

2020-05-28 02:33
瘋狂英語·愛英語 2020年4期

任務群一 記敘文


Keith Davison, 94, is struggling since losing his beloved wife of 66 years old, Evy. To take his attention away from his 1 , the retired judge built a pool into his backyard, and 2 all those in his neighborhood to play anytime theyd like. He hoped that the 3 of water splashing (飛濺) and children playing would 4 the silence that has engulfed (吞沒) his home in the days after Evys passing. “I had a 5 life, and after my wife 6 , that ended,” says Davison. “You get used to having a person there to enjoy life with, and now this place is so 7 .”

The neighborhood children have been lining up to play since the pool opened. Davisons only 8

is that a childs parent must be 9 to take care of them. Jessica Huebner, a neighbor of Davison, says that Davison and Evy were always 10 to the kids in the neighborhood.“Its about spreading

11 and happiness to our neighborhood and these children 12 he sees them as the face of the future,” says Huebner. “He is just a very kind man.”

Huebner 13 brings cookies and home?cooked meals to Davison to show her 14 for what he has done. “He built the pool for us and our children, 15 we can do more to visit him,” she says. “Thats what he wants; he wants to 16 with the kids.”

Still, Davison is 17 the absence of his wife. The walls of the house still remind him of her, because she 18 them to her taste, something he very much 19 . But Davison thinks Evy would be happy to see the neighborhood having so much 20 in their backyard. He just wishes she was there to see it.


1. A. fear B. sadness C. sickness D. worry

2. A. invited B. advised C. inspired D. expected

3. A. colors B. sounds C. effects D. problems

4. A. remember B. keep C. bring D. mask

5. A. secret B. difficult C. happy D. traditional

6. A. died B. retired C. escaped D. returned

7. A. cold B. dirty C. quiet D. crowded

8. A. movement B. development C. requirement D. achievement

9. A. ahead B. upstairs C. indoors D. nearby

10. A. nice B. strange C. terrible D. fair

11. A. desire B. success C. wealth D. joy

12. A. while B. unless C. because D. although

13. A. normally B. regularly C. instantly D. carefully

14. A. doubt B. surprise C. excitement D. appreciation

15. A. in turn B. in contrast C. in return D. in advance

16. A. go B. trade C. play D. connect

17. A. dealing with B. looking into C. preparing for D. learning about

18. A. rented B. decorated C. bought D. recommended

19. A. hated B. enjoyed C. regretted D. missed

20. A. fun B. luck C. money D. time


“I have a letter for you,” my friend Kirsten told me on the phone. “I think its from your mother.” I was 1 , since my mother had been 2 for seven years.

A few weeks later Kirsten handed me the 3 dated Aug. 30, 2002. Around then I was preparing for my pilot courses final exam at the 4 school. The students finished the training on

5 days. I was the first to 6 . My mothers letter 7 after I left. Kirsten picked it up from my mail box, to keep it 8 she next saw me. 9 , a few days later, when it was her turn to leave, she

10 the letter among the piles of papers she 11 packed into boxes. It 12 there for a decade, during which my mother died. In 2013, when Kirsten 13 some dusty belongings from her flying school days, she 14 the letter.

Its been two years since Kirsten gave me the letter which Ive carried on my long flights. But I havent 15 it yet. When I told some friends this, they 16 their heads. They said they wouldnt have been able to wait a second. Of course, I 17 —“How could I not?”—about her 18 in the envelope. Surely, I think, she had written to wish me luck, ask about my life and tell me the news from 19 to make me at ease. However, for now its 20 to look at her handwriting on the envelope, and to remember that until I open it, I know Ill hear from her once more.

