

2024-01-24 01:24SLA事務所
風景園林 2024年1期


丹麥赫勒夫國立醫院綠地更新項目在許多方面都有著重要的意義。首先,醫院占地面積達9.5 hm2。按照歐洲標準,在規模上這已經算是一個大型項目。其次,醫院綠地的使用人群廣泛、人數眾多。醫院雇用了6 000多名員工,他們日常生活在醫院以及周邊。這里每年收治近100萬病人,這些病人住院的時間長短不一,平時還會有許多親屬來醫院探望他們。


本項目規劃概況及實施情況大致如下。赫勒夫國立醫院整個區域占地約10 hm2,綠地覆蓋率達到70%。停車場占地2 hm2,設有2 940個停車位,其中包括1 000個自行車停車位。設計團隊在該區域種植了2 000棵樹,涵蓋了大約500種不同的喬木、灌木、多年生草本植物和藥用植物。其中一個8 000 m2的綠色屋頂上就種植了200種植物。整個景觀設計區域包括5個庭院和12種不同的自然類型,這5個庭院分別是綠意庭院(占地9 000 m2)、原始森林(占地1 200 m2)、分子花園(占地800 m2)、帶狀花園(占地1 000 m2)以及緊鄰兒童醫院的紅色花園(占地700 hm2)。醫院道路系統占地1.4 hm2,其中包括2 600 m2的人行碎石路和2 600 m2的混凝土板路。景觀施工過程共處理了2.2萬m3的土方,地形改造面積達7.5 hm2。此外,施工團隊還引入了3.8 hm2的表土。場地內有長達2 000 m的植草溝,所有排水系統都在地表上就地處理,因此沒有使用排水篦子。場地內有照明燈桿72只。設計師在庭院之中保留了12棵枯死的英國橡樹,作為原始景觀的一部分。赫勒夫醫院的建筑大樓高120 m,是當地普通紅隼的棲息地。

圖1 平面圖Plan

圖2 療養花園Healing Garden

圖3 場地具有強烈的自然生機感The site has a strong sense of natural living nature

圖5 植物自然生長Plants grow naturally



圖6 豐富的植物資源Rich botanical resources

圖7 局部生境Localised habitats

圖8 具有自然氣息的土壤介質Soil media with a natural flavour

圖9 郁郁蔥蔥的庭院Lush courtyard


(編輯 / 王一蘭)





合作伙伴:亨寧·拉森建筑事務所、Friis & Moltke建筑事務所、奧比康·萊夫·漢森、Norconsult事務所、諾和諾德工程公司



圖10 屋頂綠化Green roofs

圖12 寧靜的花園步道The peaceful garden trail

The new nature environment of Herlev National Hospital matters for several reasons.First,scale.The space that embraces the hospital is 95,000 m2, and a big project by European standards.Secondly, because of the high number of people who interact with the new nature at the site every day.The hospital employs more than 6,000 people who have their daily routines in and around the Hospital.The hospital treats almost one million people annually — who stay at the hospital for varying periods of time.On top of this are the many relatives who visit the hospital.

For the many people who work, visit, or stay at Herlev National Hospital, the new nature becomes a part of the stay — and a part of the treatment.When you are at the hospital, you experience the new nature firsthand and notice how much it matters.Being there, being close to the natural phenomena and processes, makes you realize what and how much it means to you.The aesthetic experience changes you and has a lasting impact on your way of being, thinking, and interacting with your environment — with nature.This is due to how we turned our usual relationship and perception of nature around.In the Western world, we perceive nature as a resource, as something we can use, always at our full disposal.When you experience the new nature at Herlev National Hospital, nature interacts with us; it takes us in and enriches us — and thus changes our view of nature.We develop a new view of nature and how to live together, and not just see it as a resource but rather see it as something we are a part of.

A factual reduction and compilation of the projected and realized plans, facilities, and construction data: The entire area spans approximately 100,000 m2.Green coverage is at seventy percent.The car park is 20,000 m2, with 2,940 parking spaces.There are 1,000 parking spaces for bicycles.We have planted 2,000 trees in the area.Approximately 500 species of trees,bushes, perennials, grasses, and herbs.There is an 8,000 m2green roof with 200 distinct species.There area consists of five courtyards and 12 different nature typologies.The Green Yard is 9,000 m2.The Primeval Forest is 1,200 m2.The Molecule Garden is 800 m2.The Stripe Garden is 1,000 m2.The Red Garden is 700 m2.The Red Garden is adjacent to the Children’s Hospital.The road system is 14,000 m2.There is 2,600 m2gravel path for pedestrians and 2,600 m2of concrete slabs.22,000 m3of earth was handled in the process, and 75,000 m2of the area was exposed to terrain modulation.We brought in 38,000 m2of topsoil.There is at least 2,000 m of ditches at the site.There are zero drain gratings because all of the water is handled on-site and on the surface.There are 72 lighting poles.Twelve dead English Oak trees were placed in the courtyards.They were part of the original landscaping of the site.The building,Herlev Hospital, is 120 m high and is the home for the common kestrel.

The planting consists of approximately 500 distinct, carefully chosen species of trees,bushes, perennials, grasses, and herbs.Each species is chosen with reference to how they relate to the four values of nature: The aesthetic, the social, the biological, and the rational.Each species relates to all four values, but its connection to one of them might be easier to grasp.In each of the courtyards,we’ve planted several different species, ensuring a variation of looks, size, color, length, smell, and feel.Thus challenging the visitor’s expectations and way of being in the landscape.By keeping the landscape diverse, we ensure that the visitor experiences the aesthetic sense of nature.

圖13 中庭俯視圖Top view of atrium

The green areas at the site are part of Herlev municipality’s public cultural axis.This means that everyone can move around, stay, and enjoy the scenic qualities, regardless of whether they are patients, staff, relatives, or just visitors passing through.Only two of the smaller courtyard rooms are reserved for patients and staff.All rainwater is handled on the surface and, in case of major rain events, is directed into ditches to the south to eventually end up in a depression established for that purpose, which is transformed into a temporary lake where nature can unfold unhindered.SLA’s biologists monitor the entire newly established nature area in and around the hospital, which already offers significantly more species of insects, birds, mammals, and immigrated wild plants just a few years after its establishment.Peregrine falcons, hares, woodcocks, and foxes have been seen, as well as common frogs,salamanders, and toads.

A breeding box for peregrine falcons has been set up on the high bed tower in the hope of getting a stationary breeding pair.In such a case,such a pair of peregrine falcons will not only have an enormous scaring effect on the local pigeons but will also be a great attraction for all who visit the hospital.The rich, varied, and unpredictable new nature at Herlev Hospital is one of the largest plant deliveries in Denmark.It not only provides a living basis for the many species that occupy the area in these years.It is also an important and lifegiving experience for patients, relatives, and, not least, staff in the hospital’s busy and often stressful everyday life.

設計事務所 芬蘭PES建筑師事務所