

2022-06-08 11:31甘肅
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年6期

甘肅 毛 昊

題材:科技 體裁:說明文 文章詞數:336 建議用時:6分鐘

Whether it's doing the washing?up or filing a tax return,unfortunately,in life there are a range of dull but important tasks that we just have to get done.And in these modern times,making sure that your most important files are backed up can be added to this list.It's something we should all probably take more care of,before it is too late.

The problem is that digital storage doesn't last forever.Hard disks fail,phones tumble out of our pockets,and tablets are beaten up by grandchildren.You don't want to lose a life?time of family photos just because your laptop had an unfortunate encounter with a glass of water.

Unfortunately,there isn't a single gadget or app that can take care of backing up for you.But what I recommend is that you should aim to have two different sorts of back?up:one online,and one offline.

Having both is a good idea because it provides extra redundancy (多余).You don't want to entirely rely on the Cloud,just in case you lose access to your account,or if the pro?vider closes down.

And you don't want to rely exclusively on offline storage because if disaster strikes,then your back?up will burn down alongside your computer and the rest of your belongings.

Online back?up is arguably the easier of the two to sort out.All you have to do is download the app for whichever service you want to use to your computer or phone.Then it's easy to upload and download files to the Cloud for safe keeping.Most Cloud stor?age apps even have the option to automatically upload your camera roll,so when you take new photos,they'll be sent up to the Cloud as soon as your Wi?Fi is connected.

So,it's time to do the boring but important thing and spend the money to get your data backed up—before it is too late.

Reading Check

1.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A.Types of losing your files.

B.The list of the most important files.

C.Places to store your files.

D.Reasons for backing up your data.

2.What may be one disadvantage of online back?up?

A.The provider's service fails. B.The service costs much.

C.It often breaks down. D.It needs regular access.

3.What should you do first if you want to have better online back?up service?

A.Upload your camera roll. B.Take more new photos.

C.Download an app. D.Connect to Wi?Fi.

4.In which part of a magazine can you read the text?

A.Nature. B.Culture.

C.Environment. D.Technology.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

All you have to do is download the app for whichever service you want to use to your computer or phone.你所要做的就是將你想要使用的任何服務的應用程序下載到你的電腦或手機上。

【點石成金】本句是一個主從復合句。you have to do 是省略了引導詞的定語從句,修飾先行詞All;you want to use 也是省略了引導詞的定語從句,修飾先行詞which?ever service。

Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神農架的守護者
新目標英語九年級UnitStep 2