1. A. delighted B. confused C. terrified D. moved

2. A. back B. lost C. dead D. sick

3. A. envelope B. package C. ticket D. stamp

4. A. art B. sports C. flight D. military

5. A. blessed B. hard C. particular D. different

6. A. flee B. leave C. fly D. escape

7. A. landed B. returned C. disappeared D. delivered

8. A. until B. when C. unless D. after

9. A. Surely B. Thankfully C. Doubtfully D. Unfortunately

10. A. removed B. misplaced C. hid D. unfolded

11. A. slowly B. seriously C. hurriedly D. carefully

12. A. appeared B. stood C. settled D. remained

13. A. sorted through B. set down C. put down D. got through

14. A. posted B. recalled C. found D. addressed

15. A. received B. opened C. touched D. replied

16. A. nodded B. lifted C. shook D. lowered

17. A. complain B. inquire C. worry D. wonder

18. A. words B. interests C. puzzle D. secret

19. A. networks B. abroad C. papers D. home

20. A. appropriate B. enough C. foolish D. polite


Five years ago, Finnish Rami Adham went to help the refugees(難民) in his former hometown of Aleppo, Syria. As he was 1 , his three?year?old daughter, Yasmin, offered to donate her toys,

2 a new Barbie doll. A deal was made, and the aid worker added 61 toys to his already heavy 3 .

4 the supplies were welcomed, it was the toys that produced the most excitement. Adham recalls kids 5 running towards him from every corner of the camp, and particularly 6 a six?year?old girl who did not 7 at all. He later discovered that she had lost her voice. Adham, who has 8 the young girl several times since and given her some toys, says, “Her 9 is always the same, a beautiful smile.”

Since then, the 10 man has been visiting different refugee camps in Syria. Each time, he

11 up to 70kg of donated toys to this war?torn country.

The journey to Syria has gotten 12 since the country closed its borders to most traffic. Adham once 13 eight miles into the city of Aleppo while carrying the heavy burden because it was too 14 to drive.

But none of the 15 appears to stop the 16 “toy smuggler(走私者) of Aleppo”. Adham says that the responses he gets from the 17 every time he hands out a toy “charge his batteries”. To give them something more to 18 , Adham recently established a Go Fund Me campaign to raise money to 19 a school for the refugee children. In less than two months, Adham has been able to

20 over 0,000 he needs to realize his dream.

1. A. passing B. working C. leaving D. camping

2. A. instead of B. in return for C. regardless of D. in exchange for

3. A. debt B. load C. head D. heart

4. A. Once B. When C. Since D. While

5. A. eagerly B. helplessly C. anxiously D. confidently

6. A. believes B. remembers C. appreciates D. understands

7. A. talk B. read C. play D. smile

8. A. rescued B. praised C. visited D. thanked

9. A. choice B. purpose C. memory D. reaction

10. A. amazing B. amusing C. strange D. strong

11. A. lends B. brings C. orders D. receives

12. A. easier B. longer C. worse D. faster

13. A. ran B. drove C. swam D. walked

14. A. dangerous B. crowded C. far D. late

15. A. rules B. models C. hardships D. changes

16. A. busy B. brave C. happy D. serious

17. A. kids B. riders C. smugglers D. campaigners

18. A. look down on B. look back on C. look up to D. look forward to

19. A. select B. build C. enter D. manage

20. A. pay B. make C. obtain D. save

任務群二 夾敘夾議文


Our younger son, Tim, was in his senior year of high school. Every student is madly trying to get good1and complete college applications. There was an essay he had to write and the2was drawing near. Were good parents. We do our best at keeping our3shut—whenever possible. Tim knew what he should do, but he had a tendency to4anything. Weekend homework was never done until Sunday night, no matter how much free time there might have been.

I knew I shouldnt5him, but I really worried. So I said in an offhand(隨便的) way, “By the way, Tim, have you worked on that essay youre6to do?” Tim, in his7way, looked at me and said, “Mom, your anxiety is not going to make me get it done any faster.” — a line that has been

8in family memory forever. Tim hit on something that seems9truer today than when he first said it.Our anxiety doesnt make us faster or more efficient.10 , it simply makes us more anxious.

It seems so11 , yet it is something I easily forget. When I closed my eyes on the subway train, my anxiety was the first thing to12 . It was surprisingly loud, “You need to do this! Have you worried about that? What about that?” I13to open my eyes quickly, take out my phone and send an email14put down something in my calendar. I forgot I should deal with my anxiety rather than be15by it.

