

2024-05-08 13:30唐孝云
廣東教育·高中 2024年4期














1. mess up 搞砸,弄亂

2. break up 解散,打碎,分解,分手

3. make up 彌補,和解,和好

4. be ashamed of 感到羞愧

5. feel guilty/embarrassed感到內疚/尷尬

6. mean to do sth. 打算做某事

7. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事

8. brighten ones days 照亮某人的時光

9. break the silence 打破沉默

10. look into ones eyes 看著某人的眼睛

11. make an apology 道歉

12. ask for forgiveness 請求原諒

13. reach out to hug sb. 伸出手擁抱某人

14. exchange a glance with 交換眼神

15. clear up misunderstanding 消除誤解

16. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵某人做某事

17. face/ overcome difficulties /obstacles /

challenges together 共同面對/戰勝困難/障礙

18. develop mutual respect 建立起互相的尊重

19. wipe ones tears away 拭去某人的眼淚

20. cherish /treasure /value friendship 珍惜友情

21. become lifelong friends 成為一生的朋友

22. form lifelong friendship 形成一生的友情

23. hug each other tightly? 緊緊地擁抱對方

24. tears welling up in ones eyes? 眼淚盈眶

25. put yourself into others shoes 換位思考

26. treat sb. with kindness and sympathy 善待和同情某人

27. share sorrow and happiness with sb. 與某人分享悲傷與快樂

28. share opinions /thoughts /insights with sb. 與某人分享觀點/想法/見解



1. 遇到困難

(1) Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone.


(2) I struggled to hold my feelings back and told her what I had encountered.


(3) She kept her head down with her eyes fixed on the floor. 她低著頭,眼睛盯著地面。

2. 安慰鼓勵

(1) I wiped her tears away/stepped towards her and patted her on the shoulder gently, saying softly, “It will be OK.” 我為她擦掉眼淚/走向她,輕輕地拍著她的肩膀,輕聲安慰道:“沒事兒的?!?/p>

(2) Then Jennifer put her arm around me and said, “Let me help you.” 然后,珍妮佛環抱著我,說:“我幫你?!?/p>

(3) He tapped me on the shoulder gently, and said in an encouraging voice, “You can make it.” 他溫柔地拍著我的肩膀,鼓勵我說:“你會成功的?!?/p>

(4) Kim reached her hand over to grasp mine, comforting “ Everything will be fine.”金伸出她的手握住我的,安慰道:“一切都會好起來的?!?/p>

3. 支持幫助

(1) She then guided me through the process step by step until I completed my schedule. 然后,她一步一步地指導我,直到我完成計劃。

(2) With a gleam of concern in her eyes, she said she was sorry and offered to find my next class.她眼里流露出關心的神情,說她很抱歉,并提出要幫我找下一節課。

(3) Jose still stayed with me and stood by me, offering support and encouragement.喬什仍然陪著我,站在我身邊,給予我支持與鼓勵。

(4) “Lets face and overcome it together.” Sadie said firmly. From then on, Sadie tried all means to help Ren. “我們一起面對一起戰勝它?!眾櫟蠄远ǖ卣f。從那以后,她用盡方法幫助雷恩。

4. 溫暖感動

(1) Like a ray of sunshine, the big smile on her face swept away my gloom.像一縷陽光,她臉上燦爛的笑容一掃我的憂郁。

(2) So moved was I that I extended my heartfelt gratitude to him. 我非常感動,向他表達了衷心的感謝。

(3) I hugged my friends tightly, joyful tears rolling in my eyes. 我緊緊地擁抱著我的朋友們,喜悅的淚水在眼眶里打轉。

(4) Zara felt the warmth surging through her body, glowing with happiness/tears welling up in her eyes. 扎拉感覺溫暖在她的身體里涌動,整個人都閃著幸福的光芒/眼里涌出了淚水。

5. 共同努力

(1) It was pleasant to find that we made a great team. 很高興發現我們組成了一個很好的團隊。

(2) We trusted each other and shared sorrow and happiness together. 我們互相信任,一起分享悲傷與幸福。

(3) As time went by, our collaboration became harmonious/we found us a perfect combination/we teamed up together gradually. 隨著時間的流逝,我們的合作變得和諧/我們發現我們是一個完美的組合/我們逐漸合作起來。

(4) We plunged right into the task/We spent hours discussing the books we read, brainstorming a string of brilliant ideas/sharing our thoughts and insights/sharing our passion and wisdom without holding back. 我們投入到任務中/我們花了很多時間討論讀過的書,集思廣益/分享我們的想法和見解/分享我們的熱情與智慧。

