

2020-09-10 07:22丁道文
考試與評價·高二版 2020年4期


一、 定義:主從復合句中用作同位語的句子,叫同位語從句。它是名詞性從句之一,用以說明前面名詞所表示的具體內容。

二、引導詞:由that, whether, who, when, where, how, why 等引導。

三、先行詞:常為某些抽象名詞,如:news, idea, word, fact, hope, doubt, belief, possibility, problem, question, thought, promise, information, message, decision, answer, reply等。


The fact that he is the cleverest in the class is known to all. 他是班上最聰明的,這個事實眾所周知。

I am interested in the message that a famous star is coming tonight. 我對今晚一個明星要來的消息很感興趣。

He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off. 他從瑪麗那里得知運動會推遲了。

五、 一些表示建議、命令、要求等的名詞后所跟的同位語從句中謂語動詞要用虛擬語氣,即“should + do”,should可省略。例如:

My suggestion that they (should) start at once was accepted. 我建議他們馬上出發,他們同意了。

This is our only request that this (should) be settled as soon as possible. 我們唯一的要求是盡快解決這個問題。


1. 意義的不同


We are glad at the news that he will come. 聽到他要來這個消息我們很高興。(news的內容就是that he will come,故that引導的是同位語從句)

We are glad at the news that he told us. 聽到他告訴我們的這個消息我們很高興。(that從句是限制the news的,即我們高興只是因為他告訴我們的這個news而不是其他的news,故that從句為定語從句)

2. 引導詞的不同

what, how, if, whatever 等可引導名詞性從句,但不能引導定語從句。

3. 引導詞在功能上的不同

that引導同位語從句時,它不充當句子成分,而引導定語從句時,它作為關系代詞,既可以充當定語從句的主語,也可以充當定語從句的賓語。如上例 that he told us中的that就充當told的賓語。

4. 被修飾詞語的區別

同位語從句所修飾的名詞比較有限,通常有hope, wish, idea, news, fact, promise, opinion, suggestion, truth等,而定語從句所修飾的名詞則非常廣泛。 另外,when和where 引導定語從句時,通常只修飾表示時間和地點的名詞,而它們引導同位語從句時卻不一定;又如why引導定語從句時,它通常只修飾名詞the reason,而它引導同位語從句時則不一定。例如:

I have no idea when they will come. 我不知道他們什么時候來。(同位語從句)I?ll never forget the days when I lived there. 我永遠不會忘記我住在那兒的日子。(定語從句)

We don?t understand the problem why this is the best choice. 我們不明白為什么這是最好的選擇。(同位語從句)

This is the reason why he didn?t come to the meeting. 這就是他沒來開會的原因。(定語從句)


1. The fact_______?she works hard is well known to us all.

A. that B. what C. why D. which

2. The fact_______?he was successful proves his ability.

A. that B. what C. which D. why

3. The news_______?he was kidnapped surprised us greatly.

A. what B. that C. why D. when

4. His suggestion_______?the meeting be delayed was turned down.

A. which B. that ? C. /_______ D. it

5. I have no idea_______?he will start.

A. when B. that C. what D. /

6. I?ve come from the government with a message_______?the meeting won?t be held tomorrow.

A. if_______ B. that

C. whether D. which

7. The thought_______?he might fail in the exam worried him.

A. when B. which C. what D. that

8. The order_______?the prisoner be set free arrived too late.

A. which_______ B. whether

C. that_______? D. what

9. The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patient?s fear_______?he would die of the disease.

A. that B. as

C. of which D. which

10. He often asked me the question_______?the work was worth doing.

A. whether ?? B. where_______

C. that ?? D. when

11. Information has been put forward_______?more high school graduates will be_______??admitted into universities.

A. while B. that C. when D. as

12. It is said that more high school graduates will be admitted into universities; this is the_______??information_______?has been put forward.

A. what B. that ? C. when D. as

13. She heard a terrible noise,_______?brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it ?? B. which C. this ? D. that

14. I can?t believe the news_______?he was


A. it ?? B. which C. this ? D. that

15. The fact_______?he failed in the exam is not the one_______?he told me.

A. which; that_______ B. that; /

C. which; which ? D. /; that (Key ? p. 37)
