4. lead 5. another 6. it 7. who /whom 8. however 9. description 10. likely
