

    ubjects?西北敘事能否走出鄉土美學?Yellow earth,big skies,tanned peasants tending to barren fields…you can guess,without looking up the synopsis of director Li Ruijun’s acclaimed new filmReturn to Dust(2022),that it is set in northwestern China

    漢語世界 2022年5期2022-10-15

  • Left in the Dust
    ubjects?西北敘事能否走出鄉土美學?Photographs from Douban and VCGYellow earth, big skies, tanned peasants tending to barren fields…you can guess, without looking up the synopsis of director Li Ruijuns acclaimed new filmReturn to Dust(2022), th

    漢語世界(The World of Chinese) 2022年5期2022-05-30

  • sin
    姜尚 西北政法大學Nathaniel Hawthorne once said: ”Compared with civilized but antiquated Europe, USA "does not have a shadow , does not have ancient custom , does not have secret legends, does not have florid and confused as well silent ba

    新生代 2019年6期2019-11-14

  • Destiny
    劉爽 西北政法大學 河南鄭州People should have won't listen to reason. ---Oscar WildeAfter I have read this novel, I was overwhelmed and somehow sad. I know that some novels’ plots are fascinating but readers wouldn’t read it if they have known

    新生代 2019年6期2019-11-14
