
擦亮眼睛 辨別清楚

2022-05-12 02:08李曉夢
初中生學習指導·提升版 2022年4期


一、at the same time; all the time; at times


1. We both arrived here at the same time.

2. What are you talking about all the time?

3. I saw her in the street at times.


at the same time 表示“同時”。

all the time表示“一直;總是”。

at times表示“偶爾;不時”。


I.選擇at the same time; all the time或 at times填空。

1. He comes to see me___________.

2. They both came to school this morning___________.

3. I looked for him everywhere but he was in the classroom ___________.

二、at the end of ; by the end of ; in the end


At the end of the concert, she sang a song in English.

At the end of the street, you’ll find a park.

We’ll go to Beijing by the end of this month.

He found the hotel in the end.


at the end of表示“在……結束時;在……末尾”。

by the end of表示“在……以前;到……為止”。

in the end表示“最后;終于”,是介詞短語,通常用在句末或句首作狀語,相當于at last 或finally.


II. 選擇at the end of ; by the end of 或in the end填空。

1. Why did the little girl laugh___________?

2. You’ll see the hospital ___________the street.

3. We had kicked four goals ___________the match.

三、hope; wish


1. I hope to visit the Mount Li on Sunday.

2. I hope that she will be better tomorrow.

3. —Our team will win.

—I hope so.

4. He hopes for success.

5. I wish you success.

6. I wish to speak to him.

7. I wish you to go there.

8. I wish I could fly.

9. I wish for further explanation(說明).


hope 后面可接動詞不定式、that引導的賓語從句或for短語,這種愿望實現的可能性很大;hope so / not通常用于簡略回答。



III. 選擇hope 或wish填空。

1. I ___________you to come here this evening.

2. I___________you a Happy New Year.

3. I___________that I were a bird.

4. —Will it rain tomorrow ?

—I ___________not.

5. I ___________that she’ll come tomorrow.

Keys: I. 1. at times 2. at the same time 3. all the time

II. 1. in the end 2. at the end of 3. by the end of

III. 1. wish 2. wish 3. wish 4. hope 5. hope

詞匯辨析aloud/loud /loudly