

2021-08-14 21:22李娜
考試與評價·七年級版 2021年5期


Puff-the-Ball hasnt got parents. He wants to have friends. One day he goes out to look for friends. He walks on and on.

He sees a Cat. He says:“Hello, Pussy! Im looking for a friend. Do you want to be my friend?”“Of course,”says the Cat. “Please, take me with you.”

“With great plasure. I want to have a friend. Come with me,” says Puff-the-Ball.

So Puff-the-Ball and Pussy-the-Cat walk on and on.

Then they see a little Dog. The Dog says,“Hi!Are you looking for a friend? you are two and Im alone①. Please, take me with you.”

“And who are you?” ask Puff-the-Ball and Pussy-the-Cat.

“Im Rex-the-Dog.”

“OK. Come with us. We want to have a friend, too.”

Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat and Rex-the-Dog walk on, and on, and on. Soon they see a Hare.

The Hare says:“Hi! Are you looking for a friend? You are three and Im alone. Please, take me with you. I want to be your friend.”

“And who are you?” asks Puff-the-Ball.

“Im Jack-the-Hare.”

“Then come with us. We want to have a friend, too.”

So Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog and Jack-the-Hare walk on, and on. Soon they see a Frog.

“Hello!”says the Frog. “Are you looking for a friend? Please, take me with you. You are four and I am alone.”

“And who are you?” asks Puff-the-Ball.

“I am Flop-the-Frog. I want to be your friend, too.”

So Puff-the-Ball, Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog, Jack-the-Hare and Flop-the-Frog walk on, and on, and on. Soon they come to a nice house.

“Look. What a nice house,” says Puff-the-Ball. “The house is very big. We can all live in this house.”

“OK,” says Pussy-the-Cat.

“Good,” says Rex-the-Dog.

“Very good,” says Jack-the-Hare.

“Very, very good” says Flop-the-Frog.

Now Puff-the-Ball has got four friends: Pussy-the-Cat, Rex-the-Dog, Jack-the-Hare, Flop-the-Frog and now they are living happily in this nice big house.


alone 作形容詞時意為“單獨的、獨自的”,一般只作表語,例如:

He is alone. 他孤身一人。


He stays at home alone. 他一個人呆在家里。

He alone can do it. 只有他能做它。

既然提到alone我們就不能忘記lonely /?l??nlI/ adj 孤獨的、荒蕪的,它更強調心靈上的感覺,alone和lonely的辨析是各種考試??颊Z言點之一。下面這句話可要記牢了!

He was alone, but not lonely. 他雖孤身一個,但并不寂寞。

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