

2021-09-10 17:12周敏欣
考試與評價·高二版 2021年5期


1. seize [si?z] vt.

? 抓住;捉住

He seized her by the arm. 他抓住她的胳膊。

? 奪取;攻占;控制

They seized the airport in a surprise attack. 他們突襲攻占了機場。

? 逮捕;捉拿;俘獲

The thief was seized and turned over to a police station. 小偷被逮捕,并被送至警察局。

? 起獲;沒收;扣押

A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid. 在這次突擊行動中起獲了大量毒品。

seize on / upon sth. 意識到某事物而立即加以利用

The rumors were eagerly seized upon by the local press. 當地報紙迫不及待地對這些傳聞加以炒作。

seize up (指開動著的機器) 停止運轉;發生故障

Your engine will seize up if you dont put some more oil in. 你再不加些潤滑油,發動機就要卡住了。

易混辨析seize, arrest, capture, catch與trap


【考題鏈接】 The men were? ? ? ? ?as they left the building.


2. file [faIl]

? [C] 文件夾;卷宗;檔案

A stack of files awaited me on my desk. 我桌上有一堆文件正待我去處理。

? [C] (計算機的)文件

Every file on the same disk must have a different name. 同一磁盤上的每一個文件都必須有不同的文件名。

? vt. 提交;發送

A number of them have filed formal complaints against the police. 他們中的許多人都對警方提出了正式控告。

? vt. 將……歸檔

When at home, most evenings would be spent reading, cutting up and filing away his photographs. 他晚上在家時,經常都是在看書或剪切和歸類他的照片。

on file 存檔;歸檔

We have all your particulars on file. 我們已把你所有資料存檔。

in single file一路縱隊;單行

They made their way in single file along the cliff path. 他們一個跟著一個沿懸崖小徑前行。

【考題鏈接】 There are a couple more? ? ? ? ?to read first.


3. bear [be?(r)]

? [C] 熊

Polly was playing with her teddy bear. 波莉正在玩她的泰迪熊。

? vt. 忍受;忍耐

They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war. 他們不得不忍受長期生活在戰爭恐懼中的痛苦。

? vt. 負擔;承擔

If there is anything wrong, you have to bear the responsibility. 如果出現問題,你就得承擔責任。

? vt. 開(花);結(果)

As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water. 當植物生長并開始結果的時候,它們需要大量的水。

like a bear with a sore head 易怒的;脾氣壞的

When hes just woken up, he is like a bear with a sore head. 他剛睡醒時,非常暴躁。

bring sth. to bear (on sb. / sth.) 把精力用于;對……施加壓力(或影響等)

We must bring all our energies to bear on the task. 我們必須全力以赴不辱使命。

bear with sb. / sth. 耐心對待;容忍

If you will bear with me a little longer, Ill answer your question. 你如果能耐心點聽我把話說完,我會回答你的問題的

派生詞bearable adj. 可忍受的;經得住的

The climate is bearable. 這種氣候尚可忍受。

易混辨析bear, endure, stand, tolerate與put up with

這組詞都有“忍受,忍耐”之意。bear強調忍受者的堅韌;endure比較正式,尤指忍受大的、持久的困難、痛苦、災禍,常用于否定意義的句子中;stand意為“忍受,頂住”,多用于口語中,常用于否定句中,若用于肯定句,則意為“不屈不撓、經受得起”;tolerate意為“容忍”,語氣較前幾個詞弱;put up with與tolerate意義相近,有“不計較、將就”之意,多用于口語。

【考題鏈接】 He can't? ? ? ? ?being laughed at.


4. tap [t?p]

? [C] (水)龍頭

She turned on the taps. 她打開了那些龍頭。

? [C] 輕輕地敲擊(……聲)

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round. 他覺得有人輕輕拍他的肩膀便轉過身來。

? vt. 輕打;輕拍;輕敲

Someone tapped at the door.有人輕輕叩門。

? vt. (在電話上) 安裝竊聽器;竊聽

He was convinced his phone was being tapped. 他確信自己的電話正被人竊聽。

on tap 現成的;隨時可獲得的

Filtered water is always on tap, making it very convenient to use. 隨時打開龍頭都有過濾水,用起來很方便。

【考題鏈接】 She felt a light? ? ? ? ?on her shoulder.


5. distinguish [dI?stIwI?]

? vt. 顯示……的差別;使有所不同

What was it that distinguished her from her classmates? 是什么使得她有別于班上其他同學呢?

? vt. 區分;辨別;分清

It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other. 很難分辨出一對雙胞胎誰是誰。

? vt. 使出眾;使著名;使受人青睞

She has already distinguished herself as an athlete. 作為運動員她已享有盛名。

? vi. 區別;辨別

People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind. 不能分辨顏色的人被稱為色盲。

distinguish A from B 分辨;區別

Can he distinguish right from wrong? 他能分辨是非嗎?

派生詞 ? distinguishable adj. 可辨認的;可辨識的

The coast was barely distinguishable in the mist. 在霧中很難看清海岸。

? distinguished adj. 卓越的;杰出的;(外表或舉止上)有尊嚴的;高貴的

She is a distinguished novelist and philosopher. 她是一個杰出的小說家和哲學家。

易混辨析distinguish, discern與discriminate


【考題鏈接】 Its important to? ? ? ? ?fact from fiction.