6. 傷心難過

(1) There was an invisible heavy weight around her heart. 她的心被一股無形的重量壓著。

(2) When she saw Sarahs watery eyes, her heart beat painfully. 當看到眼淚婆娑的莎拉,她感到很心痛。

(3) Trembling and sobbing uncontrollably, he collapsed on the ground, feeling alone and betrayed. 他不受控制地顫抖著,抽泣著,癱倒在了地上,感到的是孤獨和背叛。

7. 尷尬內疚

(1) The embarrassment was heavy like a dark shadow.尷尬像黑影一般沉重。

(2) Guilt came crowding in/Blood rushing to my face, I felt I was to blame for this/I forced a smile.內疚感涌上心頭/血涌上我的臉,我覺得我應該為此負責/我擠出了一個微笑。

(3) A terrible pang of regret flashed through me/An overwhelming sense of shame almost swallowed me, and I felt tightness in my throat.一陣悔恨的劇痛閃過我的全身/一種勢不可擋的羞恥感幾乎把我吞沒,我感到喉嚨發緊。

(4) With tears swirling in her eyes, she blinked hard to fight them back, feeling a mixture of regret and gratitude. 眼淚在眼眶中打轉,她使勁眨著眼,想要忍回去,心里又后悔又感激。

8. 溝通道歉

(1) He wept, sincerely apologized to Debbie for his wrong behavior and then they had a sincere face-to-face talk. 他哭了,為他的錯誤行為真誠地向黛比道歉,然后他們進行了一次真誠的面對面的交談。

(2) Looking into his eyes, I made a sincere apology, with face reddening. 看著他的眼睛,我真誠地道歉,臉漲得通紅。

(3) With my head lowered/Tears streaming down, I murmured, “Sorry, it was my fault.” 我低著頭/流著淚,低聲說:“對不起,是我的錯?!?/p>

(4) Blushed/Embarrassed, she broke the silence, “I am sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you.” 她紅著臉/她盡管覺得尷尬,打破了沉默,說:“對不起。我不是故意要傷害你?!?/p>

(5) This time I will not hesitate to be the one to reach out and build a bridge of communication to clear up the misunderstanding between us. 這一次,我將毫不猶豫地伸出手來,搭建一座溝通的橋梁,消除我們之間的誤解。

9. 理解原諒

(1) She lifted her misty eyes and nodded/She stood up and reached out to hug me, “You mean a lot to me.” 她抬起模糊的雙眼,點了點頭/她站起來,伸出雙手擁抱我,說:“你對我來說,很重要?!?/p>

(2) Slowly, Kashs gloomy expression transformed into a smile, saying “Im sorry for being so sensitive and you two mean a lot to me/thank you for your tolerance.” 慢慢地,卡什陰郁的表情變成了微笑,說:“我很抱歉這么敏感,你們兩個對我來說很重要/謝謝你的包容?!?/p>

(3) We hugged each other and I apologized for being angry at him at that time when I should have been more understanding. 我們擁抱在一起,我為當時生他的氣道歉,當時我應該更理解他的。

(4) Hearing this, she turned around and threw her arms around me, “It was I who was too sensitive. Thank you for your understanding.”聽到這些話,她轉過身,環抱著我,說:“是我太敏感了。謝謝你的理解?!?/p>

10. 和好如初

(1) After that, we became good friends again. 從那以后,我們又是好朋友了。

(2) This was my most touching moment—being reunited with a close friend. 這是我最感動的時刻——與一位親密的朋友團聚。

(3) It was at that moment did we both realize we were an indispensable part of each others life. 直到那時,我們倆才意識到我們是彼此生命中不可或缺的一部分。

(4) Although the friendship path between Avery and me was once a little rough, we eventually enjoyed the sweetness from each other. 雖然我和艾弗里之間的友誼之路曾經有些坎坷,但我們最終享受到了彼此的甜蜜。

11. 開心激動

(1) My heart nearly burst out of my body. 我的心幾乎都要蹦出來了。

(2) Holding the present tightly, she couldnt help laughing/crying, her eyes glistening with happiness and gratitude. 手緊握著禮物,她情不自禁地笑了/哭了,眼里充滿了幸福與感激。

(3) We hugged tightly, sheer excitement radiating from our lightened cheeks.我們緊緊地擁抱在一起,興奮的情緒從我們明亮的臉頰上散發出來。

