
The Outline of Each Winter Olympics 歷屆冬奧會

2021-01-12 05:47安硯貞
英語世界 2021年13期


The first Winter Olympics, the 1924 Winter Olympics, was held in Chamonix, France. The original five sports (broken into nine disciplines) were bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, Nordic skiing (consisting of the disciplines military patrol1,? cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, and ski jumping), and skating (consisting of the disciplines figure skating and speed skating).

[2] St. Moritz, Switzerland, was appointed by the IOC2 to host the second Olympic Winter Games in 1928.? Fluctuating weather conditions challenged the hosts. Sonja Henie of Norway made history when she won the figure skating competition at the age of 15. She became the youngest Olympic champion in history, a distinction she would hold for 74 years.

[3] The next Winter Olympics was the first to be hosted outside of Europe. This was less than in 1928 as the journey to Lake Placid, United States, was a long and expensive one for most competitors who had little money in the midst of the Great Depression. The athletes competed in fourteen events in four sports. Sonja Henie defended her Olympic title, and Eddie Eagan, who had been an Olympic champion in boxing in 1920, won the gold in the men’s bobsleigh event to become the first, and so far only, Olympian to have won gold medals in both the Summer and Winter Olympics.

[4] The German towns of Garmisch and Partenkirchen joined to organise the 1936 edition of the Winter Games. This would be the last time the Summer and Winter Olympics were held in the same country in the same year. Alpine skiing made its Olympic debut, but skiing teachers were barred from entering because they were considered to be professionals. Because of this decision the Swiss and Austrian skiers refused to compete at the Games.

[5] World War II interrupted the celebrations of the Winter Olympics. The 1940 Games had been awarded to Sapporo, Japan, but the decision was rescinded in 1938 because of the Japanese invasion of China. The Games were moved to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, but the German invasion of Poland in 1939 forced the complete cancellation of the 1940 Games. Due to the ongoing war, the 1944 Games, originally scheduled for Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, were cancelled.

[6] St. Moritz was selected to host the first post-war Games in 1948. Switzerland’s neutrality had protected the town during World War II, and most of the venues were in place from the 1928 Games, which made St. Moritz a logical choice. It became the first city to host a Winter Olympics twice. Controversy erupted when two hockey teams from the United States arrived, both claiming to be the legitimate U.S. Olympic hockey representative. There was unprecedented parity at these Games, during which 10 countries won gold medals—more than any Games to that point.

[7] The Olympic Flame for the 1952 Games in Oslo, was lit in the fireplace by skiing pioneer Sondre Nordheim, and the torch relay was conducted by 94 participants entirely on skis. Bandy3, a popular sport in the Nordic countries, was featured as a demonstration sport, though only Norway, Sweden, and Finland fielded teams. Norwegian athletes won 17 medals, which outpaced all the other nations. They were led by Hjalmar Andersen who won three gold medals in four events in the speed skating competition.

[8] After not being able to host the Games in 1944, Cortina d’Ampezzo was selected to organise the 1956 Winter Olympics. These were the first Winter Games to be televised, and the first Olympics ever broadcast to an international audience, though no television rights would be sold until the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. The Cortina Games were used to test the feasibility of televising large sporting events. The Soviet Union made its Olympic debut and had an immediate impact, winning more medals than any other nation.? Chiharu Igaya won the first Winter Olympics medal for Japan and the continent of Asia, when he placed second in the slalom.

[9] The IOC awarded the 1960 Olympics to Squaw Valley, United States. Since the village was underdeveloped, there was a rush to construct infrastructure and sports facilities like an ice arena, speed-skating track, and a ski-jump hill. The opening and closing ceremonies were produced by Walt Disney.? The Squaw Valley Olympics had a number of notable firsts: it was the first winter Olympics to have a dedicated athletes’ village, it was the first to use a computer to tabulate results, and the first to feature female speed skating events. The bobsleigh events were absent for the only time, because the organising committee found it too expensive to build the bobsleigh run.

[10] The Austrian city of Innsbruck was the host in 1964. Although Innsbruck was a traditional winter sports resort, warm weather caused a lack of snow during the Games and the Austrian army was asked to transport snow and ice to the sport venues. Soviet speed-skater Lidia Skoblikova made history by sweeping all four speed-skating events. Her career total of six gold medals set a record for Winter Olympics athletes. Luge was first contested in 1964.

[11] Held in the French town of Grenoble, the 1968 Winter Olympics were the first Olympic Games to be broadcast in colour. The organising committee sold television rights for US$2 million, which was more than double the price of the broadcast rights for the Innsbruck Games. Venues were spread over long distances requiring three athletes’ villages. The organisers claimed this was required to accommodate technological advances. Critics disputed this, alleging that the layout was necessary to provide the best possible venues for television broadcasts at the expense of the athletes.

