
My Romantic Father

2021-09-17 06:05ByYueDaiyun
Special Focus 2021年4期

By Yue Daiyun

In 1927,my father Yue Senwei returned to his hometown after graduation.Some of his schoolmates had attempted to persuade him to work in Nanjing or Wuhan,but he insisted on going back to Guizhou Province,to his hometown.He planned to start a family and enjoy a happy and leisurely life there.


My father enjoyed a sweet and happy life when he settled down in Guiyang,the capital of Guizhou Province.

He was a neophile.He liked wearing Western-style suits and often held a gentleman’s walking cane.He taught foreign languages,played violin,hosted dance parties,and criticized the local warlords in newspapers.He also made friends with church ministers and priests,practicing oral English,exchanging stamps,reading magazines,and drinking coffee with them.

His proudest moment after returning to his hometown was marrying my mother.She was ten years younger than him,and was the campus belle of the School of Art in the Women’s Normal University.They made their family the warm haven he had dreamed about for ages.

My father had four brothers.When my grandpa passed away,they decided to divide the family property.My father asked for nothing but the small back garden tended by my grandpa in his late years.

In the garden,there used to be an old building with upturned eaves,on which hung a plaque that read “Xiang Xue Hall,” where rows of magnolia and bauhinia flowers were grown,a big stone tank with golden fish was lying inside,and an old ginkgo tree towering over the scene.




父親當年回鄉最得意之事,就是娶了我母親,比他年輕10 多歲,她是當年女子師范藝術系的?;?,從此筑成他多少年來朝思暮想的溫馨小家。



My father renovated the garden thoroughly.He first bought a lot of magazines on Western architecture and interior decoration,and then designed a beautiful building in Western style,which was quite rare in Guiyang in the early 1930s.

My father was very satisfied with his work.He often threw family parties on weekends.The invited guests danced the waltz,foxtrot,and tango there,and he himself taught the new dances to others.While the adults joined in the dances,we kids ate up all the prepared candies and cookies.

It was the happiest time in my father’s life.


Unfortunately,all the schools had to be relocated to evade Japanese bombings in late 1939.The No.1 High School in Guiyang,where my father worked,was moved to Wudang Village,about 3 miles away from downtown.They first had classes at a local temple,and then built some thatched cottages as classrooms.The faculty and staff had to live in the small,leased farmhouses.

In such a hard time,my father still maintained his romantic nature.He rented a grain barn against a hill.The barn was built on high ground,with no other buildings around—only a spacious threshing floor in front.

Our family of four lived almost one year in this barn.Despite the turmoil of war,my father managed to create a happy and carefree life for us.We often watched the sunset and had picnics on the hilltop.My brother and I had a lot of fun rolling around on the grassy hills,picking up wild flowers and red pod beans,and pulling bulrushes.My mother would knit the bulrushes to make whisk brooms to sweep the barn.




好景不長,大約是1939年末,學校疏散的命令下達,父親所在的貴陽一中奉命遷到離市區10 余里的農村烏當。先是在一個大廟里上課,后來又修建了一些簡陋的草房,教員則擠在租來的民房里。






















My mother also taught us to weave baskets with palm leaves and vines,and then decorate them with golden dandelion flowers and blue bellwort flowers.

While we were playing,my father would sing merrily.Sometimes,we sang together.The lyrics went like “Home,home,our sweet home.We have no beautiful garden,but fragrant orchids in spring and sweet osmanthus in autumn.We have no big house,but warm winter and cool summer…”

At times,my father would sing some odd songs.Until now,I still haven’t figured out where those songs came from.Maybe he composed them himself.

The price of goods was low in the village,so we managed to have a comfortable life with my father’s modest salary.Fresh vegetables and pork were the ordinary meal at our dining table.

My parents often compared themselves to the protagonists of the bookSix Records of a Floating Life(A number of articles recounting the domestic life and romantic joys in marriage by Shen Fu in 1808).I often read one of the chapters “The Pleasures of Leisure” when I was a kid.

For us,in those days,life was a pleasant pastoral paradise.


However,the pastoral life was only a short-term illusion.That summer,my father was fired because he was suspicious of being linked with the CPC activists.

We soon went back to Guiyang and began a difficult chapter.My mother and I often went to Jinshapo,a recycling station,to sell our belongings.We sold almost all of our valuables.

The turning point in our life came unexpectedly.One day,my father ran into one of his schoolmates from Peking University.The schoolmate was then hunting talents for the newly established Guizhou University,and he invited my father to be a lecturer for the School of English.We happily moved to Huaxi Town where Guizhou University was located.

Huaxi was a beautiful small town situated around 12 miles away from the downtown area of Guiyang.It was rarely known to people at that time.My father accidentally found this idyllic world when he was hiking three or four years before the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-1945).

My father bought a piece of land in Huaxi Town with a small amount of money,and then built a house with the blue stones and pinewood available in the area.Surrounded by a hill and river,the house had three long rooms and one spacious veranda with one storeroom on each side.Beneath the seven-step stair was a wide lawn dotted with flagstones,and a ring of fringed iris and yellow loosestrife flowers.

Beyond the lawn was a low stone wall,neighboring a vegetable plot.The crystal clear river outside the fence flowed beside the plot and watered the vegetables we planted.On the left side of the lawn was a barren hill covered with weeds and stones.

In the corner between the fence and the hill stood a wooden toilet,in front of which was a glossy white stone.Pretending to go to the toilet,I often sit on the stone and read such books asLegends of Martial Arts Mastersand Zhang Henshui’s romantic novels,books I wasn’t supposed to be reading.

When the new house was completed,my father invited many of his friends to celebrate—we sang,danced,and ate for several days.

He was extremely ecstatic when we moved back to Huaxi.He gave up his faculty dorm room and walked to school every day,even though it was around 3 miles away.Our romantic life returned in Huaxi.We had picnics at the riverside,watched the sunset,climbed the hill,made cookies,and went to the food market,which was much larger than that in Wudang.My father started to sing his old songs merrily again.

(FromThe Bright Moon on the Horizon,Haitian Publishing House.Translation:Li Li)

貴州大學 喀斯特區耕地地力提升與培育團隊 王小利 課題組