

2016-12-23 17:55彭勃秦波張文靜鄭元鵬金乘進
科技創新導報 2016年23期


摘 要:該報告在SKA科學目標預研究、天線研究、寬頻帶大視場接收機系統研究等方面,設立相應研究,針對性地開展相關的射電天文前沿科學和高技術研究。在SKA科學目標與研究方面,主要圍繞宇宙再電離、暗能量與暗物質本質、河外射電源、SKA核心數據處理技術等課題開展預研究,同時組織國內射電天文界的相關力量,逐步凝練并形成中國SKA早期科學目標,并在此過程中,逐步發展國內的SKA科學研究團隊。同時,將實施中國SKA人才培養計劃,為我國未來SKA科學研究進行人才儲備建設。在天線陣列研究方面,開展高頻段口徑15 m天線的天線理論、機械結構、饋電系統,以及大批量、低成本、高可靠性的天線研制技術研究。在寬頻帶大視場接收機技術方面,開展SKA先進儀器計劃中的寬頻帶單波束接收機和相位陣技術研究,為SKA和國內大口徑射電望遠鏡做相應技術儲備。該項目擬基于大學、研究所和工業界現有研究隊伍,以產學研合作的方式,培養、發展和壯大我國參與SKA未來建設和科學運行團隊。

關鍵詞:平方公里陣 射電天文 SKA早期科學 SKA天線 相位陣饋源 寬帶單波束饋源

Abstract:The Square Kilometer Array (SKA), the world largest radio telescope that will be built by more than 10 countries including China, will provide great opportunities for important discoveries and scientific breakthroughs. This project aims at pre-studies of the SKA key science cases and technologies during the SKA Pre-construction phase. It consists of three sub-projects: (1)SKA science cases study; (2)R&D on antenna array technology;(3)research on wideband and large field-of-view receivers. The science team heavily focuses on re-ionization, dark matter and dark energy, extragalactic radio sources, and the SKA data processing. Another key issue for the science team is the “SKA Training Program”——to train students and young researchers all over the country, to get China better prepared for future use of the SKA. The research on antenna arrays includes structure, optics and receivers, and key technologies to enable a high-reliable, low cost design for mass production for 15m dishes. The research on receiver technologies includes wideband single pixel feed (WBSPF) and phase array feed (PAF), which will help to improve the performance of the large radio telescopes in China.

Key Words:Square kilometre array; Radio astronomy SKA early science; SKA dishes; Phased array feed; Wideband single pixel feed