We should keep our anxiety under16 . How can we have the courage to face17if we worry about this and that? When our anxiety comes up, we should keep our eyes closed and say to ourselves that18will be much better and we can make it through. As long as we19dealing with anxiety every day, it will become less and less till it disappears20 .

1. A. grades B. comments C. salaries D. jobs

2. A. competition B. meeting C. deadline D. celebration

3. A. eyes B. hearts C. doors D. mouths

4. A. worry about B. put off C. note down D. figure out

5. A. blame B. confuse C. urge D. help

6. A. allowed B. supposed C. advised D. forced

7. A. wise B. new C. simple D. strange

8. A. rebuilt B. preserved C. copied D. ignored

9. A. yet B. even C. ever D. never

10. A. Fortunately B. Partly C. Actually D. Originally

11. A. easy B. natural C. terrible D. obvious

12. A. speak B. act C. remember D. lose

13. A. managed B. refused C. used D. agreed

14. A. or B. unless C. after D. before

15. A. bothered B. reminded C. attracted D. hurt

16. A. observation B. protection C. control D. pressure

17. A. opportunities B. realities C. others D. difficulties

18. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

19. A. mind B. practise C. enjoy D. finish

20. A. quickly B. exactly C. apparently D. completely


Did you feel like the negative remark was more influential than the compliments that you received earlier? If the answer to the question is “Yes”, then you are not1 . There are many people feeling like this, but you all need to learn how to2negative remarks.

When negative remarks come about, you remind yourself that it is3someones opinion and everyone is entitled(使享有權利) to express their opinions. They have the4to say anything they want to say. Meantime, you choose to do whatever you think is correct and5the negative ones. When I was a kid, I heard a saying—“A barking dog wont stop a moving carriage.” That is to say if a carriage is moving and a dog is6it while barking, the carriage wont7because of that dogs barking.

One morning, as I was8to work from the nearest train station, a drunken man approached me.9 , he grasped my left arm and said, “Hey, man. Your clothes are so ugly.” Then he10my arm, and walked off. A few people on the street stopped,11at me, and were most likely expecting a reaction from me. I replied12 “Good morning to you, sir”, and13 . The people watching this14started laughing. I just walked away without paying any attention to them. About an hour later, a15and I went back on that street to buy some fruits. Guess what? We saw the police speaking to that man, and he was in handcuffs(手銬). I told my workmate what had happened to me16 .

In an article in Psychology Today, Dr Raj Raghunathan says, “The17between ordinary people and extraordinary people is simple. Extraordinary people choose to listen to their18and ignore other peoples negativity.” They see things differently.19you should learn how to deal with negative remarks and not let them20your emotions and thoughts.

1. A. confidentB. alone C. calm D. correct

2. A. makeB. avoid C. stop D. handle

3. A. alwaysB. possibly C. usually D. only

4. A. rightB. reason C. time D. ability

5. A. opposeB. notice C. ignore D. solve

6. A. walking aroundB. looking for C. running after D. passing by

7. A. stopB. close C. move D. follow

8. A. drivingB. riding C. running D. walking

9. A. UnfortunatelyB. Disappointedly C. Suddenly D. Surprisingly

10. A. hurtB. let go of C. caught D. broke away from

11. A. lookedB. shouted C. swore D. laughed

12. A. weaklyB. slowly C. angrily D. politely

13. A. criedB. left C. smiled D. agreed

14. A. performanceB. activity C. turn D. accident

15. A. friendB. colleague C. leader D. policeman

16. A. earlierB. expectedly C. again D. unwillingly

17. A. secretB. relationship C. difference D. similarity

18. A. adviceB. experience C. heart D. positivity

19. A. AndB. So C. When D. But

20. A. controlB. show C. change D. mix

任務群三 說明文

Laziness is a state of inaction. It is something that you do, not something that you are. Being lazy means you have no1to do anything. Many people are2themselves to be someone who is lazy. In this article, I am going to3with you something that will help you see this state of inaction in a(n)4way.