(4) Tears of joy and relief poured down our cheeks. 喜悅和寬慰的淚水順著我們的臉頰流下來。

(5) Justin grinned from ear to ear with the huge load off his mind. 卸下了心頭的沉重負擔,賈斯丁笑得合不攏嘴。

12. 成為朋友

(1) After that night, a lasting friendship was forged between Kim and I, adding color to our college days.那天晚上之后,我和金結下了長久的友情,為我們的大學時光增添了色彩。

(2) From then on, we became good friends and we both made great progress in our studies. 從那以后,我們成了好朋友,在學習上都取得了很大的進步。

(3) They began to play together, cheerful laughter echoing in the air.他們開始一起玩耍,歡快的笑聲在空中回蕩。

(4) On our way home, we talked a lot and I was surprised to find we had a lot in common.在回家的路上,我們談了很多,我驚訝地發現我們有很多共同點。

(5) I realized that our project had become more than just an assignment/task; it had become a symbol of our friendship/a journey of friendship and growth. 我意識到我們的項目已經不僅僅是一項任務,它已成為我們友誼的象征/一次友誼和成長的旅程。

13. 友情升華

(1) This is a true friendship that I will treasure for the rest of my life. 這是一段真正的友誼,我將終生珍惜。

(2) It may be hard but fixing a broken friendship will leave it stronger than before. 修復一段破裂的友誼可能很難,但會讓它比以前更加牢固。

(3) Their meeting turned out to be so wonderful and their friendship survived the passage of time.他們的會面結果是如此的美妙,他們的友誼經受住了時間的考驗。

(4) Sometimes, the thing youre most uncomfortable with at first turns out to be the most memorable experience of your life. 有時候,一開始讓你最不舒服的事情,結果卻是你一生中最難忘的經歷。

(5) Never would I forget the pure feelings that Kim had given me and this lifelong friendship would continue to mould my whole life.我永遠不會忘記金給我的純潔的感情,這終身的友誼將繼續塑造我的人生。

(6) If we really value our friends and friendship, always cherish their presence and show willingness to maintain and nurture the relationship. 如果我們真的珍惜朋友和友誼,就應該珍惜他們的存在,并愿意維護和培養這種關系。

(7) We exchanged a knowing smile, realizing that sincerity, trust and communication are always the key to clearing up the misunderstanding between friends. 我們會心一笑,意識到真誠、信任和溝通永遠是消除朋友間誤解的關鍵。


(2022年1月浙江卷)閱讀下面短文, 根據所給情節進行續寫, 使之構成一個完整的故事。

When Dr. Henderson was assigning(指定) project mates for his psychology class, I secretly hoped he would pair me with my best friend or at least a classmate I could have some fun with. Above all, I hoped he wouldnt assign me to work with the fiercely competitive, extremely serious fellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match. As fate(命運)would have it, Dr. Henderson very deliberately matched everyone in class and announced that I would be working with the one person in class I wanted to avoid.

I went up to my new teammate and introduced myself. He looked at me as though I werent there. I felt he treated me as though I would hold him back and probably make him fail to get an A in the course. He wasnt mean or abusive; he just gave me the impression he could do whatever project we dreamed up better if he did it alone.

Needless to say, I didnt look forward to an entire term of being brushed off, but I tried to make the best of it and didnt say anything for fear that I would make things worse.

The project required each team to develop a hypothesis (假說), set up an experiment to test the hypothesis, do the statistical analysis and present the findings. Whatever grade the team received would be shared by both students.

When my teammate and I met to discuss our project, I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student who had a reputation for single-mindedness and good grades—the exact opposite of me. I was outmatched. I actually wanted to drop the class at one point, but stopped short because I didnt want to give him the satisfaction of my chickening out. I decided to stick to it no matter what.

After long discussions we somehow agreed to do a study on the psychological well-being of teenagers. I wasnt sure what it meant exactly, but at least we had a topic.


1. 續寫詞數應為 150 左右:

2. 請按如下格式在答題紙的相應位置作答。

Paragraph 1: We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.

Paragraph 2: One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.




