

2022-05-30 04:52朱詠梅
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2022年11期









“Here you go. Up, up and away,” Chrissy yelled, as she pushed her little brother, Russell, on the swing (秋千). Russell smiled and kicked his feet. “Higher! Higher!” he shouted. “Okay, hang on. Here you go!” Chrissy stood forward and gave the swing an extra hard push. Suddenly, Russell screamed, “Help!” The swing flew so high that it seemed that it might go flying off into the sky. Russell started to cry just as their mom came running over. “Im sorry, Russell,” Chrissy said. “I didnt mean to scare you. I guess I pushed a little too hard.” Their mom was angry with Chrissy and shouted, “Was it a little too hard? That was way too hard, Chrissy! How could you be so irresponsible?” Hearing the word “irresponsible”, Chrissy cried with tears filling her brown eyes.

A week before, her teacher had told her that she was irresponsible for being late for class. And a few days before, her dad had used the word “irresponsible” when he blamed her for not hanging up her clothes. “Im sorry, Mom,” Chrissy said sadly. She turned away and started to walk slowly down the path that wound through the park. That unpleasant word “irresponsible” kept going through Chrissys head.

Suddenly, Chrissy saw a little girl walking across the grass, heading up a small hill. Chrissy looked around for the parents, but there was no one else in sight. Chrissy knew there was a running stream on the other side of that hill. “Its dangerous,” Chrissy thought. She ran as fast as she could towards the little girl. When she reached the girl, she stepped in front of her, stopping her from running towards the water.

Chrissy picked up the little girl and carried her towards the playground, looking anxiously for her mother. “Wheres your mommy?” she asked the little girl, although she thought the girl was probably too young to talk. She was surprised when the little girl pointed to a distant house on the other side of the fence.

注意:續寫詞數應為150 左右。

Paragraph 1:

Walking close, Chrissy noticed a small hole in the fence where the little girl might have climbed out.

Paragraph 2:

“You have a very responsible daughter there,” the policeman said to Chrissys mom.


[Who Chrissy, a little girl, Chrissys parents, Russell When One day What Three accidents made Chrissy “irresponsible” in others eyes. Where On a small hill Why Chrissy saw that a little girl might be in danger. How Chrissy helped the little girl out of danger. ]



][The plot and feelings] [Push the swing][Development][Be late for class; not hang up clothes][Beginning][Ending

][?][sad][surprised][Save a little girl][Climax]


1. “Here you go. Up, up and away,” Chrissy yelled, as she pushed her little brother, Russell, on the swing. Russell smiled and kicked his feet. “Higher! Higher!” he shouted. “Okay, hang on. Here you go!” Chrissy stood forward and gave the swing an extra hard push. Suddenly, Russell screamed, “Help!” “給你。上升,上升,離開,”Chrissy一邊喊著,一邊推著在秋千上的弟弟Russell。Russell笑著踢了踢腿?!案咭稽c!再高一點!”他大喊?!昂玫?,抓緊了。給你!”Chrissy 向前站,給了秋千尤其大力的一推。突然,Russell大喊:“救命!”


2. “Im sorry, Russell,” Chrissy said. “I didnt mean to scare you. I guess I pushed a little too hard.” “對不起,Russell,”Chrissy說?!拔也皇怯幸庖獓樆D愕?。我想我推得太用力了?!?/p>


3. Hearing the word “irresponsible”, Chrissy cried with tears filling her brown eyes. 當聽到“不負責任”這個詞的時候,Chrissy 哭了,棕色的眼睛里充滿了淚水。


4. “Im sorry, Mom,” Chrissy said sadly. She turned away and started to walk slowly down the path that wound through the park. That unpleasant word “irresponsible” kept going through Chrissys head. “對不起,媽媽,”Chrissy傷心地說。她轉過身,開始沿著蜿蜒穿過公園的小路慢慢地走著。這個令人不快的詞——“不負責任”,一直在她的腦海里浮現。


5. Chrissy looked around for the parents, but there was no one else in sight. Chrissy knew there was a running stream on the other side of that hill. “Its dangerous,” Chrissy thought. She ran as fast as she could towards the little girl. Chrissy四處尋找小女孩的父母,但是看不到其他人。Chrissy知道在山的另一邊有一條流動的小溪?!斑@很危險,”Chrissy想。她盡她所能飛快地跑向小女孩。



從續寫第一段的段首句“Walking close, Chrissy noticed a small hole in the fence where the little girl might have climbed out.”可知,接下來應該寫籬笆的另一側發生的事情。續寫第二段的段首句“‘You have a very responsible daughter there, the policeman said to Chrissys mom.”中,警察對Chrissy的評價是“responsible”,之前發生的三件事情,三個不同的大人對Chrissy評價都是“irresponsible”,可見事情前后,大家對Chrissy的評價是完全相反的,這也增加了故事的可讀性。


Paragraph 1:

Walking close, Chrissy noticed a small hole in the fence where the little girl might have climbed out. In front of a house, Chrissy could see a policeman talking to a woman who looked upset. “Is this your girl?” Chrissy called out. Then the woman and the policeman came running towards the fence. Minutes later, the girl was in the arms of her mom. Just then, Chrissys mom and her brother Russell came to look for her. The policeman told them that Chrissy had probably saved the girls life.

Paragraph 2:

“You have a very responsible daughter there,” the policeman said to Chrissys mom. Hearing that, her mom smiled proudly. The next day, the headline in the newspaper read: Responsible nine?year?old girl saves a baby—with an article about Chrissy. After reading it, her parents said, “Were proud of you, Chrissy. You are really a responsible young girl.” Feeling inspired, Chrissy now is never late for school. She almost always remembers to hang up her clothes, and is careful when she pushes Russell on the swing. And nobody ever calls her “irresponsible” anymore.



The watch was my grandfathers. He hung it by his bed. The face was marked with elegant Roman numbers and the case was gold. My grandfather got it after his fifty years of faithful service with his firm. I often gazed at it longingly as I sat with my grandfather after school.

The day I told him of my success in the examinations, he was pleased, “Youll be going to the new school next, Will. Remember, youll need plenty of patience. Thats the right way.” I nodded when handing him the watch. He gazed at it for some moments, and wound it.

The next morning my mother told me he had died in his sleep and left me his watch. For safety, my mother was to put it away in trust until she considered me old enough to look after it. I protested so strongly that she finally agreed to hang it in the kitchen where I could always see it.

The summer soon ended and it was time for me to enter the new school. I never made friends easily, and for a time I did little more than get on speaking terms with some boys. One of them was a rich fellow whose way of impressing us was to parade his possessions before us. Everything Crawley had was better than ours until he brought the watch.

“I have a better watch than that,” I announced, attempting to impress them. “Well, show it to us,” Crawley laughed at me in disbelief. Embarrassed, I promised to bring it to them that afternoon.

Considering there was no way to persuade my mother to let me take the watch, I decided to wait for her to step outside and slip the watch into my pocket. So I did. After lunch, as I was too excited to wait for the return bus, I got my bike out of the shed.

I rode fast, excitement coursing through me. Then suddenly a puppy ran out into my path. I pulled at my brakes so hard that the bike stopped to a sharp standstill and I fell over.


1. 所續寫短文的詞數應為150左右;

2. 續寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好。

Paragraph 1:

I picked myself up and put a trembling hand into my pocket.

Paragraph 2:

“Thats not the right way. Patience, Will. Patience,” a voice echoed in my ears after the boys left.


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