

2017-07-14 09:43劉亞琴
校園英語·下旬 2017年7期


【摘要】whether與if 的用法容易混淆,結合教學實際將它們的用法作出詳細歸納整理,方便學習。

【關鍵詞】whether if 用法 名詞性從句 讓步狀語 條件狀語 固定搭配

“whether”與“if” 的用法容易混淆,本文結合教學實際將它們的用法作出歸納整理,以便學習。


連接詞if、whether表“是否”,不作成分,絕大多數只能使用whether的情況。筆者就if 和whether的選用作如下解析:


1.主語從句位于句首時只能用whether; 不能用if

eg:Whether the meeting will be beneficial to us is still a problem.

Whether the meeting will be held tomorrow is not known yet.

whether well go picnicking tomorrow depends on the weather.

Whether there is life on the moon is an interesting question.

whether they think highly of him matters little to us.

Whether they have access to success is all the same to me.


eg:The problem is whether they have made rapid progress in maths.

The question is whether this book is well worth writing.

The problem is whether he can do it as a favor.

The question is whether she should have a low opinion of the test?


eg:I have no idea whether he committed suicide.

The problem whether we need more time has not been solved.

The question whether he could come himself or send another one hasnt been decided.

高考鏈接:You have not yet answer my question whether I can join in the party tonight.

4.在discuss等動詞之后通常用whether不可用if 替換

eg:We have discussed whether we should prevent wild animals from escaping from the cage .

5.讓步狀語從句中表示“不管”、“無論”時,只能用whether不可用if 替換

eg:Whether our monitor is against or not,I are bound to finish it efficiently.

Whether she comes or not,we will begin our party on time.

6.與 or連用引導兩個從句只能用whether不可if 替換

eg:Can you tell me whether she is eager to go camping or she is willing to stay at the hotel?

用whether或if引導的賓語從句,其主語和謂語的順序也不能顛倒,仍保持陳述句語序。此外,whether與if 在作“是否”講時,下列情況下一般只能用whether不用if替換


eg:It depends on whether you will consult the doctor about your illness.

Everything depends on whether we have saved enough money.

It depends on whether the manger will approve the plan.

We worried about whether he was in good health.

高考鏈接 —Can we finish our task by the weekend?

—It all depends on C we can get Mr. Smiths cooperation.

A. that B. what C. whether D. if

8. Whether直接與or not連用時,用whether不可if.

eg:I dont know whether or not hell escape punishment this time.

The question is whether or not you can finish the task independently.

9. whether + to do 中只能用whether不可if 替換

eg:Please tell me whether to postpone the meeting or not.

Tom didnt know whether to bother to read the articles

10. 間接賓語前置時用whether不可用if。

Whether she is detective Im not sure at the moment.

(二)只用if 的情況


eg:It seemed as if he was indifferent(漠然) if he could not get into a lifeboat.

(三)whether 或if可以互換

1.當it做形式主語,主語從句放在句末時用whether 或if都可以;

eg:It is doubtful whether/if he will keep in touch with his parents.

It is not important whether/if they have enough experience.

高考鏈接1. It remains to be seen D the newly formed committees policy can be put into practice.

A.that B.which C.what D.whether


eg:1. I dont know whether / if Ill commit myself to my study.


eg:I wonder whether/if he has complete primary education.

4. Whether不直接與or not連用時,可用if。

eg:Mary didnt know if /whether she will face the music or not.



eg:if you are occupied in your work tomorrow,Ill go without you.


I doubt whether…

2. There is some doubt whether…

3. Im not sure whether…


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