1. 確定朋友類型和故事類型



第一段段首句為“We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.”根據段首句,第一段續寫情節是主人公“我”與學霸同學定期見面,按部就班地完成項目。在相處的過程中,“我”發現他與之前的刻板印象有所不同,我們漸漸熟悉,關系慢慢發展,友情開始萌芽。

第二段段首句為“One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.”分析段首句可知,在第二段主要續寫雖然學霸生病,但是“我”與學霸同學互相鼓勵支持,不僅完成項目,而且成為朋友。




Paragraph 1: We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans. At first, I was afraid to express my ideas and only followed his instructions. As time went by, our collaboration became harmonious. Once, I gathered my courage to share my opinions. Surprisingly, I found that he was open to my ideas and suggestions. He listened attentively and even seemed to value my views. I realized that he was not serious towards me but to the project. From then on, I plunged right into the project, sharing my thoughts with him without holding back. As we went into the project, we began to develop mutual respect for each others strengths and weaknesses. We conducted thorough research and carefully planned our experiment. It was pleasant to find that we made a great team. (123 words)

Paragraph 2: One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. Shocked and concerned, I rushed to the hospital, hoping that he would be alright. When I arrived there, I found him lying in bed, pale and weak. Seeing through my worries, he comforted me that he wasnt seriously ill and encouraged me to complete the project. Despite the setback, we remained optimistic and determined to overcome this obstacle together. I realized that our project had become more than just an assignment; it had become a symbol of our friendship. Our hard work and perseverance paid off. We received an A for our project, but more importantly, we had formed a lifelong friendship. Sometimes, the thing youre most uncomfortable with at first turns out to be the most memorable experience of your life. (124 words)



I looked up from my desk to see the teacher writing on the board: “Battle of the Books!” She smiled and said, “This time its a teamwork. Youre going to be in teams of two, and set a reading goal. Every team that meets their goal by the end of the month will get a prize!” The lunch bell sounded before she could explain any more rules.

As I gathered my things, Liya passed my desk and said, “Teammates?” Since Liya and I shared the same interest in graphic novel(漫畫小說), and we took Hindi language class together, we teamed up automatically. I was both relieved and excited to have my team. Then we got to the cafeteria and quickly threw out a bunch of ideas of what to do at our table.

I looked to our third friend Kash, with whom the three of us always do stuff together, “Kash, do you have ideas for us?” “Why would I give you guys ideas?” he said gloomily(陰沉地). “Ill save that for my team…whoever that is. Now I see how I rank in the friendship lineup.” Kash replied in an angry tone.

I knew he was mad for a reason. If I were him, not only would I think that I ranked last in that group, but Id also be panicking about what team I could join. But now, I was on the inside and Kash wasnt. I felt like the only way to fix this would be three people on a team. So, as the teacher walked by our table, I asked for her permission. What surprised me was that she had intended to draw names to assign random groups, but didnt get a chance to say it before lunch.

Awkward and frustrated, we were stuck in this dilemma. Having first teamed up without Kash didnt mean we didnt like him. I knew we—especially I—wouldnt be able to enjoy any prize if our friend felt bad about being left out. So, I decided to do something to make it up for him and convince Kash he was an equal friend.


1. 續寫詞數應為 150 左右:

2. 請按如下格式在答題紙的相應位置作答。

Paragraph 1: That night, I was struck by an idea as I read a graphic novel that all three of us liked.

Paragraph 2: The next day, I handed my pages of apology to Kash.




1. 確定朋友類型和故事類型







Paragraph 1: That night, I was struck by an idea as I read a graphic novel that all three of us liked.

Paragraph 2: The next day, I handed my pages of apology to Kash.






1. 確定朋友類型和故事類型







A possible version:

Paragraph 1: That night, I was struck by an idea as I read a graphic novel that all three of us liked.I would be the one to reach out and build a bridge of communication to clear up the misunderstanding. Delighted and excited, I started to draw a story about three good friends just like us. The three friends not only shared their sorrow and happiness but also faced difficulties together. Everyone would play a valuable part when facing challenges, which made them understand that they were stronger together than apart. Inspired by this, I wrote on the last page, “Kash, you are not the one left behind and we value our friendship greatly.” As soon as I finished the story, I couldnt wait to share my idea with Liya. Then we decided to present Kash with the story and made up with him the next day. (126words)

Paragraph 2: The next day, I handed my pages of apology to Kash. As he read through the story and my heartfelt words, I could see a mixture of surprise and gratitude in his eyes. Looking into Kashs eyes, I broke the silence, “I am sorry. We messed up.We valued your friendship.” Liya also made a sincere apology, with face reddening. Slowly, Kashs gloomy expression transformed into a smile. He reached to hug us, saying “Im sorry for being so sensitive.” In the following days, we spent countless hours discussing the books we read, sharing our thoughts and insights. The Battle of the Books became a journey of friendship and growth. From that day on, we realized that sincerity, trust and communication are always the key to clearing up the misunderstanding between friends. (128 words)



責任編輯 吳昊雷

驚呆了 真正的學霸竟然都是“玩”出來的