

2015-10-28 13:59聶文廣黃琦
湖北農業科學 2015年16期


摘要:使用2004—2012年中國31個?。ㄊ校┑拿姘鍞祿?,實證分析了中國農業保險與糧食產量之間的關系。結果表明,從全國來看,農業保險對糧食產量在1%顯著水平有促進作用,但是糧食產量對農業保險的彈性系數僅為0.010 2;從三大區域來看,東部和西部地區農業保險對糧食產量的增長有顯著的正向作用,彈性系數分別為0.015 2和0.010 6,中部地區農業保險對糧食產量增加影響不顯著;從糧食產區上看,非糧食主產區農業保險對糧食產量的增長有著顯著的正向影響,彈性系數為0.016 4,糧食主產區農業保險對糧食產量增長無顯著影響。因此,應有針對性地加大農業保險支持力度、合理調整農業保險結構,切實發揮農業保險對糧食生產的促進作用。


中圖分類號:F840.66 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:0439-8114(2015)16-4077-06


Research on Relationship between Agricultural Insurance and Grain Production Increase

——An Empirical Analysis of the Panel Data from 31 Provinces of China

NIE Wen-guang,HUANG Qi

(Hubei Rural Development Research Center, College of Economics and Management of Huazhong Agricultural University,

Wuhan 430070, China)

Abstract: Using the 2004-2012 panel data of 31 provinces(municipalities) of China, the relationship between Chinese agricultural insurance and grain production was analyzed from enpirical perspective. The results showed that, from the whole country, the agricultural insurance have positive effect on grain production at 1% significant level, but the elasticity coefficient of grain production to agricultural insurance was only 0.010 2; from three regions, in eastern and western regions the agricultural insurance have notable positive effect on grain production increase, the elasticity coefficients were 0.015 2 and 0.010 6 respectively, and in central region the effect of agricultural insurance on grain production increase was insignificant; from the grain production regions,in non-major grain production regions the agricultural insurance have notable positive effcet on grain production increase, the elasticity coifficient was 0.016 4, and in major grain production regions the agricultural insurance have insignificant effcet on grain production increase. Therefore, it′s necessary to strengthen support for the agricultural insurance, to adjust structure of the agricultural insurance reasonably, accordingly to ensure agricultural insurance play promotion role in grain production.

Key words: agricultural insurance; grain production; elasticity coefficient; regional difference.

如何提高糧食產量,確保國家糧食安全是關乎國計民生的重要問題,糧食安全已上升為國家重大戰略部署。近年來,糧食安全風險依然存在,主要表現在耕地面積逐年減少、糧食消費持續增長。糧食安全問題的解決關鍵是提高糧食自給能力,然而中國是一個農業自然災害頻發的國家,農民的抗風險能力較弱,糧食生產在一定程度上受到農業自然災害的影響,僅2012年全國農業自然災害成災面積就有182.63萬hm2,直接經濟損失3 533.4億元;農業自然災害不僅造成糧食減產,同時也降低了農民生產的積極性,不利于農業生產。農業保險則具有轉移、分散風險,提高農民風險承受能力的作用。自2004年起,連續11年的中央一號文件均提出發展農業保險的要求,在政策層面強調了發展農業保險的重要性,農業保險發展取得重大進展。2012年全國農業保險純保費收入238.71億元、賠付總額129.06億元,達到歷史最高。農業保險是否通過轉移風險促進了農業生產,農業保險與糧食產出之間的關系值得探討。endprint
