

2022-02-14 09:40方帥軍陳夢婕舒可人岳心茹
絲綢 2022年1期

方帥軍 陳夢婕 舒可人 岳心茹

摘要: 為了建立甲基丙烯酰胺接枝蠶絲(polyMAA-SF)的定量分析模型,本文通過自由基引發方式將甲基丙烯酰胺單體(MAA)與蠶絲接枝聚合,得到梯度接枝率的蠶絲組樣,使用DSC技術對其進行表征分析。接枝后的蠶絲在DSC曲線中出現新的吸熱峰,新峰面積隨著接枝率的增加而增加。根據DSC分析方法作基線,建立新峰熱焓比值與接枝率(稱重法)的線性關系函數模型,并采用已知接枝率polyMAA-SF樣品進行驗證。結果表明,DSC定量分析得到的蠶絲接枝率相對誤差均小于5%,該函數模型適用于蠶絲接枝率的檢測。

關鍵詞: DSC;MAA;蠶絲;接枝率;定量分析

中圖分類號: TS141.8 ? ?文獻標志碼: A ? ?文章編號: 1001-7003(2022)01-0020-05

引用頁碼: 011103DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.01.003



1 實 驗

1.1 材料、試劑及儀器




1.2 接枝蠶絲樣的制備

稱取已脫膠的蠶絲0.5 g,在140 ℃條件下烘60 min至恒重W1。甲基丙烯酰胺投入量為0.6~3.0 g,甲酸為3%,以3%過硫酸鉀作為引發劑。在85 ℃,浴比為1 ︰ 30(蠶絲 ︰ 處理液體積)條件下采用吸盡法處理40 min,通過浸潤和多次熱水洗滌去除未反應的MAA和物理黏附的均聚物,得到不同接枝率的甲基丙烯酰胺接枝蠶絲(polyMAA-SF)組樣。上述百分含量均表示相對原蠶絲的質量。將接枝蠶絲樣品在140 ℃條件下烘至恒重為W2,按下式分別計算接枝率和接枝效率:




1.3 DSC表征與分析

將未接枝蠶絲和不同接枝率的polyMAA-SF樣品剪碎,稱取5 mg左右,在DSC差示掃描量熱儀中進行測定:測試溫度由25 ℃開始,升溫速率為10 ℃/min,在30 mL/min氮氣流量下升至400 ℃,獲得DSC曲線。每個樣品分別測試3次,通過對系列樣品曲線作基線得到相應熱焓值和溫度等數據,優選出最接近接枝率平均值的數據。

2 結果與分析

2.1 單體MAA含量對蠶絲接枝率及單體接枝效率的影響 ?甲基丙烯酰胺單體在接枝聚合過程中受各條件的影響,其中浴比影響很大,為了讓MAA單體在蠶絲織物上最大化接枝聚合,需要盡量控制接枝反應浴比。文獻[7]提出當浴比在1 ︰ 20~1 ︰ 40時,接枝率和接枝效率均會隨著單體含量的增加而快速增大,因此本文采用了1 ︰ 30的浴比。由圖1可知,蠶絲接枝率隨著MAA單體投入量的增加而不斷增大。從接枝效率變化可以看出,在MAA單體投入量為1.6 g之前接枝效率快速攀升,隨后逐漸放緩,保持在25%左右且有下降趨勢,說明在該浴比條件下接枝聚合反應,MAA單體不斷反應接枝,接枝率明顯提升;而接枝效率在蠶絲接枝率60%后,不再隨著MAA單體濃度增加而增加,說明接枝共聚的反應能力降低,已逐漸達到了蠶絲的固有接枝量。

2.2 接枝率對DSC分析圖的影響

將不同接枝率的甲基丙烯酰胺接枝蠶絲(polyMAA-SF)樣品在25~400 ℃下進行DSC測試,結果如圖2所示。相比未接枝蠶絲,接枝蠶絲在266~288 ℃出現新的吸熱峰,很明顯該吸熱峰是由已接枝上的甲基丙烯酰胺聚合物引起的。隨著接枝率的增加,新吸熱峰面積逐漸增大,其峰位也逐漸向高溫方向移動,而位于317~327 ℃內蠶絲本身固有結構的吸熱峰面積呈現減小趨勢,表明新吸熱峰面積與蠶絲接枝率之間存在一定關系。

2.3 DSC測試結果數據分析

由DSC曲線原理可知,流到樣品的熱流量對時間的積分等于轉化的熱焓(ΔH/J),對溫度表示的DSC曲線也總是對時間的積分,積分得到的結果即為DSC曲線與基線之間的面積,考慮測試樣品的質量,即可得到單位熱焓值,其與相關吸熱峰面積對應。以41.60%接枝率蠶絲的DSC曲線分析為例,在220 ℃~370 ℃作兩端切線為總基線,得到兩峰的積分面積。由圖3可知,兩峰具有部分重疊效應,根據DSC分析對于疊峰采用樣條基線的方式內插得到S形基線,從而得到紅色區域,記Q1,為MAA接枝聚合物的吸熱峰面積。將黑色區域記Q2,為蠶絲本身結構吸熱峰面積,具體數值列于表1。兩者比值Q1 ︰ Q2為43.07%,與稱重法測得的樣品接枝率41.60%很接近。

