
A Changing Language

2021-08-14 21:24周惠
考試與評價·七年級版 2021年5期


English is always changing. We need new words for new inventions① and ideas. It can change by borrowing words from other languages. The word “tomato” came from Mexico, and “coffee” came from Turkey, and “tea” came from China. Now new space and science words are being borrowed from other countries, too.

Putting two words together can get new words, too. “Strawberry, popcorn, and grandfather” are made up of two parts.

Some new words are short forms of old words. The word “photo” was the short form② of “photograph”. Cutting off the front part of “airplane” get the word “plane”.

The name of people and products③ can become new words. For example, “sandwich” was named after a man named Sandwich.


1. straw?????? ? A. mother

2. pop???????? B. corn

3. grand????? ?? C. berry

4. basket????? D. board

5. black?????? ? E. ball


1. tomato??? ?? A. China

2. coffee???? ?? B. Mexico

3. tea???????? ? C. Turkey


1. Why is English always changing?

A. People get tired of using the same words.

B. We need new words for new inventions and ideas.

C. English becomes more like other languages.

D. English wants to be different from other languages.

2. Which of these sentences do you think is True according to the passage?

A. New words come about in different ways.? B. There are no new words in English.

C. People in England speak different languages.

D. Other languages dont borrow words from English.

3. This text is mainly about ____.

A. borrowing other languages?????????? ?????????????? B. English words

C. naming new products ??????????????????????????? D. putting words together

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