[12] The 1972 Winter Games, held in Sapporo, Japan, were the first to be hosted outside North America or Europe. The issue of professionalism became contentious during the Sapporo Games. Canada did not send teams to the 1972 or 1976 ice hockey tournaments in protest of their inability to use players from professional leagues. Francisco Fernández Ochoa became the first (and so far only) Spaniard to win a Winter Olympic gold medal; he triumphed in the slalom.

[13] The 1976 Winter Olympics had been awarded in 1970 to Denver, United States, but in November 1972 the voters of the state of Colorado voted against public funding of the games by a 3 to 2 margin. The IOC opted to ask Innsbruck, which had maintained most of the infrastructure from the 1964 Games. With half the time to prepare for the Games as intended, Innsbruck accepted the invitation to replace Denver in February 1973. Two Olympic flames were lit because it was the second time the Austrian town had hosted the Games. The 1976 Games featured the first combination bobsleigh and luge track, in neighbouring Igls. The Soviet Union won its fourth consecutive ice hockey gold medal.

[14] In 1980 the Olympics returned to Lake Placid, which had hosted the 1932 Games. American speed-skater Eric Heiden set either an Olympic or world record in each of the five events he competed in. Hanni Wenzel won both the slalom and giant slalom and her country, Liechtenstein, became the smallest nation to produce an Olympic gold medallist. In the “Miracle on Ice” the American hockey team beat the favoured Soviets, and then went on to win the gold medal.

[15] Sapporo, Japan, and Gothenburg, Sweden, were front-runners to host the 1984 Winter Olympics. It was therefore a surprise when Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, was selected as host. Host nation Yugoslavia won its first Olympic medal when alpine skier Jure Franko won a silver in the giant slalom. Another sporting highlight was the free dance performance of British ice dancers Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean. Their performance to Ravel’s Boléro earned the pair the gold medal after achieving unanimous perfect scores for artistic impression.

[16] In 1988, the Canadian city of Calgary hosted the first Winter Olympics to span 16 days. New events were added in ski-jumping and speed skating; while future Olympic sports curling, short track speed skating and freestyle skiing made their appearance as demonstration sports. For the first time the speed skating events were held indoors, on the Olympic Oval.

[17] The 1992 Games were hosted in the French Savoie region in the city of Albertville, though only 18 events were held in the city. The rest of the events were spread out over the Savoie.

[18] In 1986 the IOC had voted to separate the Summer and Winter Games and place them in alternating even-numbered years. This change became effective for the 1994 Games, held in Lillehammer, Norway, which became the first Winter Olympics to be held separate from the Summer Games.

[19] The 1998 Winter Olympics were held in the Japanese city of Nagano and were the first Games to host more than 2,000 athletes. The men’s ice hockey tournament was opened to professionals for the first time. Women’s ice hockey made its debut and the United States won the gold medal. A wave of new world records was set in speed skating because of the introduction of the clap skate.

[20] The 2002 Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City, United States, hosting 77 nations and 2,399 athletes in 78 events in 7 sports. These games were the first to take place since 11 September 2001, which meant a higher degree of security to avoid a terrorist attack. The opening ceremonies of the games saw signs of the aftermath of the events of that day, including the flag that flew at Ground Zero4.

[21] The Italian city of Turin hosted the 2006 Winter Olympics. It was the second time that Italy had hosted the Winter Olympic Games.

[22] The IOC awarded the 2010 Winter Olympics to Vancouver, thus allowing Canada to host its second Winter Olympics. Over 2,500 athletes from 82 countries and regions participated in 86 events. The rise of Asian nations in Winter Olympics sports is due in part to the growth of winter sports programmes and the interest in winter sports in nations such as South Korea, Japan and China.

[23] Sochi, Russia, was selected as the host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics. This was the first time that Russia hosted a Winter Olympics. Over 2800 athletes from 88 countries and regions participated in 98 events. The Olympic Village and Olympic Stadium were located on the Black Sea coast. The 2014 Winter Olympics, the 22nd Winter Olympics, took place from 7 to 23 February 2014.

[24] The 2018 Winter Olympics took place from 9 to 25 February 2018 in PyeongChang, South Korea. More than 2,900 athletes from 92 countries and regions participated in 102 events.

