

2020-10-29 05:45劉本龍
考試與評價·高一版 2020年5期


1. approach vt. & vi. 接近;靠近;走近 n. 接近;方法;途徑


The time is approaching when we must be on board. 我們上船的時間快到了。

As summer approached, the weather became hotter and hotter. 隨著夏天的臨近,天氣越來越熱了。

We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information. 我們將探索收集信息的不同方法。


approach sb. / sth. 靠近/接近某人或某事物;approach sb. for / about sth. 關于某事與某人商量/交涉;approach to 接近,近似;at the approach of 在……快到的時候;an approach to 做某事的方法、方式;去某地的路徑;make approaches to sb. 與某人打交道;make an approach to... 設法接近……;be approaching 快到的時候


approach, method, way與means的區別:





搭配如下:approach to (doing) sth.;method+of (doing) sth.,前面接with;way+to do / of doing,前面接in;by means of (doing) sth.。

2. likely adj. 可能的 adv. 很可能;或許


That means the price is likely to go down because of the competition. 那意味著價格有可能因為競爭而下降。

You will be likely to get there before 8 o'clock. ?你很有可能在8點鐘之前趕到那里。

I'm hardly likely to finish it within a week. 我不可能在一周內把它干完。


It is likely that sb. ...=sb. is likely to do... 某人可能做某事;not likely 絕不可能;絕對不會


possible, likely與probable的區別:

possible, likely與probable這三個詞都可表示“可能的”,實現的可能性依次遞增。

possible常用于下列結構:it's possible for sb. to do sth.; it's possible + that 從句; if possible。注意:possible的主語不能是人;

likely常用于下列結構:sb. / sth. is likely to do sth.; It's likely that從句。注意:likely的主語可以是人也可以是物,但幾乎不說:it's likely to do sth.;

probable 常用于下列結構:it's probable + that 從句。注意:probable 的主語不能是人,英語中幾乎不說:it's probable to do sth.。

3. curious adj. 好奇的


The boy was curious about everything he saw. 那男孩對所見的一切都感到好奇。

The reporter is curious to know whether the official is involved in the case. 那個記者很想知道此案是否牽連那位官員。

She was surprisingly unafraid and seemed to be curious about what he was doing. 令人感到驚奇的是,她并不害怕,而且似乎對他正在做的事情很好奇。


be curious to do sth. 急于做某事,極想做某事;be curious about 對……感到好奇;from / out of curiosity 出于好奇;meet / satisfy one's curiosity 滿足某人的好奇心;with curiosity=curiously好奇地

4. represent vt. 代表;象征;申明


As we all know, X represents the unknown. 我們知道,X代表未知數。

The carvings represent a hunting scene. 這些雕刻作品描繪了一幅狩獵的場面。

He represented our school to take part in the competition and all of us were proud of him. 他代表我們學校參加競賽,我們為他而感到自豪。


representation n. 表現;描述;描繪;表現形式;representative n. 代表 adj. 典型的,有代表性的;make representations to... 與……交涉;向……提出抗議;represent... as... 把……描繪成……;represent oneself as / to be... 自稱是……;represent sth. to sb. 向某人說明某事


represent, on behalf of與stand for的區別:


on behalf of只能用作狀語,表示“代表某人”;

stand for往往用來表示字母、數字、符號等“代表、象征什么”。


represent作“說明,使明白”和“傳達,表達”講時,不能直接跟人作賓語,常用結構為:represent sth. to sb.或represent to sb. sth.。類似的單詞還有explain, guarantee, relate等。

5. defend... against 防御;保衛……以免受


He had to defend himself against their charges. 他必須反對他們的指控為自己辯解。

They needed more troops to defend the border against possible attack. 他們需要更多的部隊來保衛邊境地區免受可能的攻擊。

All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. 我們所有的警察都接受過自衛訓練,能夠對付持刀襲擊。


defence n. 防御;保衛;defender n. 保護人;防守隊員;defenceless adj. 無自衛能力的,不設防的;defensive adj. 保護性的;(心理上)處于守勢的;defend oneself 自衛;defend... with... 用……保護……;defend sb. / sth. from / against... 保護某人/某物免受……傷害;come to sb.'s defence 幫助(保護)某人;in defence of 保衛……;為……辯護;set up defence 設防;say in one's defence 為某人辯護


defend, protect, guard與preserve的區別:






6. at ease 舒適;快活;自由自在


Nurses do all they can to make patients feel at ease. 護士盡力使病人心情放松。

Try to put the candidate at ease by being friendly and informal. 盡量友好隨便點,使求職者感到無拘無束。

When you feel nervous, you'd better listen to some light music to put yourself at ease. 當你感到緊張時,你最好聽些輕音樂使自己放松一下。

He didn't feel completely at ease in the strange surroundings. 他在那個生疏的環境中感到不那么自在。


with ease 容易地;不費勁地;put / set sb. at ease 使某人感到放松/輕松自在;take one's ease 休息;輕松一下;ill at ease 不自在;不自然;stand at ease 稍息;be / feel at ease 感到放松;自在;look at ease 看上去心情放松;ease one's mind 使某人安心;ease off / up 緩和;減緩;ease sb. of sth. 使某人減輕(重負、痛苦等)


at ease與with ease的區別:

at ease的意思是“安逸地,自在地”,其反義短語為ill at ease;

with ease的意思是“輕松地,容易地”。

就使用場合而言,at ease既可作表語,亦可作狀語;with ease只能用作狀語。

7. put up 舉起;升起;張帖;搭建;留宿


Put up your hand if you have any questions. 有問題請舉手。

Many high buildings have been put up there. 那里建起了許多高樓。

They'll put up at a hotel for the night. 他們將在旅館住一夜。


put aside 將……放在一邊;put away 收拾起來;儲蓄;put down 記下;放下;鎮壓;平息;put forward 提出;撥快(鐘等);put... in / into prison 把……投入監獄;put... into practise 將……付諸實施;put off 延期,推遲;put on 穿上;上演;put one's heart into sth. 用全部精力去做某事;put out 撲滅;出版;熄滅;put up with 忍受

8. turn one's back to 拒絕,背對


We shouldn't turn our back on her when she is in trouble. 當她陷入困境時,我們不應該拒絕幫她。

He decided to turn his back to his annoying sister. 他決定不理睬他那令人厭煩的妹妹。

Rudely, he turned his back to me and refused to say the further. 他很不禮貌地把背對著我,不愿繼續說下去。


turn against 背叛;反抗,使對抗;turn around 轉向;回轉;turn away 走開,離開;解雇;turn down 調?。ㄒ袅浚?拒絕;摒斥(提議、建議、提建議的人等);turn into 使成為;使變成;翻譯成;turn on 開(電燈、收音機、自來水);turn out 結果是;證明是;生產(產品);turn off 解雇;關掉(電燈、收音機、自來水);turn over 反復考慮;倒轉;turn sb. in 把某人交給警察;turn sth. in 上繳,繳回;交出;turn to 轉向;變成;求助;turn up 找到,發現;出現,來到;調大(音量)