6. associate [??s??sIeIt]

? vt. 聯想;聯系

I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood. 一聞到烘烤食物的味道我就想起了童年。

associate sb. / sth. with sb. / sth. 將(人或事物)聯系起來

Whisky is usually associated with Scotland. 人們常把威士忌和蘇格蘭聯系起來。

? vt. 交往;(尤指)混在一起

I don't like you associating with those people. 我不喜歡你和那些人混在一起。

? vt. 表明支持;表示同意

I have never associated myself with political extremism. 我從來不贊同政治上的極端主義。

? adj. 非正式的;準的;副的

Mr. Lin is associate director of the Institute 林先生是研究所的副所長。

? [C] 同伴;伙伴

They are associates in crime. 他們是共犯。

派生詞 association [U] 聯合;聯系;聯盟

His English improved enormously because of his association with British people. 因為他和英國人有往來,所以他的英語突飛猛進。

易混辨析associate, companion, comrade, colleague, fellow與partner


【考題鏈接】 Our? ? ? ? ?with him goes back four years.


7. practical [?pr?ktIkl] adj.

? 實際的;真實的;客觀存在的

There are some obvious practical applications of the research. 這項研究中有一些明顯的實際用途。

? (意見和方法)切實有效的;可行的

It wouldnt be practical for us to go all that way just for the weekend. 我們跑那么遠只為了去度個周末實在很不切實際。

for (all) practical purposes事實上;其實

The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over. 減價銷售原計劃持續一周,但事實上已經結束了。

派生詞 ? practically adv. 實事求是地;實際地

She solved the problem very practically. 她很實事求是地解決了這個問題。

? practicality [U] 現實性;實用性

He questioned the practicality of the proposal. 他對該建議的可行性表示懷疑。

【考題鏈接】 She offered me? ? ? ? ?assistance with my research.


8. identification [aI?dentIfI?keI?n] n.

? [U, C] 鑒定;辨認

Each product has a number for easy identification. 每件產品都有編碼以便于識別。

Only one witness could make a positive identification. 只有一位目擊者能夠明確指認。

? [U] 確認;確定

The early identification of children with special educational needs is very important. 早期確認兒童有特殊教育需求很重要。

? [U] 身份證明

Can I see some identification, please? 請出示任何身份證件好嗎?

派生詞identify v.

? vt. 確認;驗明

Identify how the incident occurred. 確認事故如何發生。

? vi. 一致;成為一致

I identified with the heroine of the novel. 我與小說中的那個女主人公感同身受。

【考題鏈接】 Now that the problem has been? ? ? ? ?, appropriate action can be taken.


10. innocent [?In?snt] adj.

? 無辜的;清白的;無罪的

They have imprisoned an innocent man. 他們監禁了一名無辜的男子。

? 天真無邪的;純真的

They seemed so young and innocent. 他們看起來如此少不更事。

派生詞 innocently adv. 故作天真地;佯裝無知地

I caught Chrissie's eye, but she only smiled back at me innocently. 我與克麗茜對視了一眼,但她只是一臉天真地對我微笑。

【考題鏈接】 She smiled at me? ? ? ? ?when she saw me.


11. abrupt [??br?pt] adj.

? 突然的;意外的

The bus came to an abrupt halt. 公共汽車突然停了下來。

I don't know the cause of his abrupt leave. 我不知道他突然離去的原因。

an abrupt bend 急轉彎

Here the river takes an abrupt bend to the west. 這條河在這里急轉向西流去。

? (言語、行為等) 粗魯的,唐突的,莽撞的,生硬的

Sorry, I didn't mean to be so abrupt. 對不起,我不是故意這樣無禮的。

an abrupt manner唐突的舉止

Alan was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner. 她魯莽的態度讓艾倫感到有些吃驚。

派生詞 ? abruptly adv. 突然地,意外地

She left the room abruptly without explanation. 她未作解釋就突然離開了房間。

? abruptness n. 突然,意外

The abruptness of her appearance at the meeting surprised us all. 她在會議上突然出現使我們吃了一驚。

【考題鏈接】 She always sounds? ? ? ? ?on the telephone.


12. convenient [k?n?vi?ni?nt]

? adj. 便利的,方便的

Please do this job at your convenience. 請在你方便的時候做這項工作。

Will 3 o'clock be convenient for you? 三點鐘對你方便嗎?

? adj. 合適的

We must arrange a convenient time and place for the seminar. 我們必須為這次研討會安排一個合適的時間和地點。

派生詞 ? inconvenient adj. 不方便的

Its very inconvenient to have to wait so long. 等這么久很麻煩。

? convenience n. 便利,有益,方便的用具、機械、安排

It was a great convenience to have the school so near. 學校這么近真是太方便了。

for convenience 為方便起見

For convenience, the two groups have been treated as one in this report. 為方便起見,這兩個組在本報告中被視為一組。

【考題鏈接】 Will it be? ? ? ? ?for you to start work tomorrow?


13. discovery [dI?sk?v?rI] n.

? 發現,發覺;(劇情的)發展;被發現的事物

I'm reading about a new discovery in medical science. 我正在讀一篇有關醫藥科學的新發現的文章。

His discoveries included 300 uses for peanuts and 200 uses for sweet potatoes. 他的發現包括300種花生的用途和200種白薯的用途。

The discovery of oil on their land made the people rapidly rich. 石油的發現使當地人迅速富裕起來。



14. prove [pru?v] v.

? vt. 證明;證實

He has proved his courage in battles. 他已在戰斗中證明了自己的勇氣。

Time would prove me (to be) right. 時間會證明我是對的。

? vi. 原來(是);證明(是)

The method proved (to be) highly effective. 這個方法被證明是非常有效的。

【考題鏈接】 In the light of later events the decision was? ? ? ? ?right.