Beijing was elected on 31 July 2015 to be the host city for the 2022 Winter Olympics. It will be the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics


[2] 1928年,瑞士圣莫里茨被國際奧林匹克運動會委員會(以下簡稱“奧委會”)指定承辦第二屆冬奧會。不穩定的天氣狀況給東道國帶來挑戰。挪威的索尼婭·赫妮獲得花樣滑冰冠軍,當時她才15歲,創造了歷史。她成為歷史上最年輕的奧運冠軍,這一榮譽她保持了74年。





[7] 1952年奧斯陸的奧運圣火由滑雪運動員森德·諾德海姆在壁爐前點燃, 94人接力滑雪完成火炬傳遞。本屆比賽中,北歐國家流行的班迪球運動作為表演項目亮相,但只有挪威、瑞典和芬蘭隊參與。挪威隊獲得了17塊獎牌,超過所有其他國家。挪威隊的領軍人物是亞馬爾·安德森,他在速度滑冰的四個項目中獲得了三塊金牌。




[11] 1968年冬奧會在法國城市格勒諾布爾舉行,是第一次進行了彩色電視轉播的冬奧會。組委會以200萬美元的價格出售了電視轉播權,這一價格是因斯布魯克奧運會轉播權價格的兩倍多。運動場館之間距離遙遠,需要有三個運動員村。主辦方認為這是順應技術進步所必須。批評者提出不同意見,認為這是能為電視轉播提供的最好的場館布局,只是給運動員帶來了不便。

[12] 1972年日本札幌冬奧會是首個在北美或歐洲之外舉辦的冬奧會。札幌冬奧會中,職業選手參賽問題爭議性很大。為抗議不能從職業聯賽中選拔運動員,加拿大沒有派出代表隊參加1972和1976年的冰球比賽。弗朗西斯科·費爾南德斯·奧喬亞成為第一個(也是迄今為止唯一的)獲得冬奧會金牌的西班牙人。他在障礙滑雪中奪冠。

[13] 1970年,美國的丹佛市被選為1976年冬奧會主辦城。但是在1972年11月,科羅拉多州人以3比2的比例投票反對用公共資金辦奧運。國際奧委會請求因斯布魯克接手,因其1964年舉辦奧運會的大部分基礎設施均保持完好。在僅剩一半時間準備運動會的情況下,因斯布魯克在1973年2月接受了邀請,取代了丹佛。奧運圣火在兩處點燃,因為這是這座奧地利城市第二次舉辦冬奧會。1976年的這次奧運會上,在附近的伊格斯市雪車和雪橇滑道首次合二為一。蘇聯連續第四次獲得冰球金牌。

[14] 1980年,奧運會主辦地回到普萊西德湖,這個曾舉辦過1932年冬奧會的地方。美國速滑運動員埃里克·海登在他參加的所有五項比賽中均創造了奧運會紀錄或世界紀錄。哈尼·文策爾贏得了障礙滑小回轉和大回轉比賽,她的祖國列支敦士登成為世界上最小的誕生奧運冠軍的國家。在“冰上奇跡”中,美國冰球隊打敗了大熱的蘇聯隊,并進而贏得金牌。


[16] 1988年,加拿大城市卡爾加里舉辦的冬奧會首次延長至16天。在跳臺滑雪和速度滑冰中增加了新項目,未來的奧運項目冰壺、短道速滑和自由式滑雪作為表演項目登場。速度滑冰項目第一次在奧林匹克體育館室內舉行。

[17] 1992年的冬奧會在法國薩瓦地區的阿爾貝維爾市舉辦。但只有18個項目是在該市舉辦的,其余項目舉辦地散布在薩瓦地區。

[18] 1986年,國際奧委會投票,決定將夏季奧運會和冬季奧運會分開間隔在不同的偶數年份舉行。這項改變從1994年挪威利勒哈默爾冬奧會生效,這是第一屆和夏季奧運會不在同一年舉辦的冬奧會。

[19] 1998年冬奧會在日本長野舉行,參賽運動員人數首次超過2000人。男子冰球項目首次接納職業運動員。女子冰球首次亮相,美國獲得金牌。由于克萊普式冰刀的使用,速度滑冰項目產生了一批世界紀錄。

[20] 2002年冬奧會在美國鹽湖城舉行,有77個國家的2399名運動員參加了7個大項目共78個小項目的比賽。這是2001年9月11日之后的首次運動會,為避免恐怖襲擊,安保程度加強??忠u事件的影響在開幕式上也有體現,包括曾在遇襲的世貿中心飄揚的美國國旗。




[24] 2018年冬奧會于2018年2月9日至25日在韓國平昌舉行。平昌冬奧會設15個大項、102個小項,來自92個國家和地區的逾2900名選手參加比賽。



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