

2018-10-30 06:24林程山
中國現代醫生 2018年19期


[摘要] 目的 探討因口腔額面部軟組織缺損行游離股前外側肌皮瓣術后供區并發癥及功能恢復情況。 方法 選取2017年1月~2018年1月來我院復查的因口腔額面部軟組織缺損而行游離股前外側肌皮瓣術的80例患者為研究對象,根據評估表和調查問卷對患者供區并發癥及功能恢復情況進行評價。 結果 遠期并發癥中12例患側出現股四頭肌肌力減弱,69例患者出現供區皮膚感覺障礙,主要在股前外側區,其中股前外側上區有13例感覺減退;股前外側中區有52例感覺減退,1例感覺消失;股前外側下區有53例感覺減退,7例感覺消失,且感覺正常與障礙的患者皮瓣面積有顯著差異(P<0.05)。7例患者覺得瘢痕無法接受。 結論 游離股前外側肌皮瓣術對患者的肌力、步態等影響較小,且大部分患者對瘢痕能接受,值得推廣應用。

[關鍵詞] 游離股前外側肌皮瓣術;供區;并發癥;功能恢復

[中圖分類號] R739.8 [文獻標識碼] B [文章編號] 1673-9701(2018)19-0065-03

Study on complications in donor site and functional evaluation after anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flaps

LIN Chengshan

Department of Orthopedics, Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310000, China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the complications in donor site and the status of functional recovery in patients who underwent the anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flaps because of the defect of oral frontal and facial soft issues. Methods 80 patients who underwent the anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flaps because of the defect of oral frontal and facial soft issues reviewed in our hospital from January 2017 to January 2018 were selected. The complications in donor site and the status of functional recovery were evaluated by assessment sheet and questionnaire. Results In long-term complications, weakening of muscle strength of musculi quadriceps femoris in affected side occurred in 12 patients and sensory disturbance of skin in donor site in 69 patients. Sensory disturbance of skin mainly occurred in anterolateral thigh region. 13 patients had hypoesthesia in the upper anterolateral thigh region. 52 patients had hypoesthesia and one patient had sensory deprivation in the middle part of anterolateral thigh region. 53 patients had hypoesthesia and 7 had sensory deprivation in the lower part of anterolateral thigh region. There was significantly difference of flap area between patients with normal sensor and sensory disturbance(P<0.05). 7 patients felt the scar unacceptable. Conclusion The influence of anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap on the muscle strength and gait was small and most of patients felt the scar acceptable. It is worth promotion and application.

[Key words] Anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap; Donor site; Complication; Functional recovery


1 資料與方法

1.1 一般資料

選取2017年1月~2018年1月來我院復查的因因口腔額面部軟組織缺損而行游離股前外側肌皮瓣術的80例患者為研究對象。其中男62例,女18例;年齡22~75歲,平均(49.3±5.2)歲;隨訪時間28~1381 d,平均(328.6±40.1)d;肌肉切取面積1 cm×2 cm~6 cm×8 cm;皮瓣制備面積為2 cm×3 cm~7 cm×21 cm;供區直接縫合76例,供區植皮縫合4例。排除標準:①骨關節炎患者;②影響下肢運動的中樞性疾病者。

1.2 研究方法


1.2.1 評價股部周徑和手術瘢痕長度 股部周徑的測量:通過髂前上棘與髕骨外側緣的連線的中點測量股部周徑;手術瘢痕長度的測量:通過測量切口起點和終點之間的直線距離。

1.2.2 評價股四頭肌肌力 由經驗豐富的醫師,參考改良后的lovett分級標準對患者的股四頭肌肌力進行分級,將其分為0、1、2-、2、2+、3-、3、3+、4-、4、4+、5-、5級,具體評價標準見表1。

1.2.3 供區感覺區域的劃分及檢測方法 通過手術切口內側緣將股前區分為股前內側區和股前外側區,并通過手術切緣的上界和下界將其分為上、中、下 3等分,最終將供區分為股前內側區上、中、下區域以及股前外側區上、中、下 3區域。





1.3 統計學方法

采用SPSS 17.0軟件進行數據分析,計量資料以均數±標準差(x±s)表示,采用t檢驗。P<0.05為差異有統計學意義。

2 結果

2.1 術后患者肌力情況


2.2 供區感覺測定情況


2.3 皮瓣面積與供區感覺和肌力的相關性比較


2.4 患者股部周徑和手術瘢痕情況


2.5 患者下肢循環和步態情況


3 討論





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