
Interesting Medals 獎牌趣事

2021-01-12 05:47凌嵐
英語世界 2021年13期


The Winter Olympic Games using the emblematic1 Olympic medals is a fascinating artistic and cultural experience. Their design must take into account certain visual elements defined by the IOC and the OCOG2, with the IOC having the final approval. They must show the Olympic emblem, the full name of the Games in question, the name of the sport or discipline concerned and the OCOG’s emblem. Additionally, the Winter Games medals should reflect the visual look, plus cultural and aesthetic elements selected by the OCOG.

Now let’s look at some representative and interesting Olympic medals:

The obverse depicts the emblem of the Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 comprising the Olympic rings and the coat of arms3 of the city showing the bridge on the Inn which gives the city of Innsbruck its name4. For centuries, this bridge has been the link between the old town and the H?tting district. It symbolizes friendship and the people of the world coming together. The inscription “XII OLYMPISCHE WINTERSPIELE INNSBRUCK 1976” surrounds the scene.

The reverse shows the Bergisel skiing area with the Alps in the background and the Olympic flame in the foreground on the right hand side.

?Salt Lake City 2002

On the obverse, an athlete bursts from flames carrying a torch, representing the resilience of the human spirit and the power to inspire. The figure has triumphed over adversity and is thus released from a mountain of ice and rock. The Olympic Rings anchor5 the image of the athlete, while the theme of the Olympic Winter Games Salt Lake City 2002 “Light the Fire Within” is etched into the medal, marking the first time that an organizing committee’s vision statement is included on a medal.

On the reverse, Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, holds a small victory leaf6, symbolizing the olive wreaths that were presented to winners of the ancient Olympic Games. Within Nike’s embrace is an illustration of the event for which each medal is being presented. The emblem of the Olympic Winter Games Salt Lake City 2002 and the name of the event figure are illustrated on the reverse of each medal. At the base of the ribbon loop is the Roman numeral XIX, signifying the XIX Olympic Winter Games.

The medals are designed in the shape of river rocks, like those found in Utah’s streams and rivers. Part modern and part rustic, they embody the spirit of the American West from the forging of the West to the technological present. Each medal is hand-finished and is slightly different from the other medals similar to individual rocks sculpted by water and wind.

On the obverse, it presents the graphic elements of the Games.

On the reverse, the pictogram of the sports discipline in which the medal was won.

The medal is round like the Olympic rings or a symbolic victory ring and, with its open space at its centre, it reveals the place where the heart beats, the symbol of life itself. To highlight the three-dimensional characteristics of the medal, its surface has been carefully made using full and empty spaces, with shiny and satiny textures. The medal is only complete, however, when it is hanging geometrically from the athlete’s neck, lying on his/her chest, circling and revealing the area near his/her heart and focusing attention on the athlete’s vital energy and human emotions.

On the obverse, the Olympic rings.

On the reverse, the name of the event in English and the emblem of the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014.The Sochi 2014 mosaic “patchwork quilt” of national designs from the various culture and ethnicities of the Russian Federation is featured on the metal and polycarbonate parts of both sides of the medal.

On the rim, the inscription “XXII OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES” (also in French and Russian). The medals represent the landscape of Sochi with the snowy mountain tops reflecting the sun’s ray onto the sandy beaches of the Black Sea coast.














