
Unit 7 Section B (2b, 2c, 3b) Reading: Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store

2021-10-21 02:09李向云
科教創新與實踐 2021年32期


Teaching objectives

By the end of the period, the teacher must enable the students to:

1. understand the passage and master some reading strategies.

2. summarize the passage by making notes and underlining the main ideas.

3. be more aware of asking about prices.

Teaching key points and difficult points

Getting the students to understand the passage and master some reading strategies.

Teaching methods

Task-based teaching approach, the communicative approach and translation method.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warm-up(序曲)

Two students role-play the conversation of buying and selling clothes in class.

The teacher show students a leaflet about Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store.

T: This morning I passed by a clothes store. People there gave me a leaflet. Let’s see what it’s about. Tell me your ideas.

S: Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store is on sale.

T: Yes. 50% Off. What does it mean?

S: The shop cuts half the price.

T: One week only. What does it mean?

S:It starts on Monday, and it ends on Sunday.

T: Yes, they also put up an ad (廣告). Let’s read 2b on P41 and find out what the ad is mainly about.


Step 2 Presenting(發展)

T: What is the ad(廣告) mainly about? The ad is mainly about __________.

A. many beautiful clothes.

B. the prices and colors of the clothes.

C. The great sale in Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store.

S: OK.

T: Which is the answer?

S: C.

T: Why do you choose C? Where can you find the answer?

S: From the first two sentences.

T: Read the sentences aloud. “Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!We sell all our clothes at very good prices.”

1. Scanning.

What clothes are on sale in Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store?

Sweaters, trousers, shorts, skirts, jackets, shoes, and socks.

2. Careful Reading. Read the ad again and finish the chart.

【設計意圖】這一步相當于戲劇里面故事的展開。通過前面環節對學生們文章大意已經了解,教師需要引導學生一同展開對文章內容更細致的解讀?!癕aking notes” (做筆記) 是閱讀的一個很重要的方法。閱讀后完成表格其實就是閱讀的同時把要點記錄下來,這樣既最大限度地挖掘課文內容訓練學生的歸納總結能力和細節獲取能力,也能使學生在自己的頭腦里形成一個較為清晰的思維導圖,讓文本在他們的頭腦里網絡化、條理化。

Step 3 Suspense (懸念)

Read and retell. Ask the students to summarize the whole passage.

T: Now, we know so much about the passage, can you summarize the passage? The following structure may help you. You can tell your partners first.

S: …

Further Reading. Read the ad again and complete the conversation in 2c.

T: I need three volunteers to practice the conversation in class and check the answer

at the same time.


Step 4 Climax (高潮)

Read, think and Write.

T: There is another example. Linlin’s Clothes Store is at a great sale, but the ad is in the wrong order. Can you make it right?

Come quickly! You can get what you like. You can’t miss it!

Welcome to Linlin’s Clothes Store! The clothes in the store are on sale today.

Our hats are six dollars. They are really pretty. How much is the white sweater? It’s only 9 dollars. Do you like shorts? For boys, we have green shorts for only 8 dollars.

S: 2-3-1.


T: Now, it is your show time. Look at 3b, write an ad for your own clothes store.

e.g. Sale at ____________________

Come and buy your clothes...! Do you like...? We have...


Come to our store now!

【設計意圖】戲劇的高潮部分最吸引人,是全劇的重頭戲。這節課的產出部分,無疑是這節課的亮點和重點。課本42頁的3b的寫作設計,與閱讀理解本身聯系緊密。這里增加一個Look at 3b, write an ad for your own clothes store.的任務,引導學生在仔細閱讀文本的基礎上,加深對文本深層次的理解,在理解的基礎上發散開來,由里而外,由人到己,將文本與思考相結合,將學習與生活相結合,將閱讀與寫作相結合。

Step 5 Ending (結局)

1. Homework assignment

Write the ad for your own clothes store on your exercise book.


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