

2022-06-23 07:00ChrisStowers,ShephotoerdCo.Photography
世界建筑導報 2022年3期

項目狀況:2022 年竣工


項目面積:總面積58 658 平方米,一個1 500 座劇場和二個800 座劇場


項目總監:Chiaju Lin

合作者:Paolo Caracini,Inge Goudsmit,Daan Ooievaar



照明顧問:Chroma 33

攝影:? OMA by Chris Stowers;

? Shephotoerd Co.Photography,courtesy of OMA

Status:Completion 2022


Client:Authority in charge:Taipei City Government;Executive Departments:Department of Cultural Affairs,Department of Rapid Transit Systems (First District Project Office),Public Works Department (New Construction Office)

Area:Total 58,658 m2.One 1,500-seat theatre and two 800-seat theatres

Partners in Charge:David Gianotten and Rem Koolhaas

Project Director:Chiaju Lin

Associates:Paolo Caracini,Inge Goudsmit,Daan Ooievaar

Landscape Designer,Interior Designer:Inside Outside

Structure,MEP,Building Physics,Fire Engineer:Arup

Structural Engineer:Evergreen Consulting Engineering Inc.

Lighting Consultant:Chroma 33

Landscape Consultant:CNHW

Photography:? OMA by Chris Stowers;? Shephotoerd Co.Photography,courtesy of OMA



中央立方體將三個劇場的舞臺、后臺及其他設施,以及為觀眾而設的公共空間,整合成一個高效的單元。劇場可以改裝或組合一起,造就意想不到的場景和功能。800席位球形劇場由里層和外層構成,這個球形的劇場彷佛一個星球,??坑诹⒎襟w旁。球形劇場內層與中央立方體交接的位置,形成獨特的臺口,讓創作人實驗舞臺景觀的不同可能性。球形劇場內層和外層之間,是通往觀眾席的動線。大劇院的形狀稍為不對稱,顛覆傳統的盒形設計。這個 1500 席的劇場空間,容納不同類型的表演藝術。大劇院對面是840 席位的藍盒子,是最具實驗性作品的場所。大劇院和藍盒子可以組合起來成為超級大劇場,這個巨大的空間有著工業建筑的特性,可以容納一般只能在非正規、意外發現的場地所進行的表演。前所未有的組合方式和舞臺設置,啟發出人意表及即興的創作。

An ancient art form for civic participation,theater has evolved into the modern world as a vocation of the culturally refined,with its significance in daily life diminished.Theater space is valued for its potency for formal cultural productions,rather than its power to include and divert,and to be instantaneous.Contemporary performance theaters increasingly become standardized:a combination of two differentsized auditoria and a black box,with conservative internal operation principles for authentic work.Can a public theater still be inclusive,accommodating the classic and the serendipitous,the highbrow and the masses,the artistic and the social—a place for the creative life of all?

Located at Taipei’s Shilin Night Market marked by its vibrant street culture,Taipei Performing Arts Center is an architecture in limbo:specific yet flexible,undisrupted yet public,iconic without being conceived as such.Three theaters plugged into a central cube allow performing spaces to be coupled for new theatrical possibilities.The cube is lifted off the ground for a Public Loop to extend street life of Taipei on site.New internal possibilities and connections of the theater generate different relationships between producers,spectators,and the public,also a critical mass that works as a fresh,intelligent icon.

The central cube consolidates the stages,back stages,support spaces of the three theaters,and the public spaces for spectators into a single and efficient whole.The theaters can be modified or merged for unsuspected scenarios and uses.The spherical 800-seat Globe Playhouse,with an inner shell and an outer shell,resembles a planet docking against the cube.Intersection between the inner shell and the cube forms a unique proscenium for experimentation with stage framing.Between the two layers of shells is the circulation space that brings visitors to the auditorium.The Grand Theater,slightly asymmetrical in shape and defying the standard shoebox design,is a 1500-seat theater space for different performing arts genres.Opposite to it and on the same level is the 840-seat Blue Theater for the most experimental performances.When coupled,the two theatres become the Super Theater—a massive space with factory quality that can accommodate productions that are otherwise only possible in found spaces.New possibilities of theater configurations and stage settings inspire productions in unimagined and spontaneous forms.

By Frans Parthesius ? OMA

By Frans Parthesius ? OMA

OMA/ ArtefactoryLab ?



The general public—with or without a ticket—are invited into the theater through a Public Loop,which runs through the theater’s infrastructure and spaces of production that are typically hidden.Portal windows along the Public Loop allow visitors to look at performances inside and technical spaces in between the theaters.

Different than typical performance centers that have a front and a back side,Taipei Performing Arts Center has multiple faces defined by the theaters protruding above ground.With opaque facades,these theaters appear as mysterious elements against the animated and illuminated central cube clad in corrugated glass.A landscaped plaza beneath the compact theatre is a further stage for the public to gather,at this dense and vibrant part of Taipei.

舞臺劇場斷層透視 Sectional perspective Proscenium Playhouse

超級劇場斷層透視 Sectional perspective Super Theatre

肯尼迪表演藝術中心The REACH加建項目