
Returning to primary school at 98

2022-07-06 08:21四川蔣建平
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2022年7期

四川 蔣建平

主題語境:人與自我 篇幅:381詞 建議用時:6分鐘

1In a classroom in rural Kenya's Rift Valley,a student takes notes alongside her fellow classmates.She wears the same school uniform(制服)—a grey skirt and a green sweater.However,there is one difference.Priscilla Sitienei is more than 80 years older than them.

2Sitienei turned 99-year-old on February 11.She said she went back to class to set a good example to her great grandchildren.She also wanted a new career.“I would like to become a doctor because I used to be a midwife(助產士),”she told Reuters.She added that her children were supportive of her decision.

3Back in 2003,the government of the East African country began helping to pay for the cost of primary schooling.This has allowed some older members of society,who had missed out on education in their younger days,to go back to school.This has given Sitienei more than an education.She has also become a film star.Sitienei travelled to Paris last year for the launch of a film about her journey.It is titledGogo,which means grandmother in her native Kalenjin language.

4Sitienei is in her sixth year of primary school.She said her aims were far more practical than becoming a movie star.She said she had the idea when her great granddaughter didn't want to further her education.Sitienei said she jokingly asked her great granddaughter if she had money remaining on her school fee(費用),and she said yes.So,Sitienei told her that she would use it to attend school.She said she had hoped that her great granddaughter would continue with her studies.But when she refused,Sitienei decided to go to school herself.

5She said she also enjoyed other school activities,including physical education classes.“It keeps me fit,”she said.“I get to jump around,even though not as much as they...do,but I at least move my body.That is my joy.”Sitienei shares her wide experience and knowledge with the children.Her teachers also use her experience to keep the peace during lessons.Her class teacher,Leonida Talaam,said she uses Sitienei to help control the class.And it works!“When I go outside,”the teacher said,“the class remains silent.”

Reading Check

Detail 1.What's special about Priscilla Sitienei as a student?

A.She prefers taking notes in class.

B.She wears a school uniform.

C.She's a great grandmother.

D.She enjoys her lessons.

Inference 2.Why did Sitienei return to school?

A.To gain knowledge to help her great granddaughter.

B.To set a good example to her fourth generation.

C.To satisfy her children's wishes.

D.To become a movie star.

Vocabulary 3.What does the underlined part“had missed out on education”in para-

graph 3 probably mean?

A.Had had no schooling.

B.Had failed to graduate.

C.Had been tired of learning.

D.Had dropped out of school.

Gist 4.What does the last paragraph tell us?

A.How Priscilla Sitienei performed at school.

B.How Priscilla Sitienei enjoyed physical education classes.

C.How Priscilla Sitienei's class teacher controlled the class with her help.

D.How Priscilla Sitienei shared her experience and knowledge with her fellow classmates.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

This has allowed some older members of society,who had missed out on education in their younger days,to go back to school.這使得一些在年輕時錯過了教育機會的年紀較大的社會成員能夠重返學校。

【點石成金】本句是一個主從復合句,This has allowed some older members of society to go back to school 是主句。who had missed out on education in their younger days 是who引導的非限制性定語從句,修飾先行詞some older members of society。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

take notes 做筆記

set a good example to 為……樹立好榜樣

used to 曾經;過去常常

keep fit 保持健康

每一個人的努力, 都不會被辜負
新目標英語九年級UnitStep 2