2.4 DSC分析方法的數學建模

根據41.60%接枝率蠶絲DSC分析方法,以同樣的方式分別對不同接枝率蠶絲的DSC曲線作基線,得到在266~288 ℃和317~327 ℃溫度內的單位熱焓值,標記為Q1和Q2。從表2可知,Q1熱焓值隨著接枝率的增大而增大,而Q2熱焓值呈現下降趨勢,兩者比值與接枝率都很接近。將接枝率和吸熱峰的熱焓比值Q1 ︰ Q2作圖,如圖4所示,優選的熱焓比值Q1 ︰ Q2與接枝率之間存在良好的線性關系,如下式所示,其擬合系數R2為0.994 9。


式中:y為Q1 ︰ Q2;x為接枝率(稱重法)。


2.5 DSC數學模型的驗證

將已知接枝率(F)的增重蠶絲在不同部位取4個點,分別進行DSC測試、作總基線和樣條基線、計算新吸熱峰面積比值(Q1 ︰ Q2),并以m表示,得到m1、m2、m3、m4。通過下式對其平均計算得到峰面積比平均值m:


再將平均值 ?m代入線性函數關系式(3)中,計算得到接枝率 ?M,驗證結果如表3所示。


3 結 論

本文采用差示掃描量熱儀對不同接枝率的甲基丙烯酰胺接枝蠶絲進行測試,由DSC曲線可知,接枝后的蠶絲在266~288 ℃出現新的吸熱峰,該吸熱峰面積隨著接枝率的增加而增大,說明該峰是由接枝的MAA聚合物引起。而位于317~327 ℃吸熱峰逐漸減小,該峰為蠶絲固有結構的吸熱峰。將新吸熱峰與蠶絲固有吸熱峰的單位熱焓比值和蠶絲接枝率(稱重法)作圖擬合,發現兩者之間存在良好的線性關系,并得到了相應的函數關系式。通過企業蠶絲樣驗證發現,數學模型計算得到的蠶絲接枝率與實際接枝率均非常接近,且兩者相對誤差小于5.0%。說明DSC定量分析技術對蠶絲接枝率的測定不僅有效且準確度較高,這對蠶絲接枝應用與檢驗檢測帶來積極的推動作用。


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Abstract: Silk is a kind of high-quality natural fiber loved by people for its softness, smoothness, excellent luster and drape properties. In actual applications, it is necessary to remove the sericin part of silk through degumming, resulting in the quality loss of nearly 25% during silk pretreatment and causing huge losses for silk production enterprises. With the development of silk technology, silk weighting process has developed from traditional methods such as tin weighting, tannin weighting and sericin-fixed weighting to silk graft weighting, among which methacrylamide graft weighting is one of the most widely used silk graft weighting technologies. This method can not only solve the problem of silk quality loss, but also retain the hand-feel and luster of silk fabric, and improve the drapability of silk and other properties. However, different grafting rates with different effects on the quality of silk also affect the price of silk. The grafting rate of silk after weighting is often decided by the producer, while the next-step-processing enterprises and silk consumers are often unable to accurately judge the specific silk grafting rate. Despite different signal peaks found in grafted silk by silk researchers through characterization and analysis of the grafted silk by infrared spectroscopy, XRD, scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, few researchers have carried out accurate analysis and research on silk with unknown grafting rate.

In order to figure out the thermal properties of methacrylamide grafted silk and calculate the grafting rate of unknown grafted silk, potassium persulfate was used as initiator for graft polymerization of different concentrations of methyl acrylamide monomer and the degummed silk, to get a series of grafted silk with different grafting rates, and the accurate grafting rate was obtained by weighing method. Subsequently, grafted silk samples of this batch were tested three times by differential scanning calorimeters, and corresponding DSC curves were obtained. Compared with the ungrafted silk, the grafted silk showed a new endothermic peak in the range of 266-288 ℃, which was obviously caused by the grafted methacrylamide polymer in the grafted silk. With the increase of grafting rate, the area of new endothermic peak gradually increased, and its peak position gradually moved towards high temperature direction, while the endothermic peak area of the intrinsic structure of silk in the range of 317-327 ℃ showed a decreasing trend, indicating that there is a certain relationship between the area of new endothermic peak and grafting rate of silk. Then, the baseline and integral of DSC curves were calculated to obtain the enthalpy value and the peak position, and the data closest to the average value of grafting rate was optimized. The mathematical relation between unit enthalpy ratio and grafting rate was found and established by using Origin data processing software. Finally, through DSC characterization of grafted silk samples with known grafting rate and the calculation of the unit enthalpy ratio, the linear function was used for verification. In this paper, the intrinsic relationship between the thermal property of methacrylamide grafted silk and silk grafting rate was found by means of DSC characterization data. The study shows that there exists a linear function between the ratio of unit enthalpy of grafted silk and the grafting rate, with a relative error of less than 5.0% by verification, indicating that the grafting rate of unknown methacrylamide grafted silk can be calculated accurately by DSC quantitative analysis.

With the combination of DSC characterization technology and calculation software, the accurate grafting rate for the unknown grafted silk can be obtained, which effectively solves the problems on grafting rate quality control and testing appraisal for silk production enterprises, providing a good reference for the applications of the grafted silk testing appraisal, and greatly promoting the development of the silk weighting field.

Key words: DSC; MAA; silk; grafting rate; quantitative analysis
