

2020-08-19 03:18毛麗偉
河北教育(教學版) 2020年5期



一、Let’s talk about the flags.你認識各國國旗嗎?快和大家介紹一下吧!

二、Describe your school.根據圖片提示為新同學介紹一下你們的學校。

三、Talk about the animals with your friends.跟朋友聊聊這些可愛的小動物吧!

Listening 聽力部分


一、Listen and choose. 聽短語,選出對應的圖片。

二、Listen and circle.聽句子,圈出相應的圖片。

三、Listen and write. 聽句子,選擇合適的單詞填空。

card tiger ball sister arm

1.My______is eating dinner.

2.Do you like the______in the computer?

3.Don’t put your______out of the car.

4.The______is on the wall.

5.Look!My______is in the car.

四、Listen and order.聽對話,按聽到的順序為圖片重新排序。

五、Listen and judge. 聽短文,判斷句子正“√”誤“×”。

( )1.Today I go shopping with my mother.

( )2. The sunglasses are cool but too expensive.

( )3.We see some nice dresses.

( )4.The scarf is 30 yuan.

( )5.The gloves are 15 yuan.

Reading and Writing 讀寫部分

一、Read and judge.根據畫線部分的發音規則,參考圖片選擇合適的單詞填空。

ball hamburger for table girl

1.That likes the bird.

2.Our teacher wants a for lunch.

3.The blue is my uncle’s.

4.Look!The white is on the wall.

5.The new fork is______you.

二、Look and choose. 仔細看圖,選擇合適的單詞補全短文。

Wow!It’s a big farm.Look at these______.It’s white and fat. They are so cute! I see four______.They’re small. I see three______.They’re black and white. They’re so big. Can you see some______?They’re in the fence(柵欄). Oh,look! Are those sheep over there?

No,no,no!They’re______.One is white,the others are black.

三、Look,read and order.仔細看圖,正確書寫句子,注意字母的大小寫和標點符號。



五、Look,read and choose. 衣服是誰的?看圖讀會話,選擇合適的一項寫在對應括號內。

Chen Jie:Hi,John.Whose hat is this?

John:This pink and big one?

Chen Jie:Yes!

John:It’s Sarah’s.

Chen Jie:Whose pants are these?

John:They’re long.They’re Mike’s.

Chen Jie:And these shoes?

John:They’re Mike’s,too.

Chen Jie:This dress is Sarah’s.It’s nice!

John:Yes,and this skirt is hers,too.

Chen Jie: Whose winter hat is that?Is it Sarah’s?

John:No,it’s Mike’s.

六、Read and order.用1,2,3,4,5為句子重新排序,使之成為一篇通順的短文。

( )I have an English class at 8:00.

( )What a day!

( )At 12:00 I go and have lunch. At 3:30 in the afternoon I play with my friends on the playground.

( )Hello.I’m Amy.I have a busy day.

( )I get up at 6:40 and go to school at 7 o’clock.

七、Read and choose. 閱讀短文,選擇填空,并將對應的字母標號寫在題前括號內。

Good morning. This is the weather report.It’s warm and sunny in Beijing today. The temperature(氣溫)is from twelve to twenty degree centigrade(攝氏度). Harbin is cold and snowy. The temperature is from minus(零下)fifteen to five degree centigrade.Lhasa is cool and windy. The temperature is from two to fifteen degree centigrade. Hong Kong is hot and rainy. The temperature is from twenty-two to thirty degree centigrade.

( )1.It’s_____in Beijing today.

A.warm B.sunny

C.warm and sunny

( )2. The temperature is from_____to_____degree centigrade in Beijing.

A.11;20 B.12;20 C.13;20

( )3.--What’s the weather like in Harbin?


A.cold and windy

B.warm and rainy

C.cold and snowy

( )4.Lhasa is_____today.

A.sunny and windy

B.cool and windy

C.warm and rainy

( )5.--Is it hot in Hong Kong?


A.Yes,it is

B.No,it isn’t

C.No,it’s rainy

八、Read and match. 閱讀短文,將對應的時間和圖片連線。

Hello,I’m Amy.I have a busy day.I get up at six thirty and go to school at seven o’clock.I have an English class at eight.At twelve o’clock,I go and have lunch. At three thirty in the afternoon I play with my friends on the playground.

What a day!

九、Write.根據表格提示,以“At the farm”為題寫一篇小短文。





At the farm

We go to a big farm and have a lot of fun there!___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
