
My Future

2021-08-13 21:54趙小杰
考試與評價·八年級版 2021年3期


Im American and my life today is fun. I have great friends who go to parties with me every week. Yet in this world there are many hard struggles. One of those struggles is the poor trying to get their children a good education. Some others are people losing their homes, jobs, and families because they cant pay for their bills.

Right now I am getting a good education. I am getting all As and Bs. You have to be tough to survive in this world.

(1) When I get older I am going to live with my kids and my husband. I hope to be a rich nurse, teacher, or lawyer. Being a nurse, teacher or lawyer will make my struggles easier because I will have the money to take care of things. I also want to live in a big white house. I hope to have a very cute, smart and loyal boyfriend. I want to have two children, a boy and a girl.

In this world today life is hard for some women. I hope that soon there will be more laws that will protect women from getting hurt by their boyfriends and their husbands.

I will try to be a successful woman when I grow up. I want to be rich so I can take care of my family. (2) Thats how I want my life to be in the year 2035.


I. 根據短文內容,完成下列句子(每空一詞)。

1. Some people have hard struggles because they _? __ their homes, jobs or families.

2. The author is good at her ____ at school, so shes getting a good education.

II. 從原文中找出與下列句中劃線單詞意思相同或相近的詞語。

1. Mother told me that only strong men can

make life better. _______

2. They were so poor that they couldnt afford a new bike. _______

III. 將(1)和(2)劃線部分的句子翻譯成漢語。

1. _________________

2. _________________

IV. 用3個簡單句來表達:I hope that soon there will be more laws that will protect women from getting hurt by their boyfriends and their husbands.盡可能準確地表達原句的意思。

1. _________________

2. _________________

3. _________________

V. 根據短文內容,回答下列問題。

1. What does the author want to be?


2. What does the author think her future boy- friend should be like?


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