Lazy people are often seen as useless.5 , are they really being lazy or are they acting lazy? Acting lazy suggests that your laziness is6 . But being lazy suggests that it lasts long. Many people are not really lazy; they7are people who are temporarily acting that way.

So what8a person to be inactive? The answer is a lack of goals. If you give someone a good enough9to do something, he will do it. People who dont10to do anything just havent found a good enough reason to do it.11students dont study because they dont see the

12in studying. If you give them a reason, a strong enough reason, they will take13 . For example, if you are too lazy to go to the gym, would you go if someone14you a million dollars to go? If you are too lazy to clean out the garage, would someone15a gun at your head help you take action? The reason can be positive or negative16its strong enough at induce(引起) action.

The bottom line of knowing how to17laziness comes down to finding enough reasons to take action. Action will18success while inaction will result in19 . To motivate someone who is lazy, what you need to do is help him find enough20to work towards a certain goal.

1. A. courage B. question C. time D. motivation

2. A. agreeing B. denying C. considering D. refusing

3. A. argue B. share C. compete D. compare

4. A. different B. interesting C. ordinary D. primary

5. A. Otherwise B. Besides C. However D. Therefore

6. A. correct B. false C. temporary D. inspirational

7. A. simply B. occasionally C. often D. hardly

8. A. stops B. causes C. discourages D. demands

9. A. worry B. gift C. fear D. purpose

10. A. want B. devote C. take D. come

11. A. Hard?working B. Lazy C. Young D. Confused

12. A. point B. success C. situation D. difficulty

13. A. part B. place C. action D. control

14. A. lent B. owed C. borrowed D. offered

15. A. firing B. pointing C. shooting D. hiding

16. A. so that B. as soon as C. in spite of D. as long as

17. A. win B. apply C. overcome D. ban

18. A. result from B. fight for C. ask for D. lead to

19. A. influence B. failure C. pressure D. happiness

20. A. reasons B. money C. energy D. confidence

任務群四 議論文

Most people say “Im sorry” many times a day for a host of trivial(瑣碎的) things. These apologies are easy and usually readily1 , often with a response like “No problem”.2 , when “Im sorry” are the words needed to right truly hurtful words or acts, they can be the hardest ones to3 . And even when an apology is offered with the best of intentions, it can be seriously4by the way in which it is worded. A poorly worded apology can5lasting anger and6an important relationship.

I admit to a lifetime of challenges when it comes to7 , especially when I thought I was right or8 . But I recently9that the need for an apology is less about me than the person who is

10by something I said or did or failed to do. I also learned that a sincere apology can be extremely11for the recipient(接受者) as well as the12 .

After learning that a neighbour who seemed13due to my small errors, I wrote a14and apologized for my15 . I said I wasnt asking for16 , merely hoping that we could have a harmonious17 , and then delivered the letter with a jar of my home?made jam.

Expecting nothing18 , I was greatly relieved when my doorbell rang and the neighbour

19me for what I had said and done. I felt as if Id not only got rid of a(n)20but made a

new friend, which is indeed how it played out in the days that followed.

1. A. accepted B. found C. proved D. remembered

2. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Besides

3. A. say B. gain C. forget D. control

4. A. described B. weakened C. recorded D. trusted

5. A. depend on B. look on C. take in D. result in

6. A. continue B. manage C. judge D. destroy

7. A. lying B. dreaming C. apologizing D. praising

8. A. admired B. worried C. misunderstood D. delighted

9. A. discovered B. expected C. promised D. feared

10. A. moved B. hurt C. attracted D. criticized

11. A. simple B. impossible C. beneficial D. interesting

12. A. quitter B. giver C. lover D. rescuer

13. A. excited B. puzzled C. embarrassed D. annoyed

14. A. letter B. book C. story D. poem

15. A. jokes B. mistakes C. excuses D. decisions

16. A. introduction B. suggestion C. forgiveness D. encouragement

17. A. occupation B. relationship C. community D. situation

18. A. in total B. in turn C. in brief D. in return

19. A. thanked B. changed C. comforted D. helped

20. A. worker B. relative C. neighbour D. enemy

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