
中國建設者!堅持夢想 創造奇跡

2022-08-01 02:05一帶一路報道向雯
一帶一路報道 2022年4期

文:《一帶一路報道》全媒體記者 向雯


他們之中,有全程參與該項目,駐地八年的設計總體,也有剛轉正就來到項目的90 后青年人;有擁有豐富海外工作經驗的“老將”,亦有第一次“出?!钡摹鞍准堃粡垺?;有140 人以上的大團隊,也有一個人單槍匹馬在埃及當地組建費控團隊的挑戰者……在埃鐵項目現場,隨處可見他們蓬勃朝氣的身影。






In Egypt, a country far away from China, a great cheer went up in the scorching sun over the Sahara for opening of the 10th of Ramadan Railway. On July 3, everyone at the project site got excited by the opening of the first electrified railway in Egypt. This light rail route has carried the expectations of the Egyptians and witnessed the pride of Chinese builders!

Among them, there is a head of overall design who has worked there for eight years and a person born after 1990 who has worked for the project since he joined the company as a full-time hire. There are also senior workers who boast rich experience in overseas projects and new hands that went abroad for the first time. Besides, there is a large team composed of more than 140 members working together as well as a person who built the cost control team single-handed. They worked in different corners of the project site of the 10th of Ramadan Railway.

To work abroad is far more difficult than one thinks.

Besides the language barrier, they were plagued by differences in climate and dietary habit. They also needed to communicate with the owner and construction supervisors and answer their questions. In addition, they had to collaborate with different teams of the project, including the Egyptian Civil Engineering Team and the French Operation Team. They must respond quickly to the suddenly changed demands of the owner and ensure high-quality completion of all tasks despite the tight schedule. Outstanding in railway construction, the fearless Chinese builders are good at braving challenges and overcoming difficulties.

The opening of the railway is the result of their unremitting efforts. Self-possessed, they successfully completed various tasks,including survey and design, signal system customization, vehicle customization, logistics support, successful power reception, and speed-up testing.

Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Liao Liqiang said during his inspection tour of the project, “In the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all project members stuck to their posts and took on the burdens, demonstrating the courage, wisdom and sense of responsibility of Chinese enterprises and greatly deepening China-Egypt cooperation.”

This is a good example of Chinese builders, who hold on to dreams and perform miracles!

Suez 鐵路橋Suez Bridge



The 10th of Ramadan Railway in Egypt is the first rail transit project that has realized going global of the whole industrial chain of Chinese enterprises.Its design was entirely done by China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(CREEC).

Through a two-step strategy, CREEC completed the detailed design of the continuous welded rail (CWR). First, it collected diverse basic parameters including bridge rigidity and resistance of fasteners, conducted the CWR check and calculation, and thus ensured that the design scheme was up to Chinese design standards. Second, it collected a lot of Egyptian standards and engineering cases and managed to find local design standards or engineering practices that can be referenced for the project. In the document the company submitted officially, it directly cited Egyptian standards or engineering practices to demonstrate the rationality of the CWR design scheme. With great technical strength and professional competence, the design team of CREEC paved the way for a masterpiece.

中航國際與中國中鐵組成聯合體,與埃及交通部下屬國家隧道局簽署EPC 合同,作為工程總承包商負責齋月十日城鐵路項目的交鑰匙工程,包括勘察設計、機車車輛供貨、機電系統采購、土建施工、安裝調試等工作。這是聯合體在埃及交通領域承建的第一個軌道交通EPC 項目。為快速高效推動項目建設,項目管委會籌建了精英管理團隊,現場長期保持著龐大的勘測設計隊伍,電氣、結構、測量、地質等專業配備齊全。同時,項目執行團隊始終堅持屬地化管理原則,招聘埃及工程師超過150 人,組成聯合團隊,推行項目管理,克服了中埃兩國軌道交通項目模式和經驗差異帶來的困難。通過和埃及當地公司的深度合作,由埃方工人完成項目現場土建及安裝工作,這是聯合體在埃及市場中摸索出的新合作模式,也是后續埃及項目執行的發展趨勢。

AVIC International Holding Corporation (AVIC INTL) and China Railway Group Limited (CREC) established the CREC-AVIC INTL Consortium and signed an EPC contract with the National Authority for Tunnels (NAT) under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport of Egypt. As the general contractor,the CREC-AVIC INTL Consortium was responsible for the turnkey project of the 10th of Ramadan Railway, including survey and design, locomotive and rolling stock supply, electromechanical system procurement, civil construction,installation and commissioning, and other work. The railway is the first rail transit project built by the consortium in Egypt under an EPC contract. To ensure highly efficient progress in the project construction, the Project Management Committee organized an excellent management team, maintained sufficient staffing levels for survey and design at the construction site, and ensured complete professional equipment for electrical engineering, structure, surveying, geology,and other disciplines. In the meanwhile, the Project Execution Team adhered to the localized management strategy. More than 150 Egyptian engineers were recruited and a joint team was organized to promote project management, thereby overcoming difficulties caused by the differences between China and Egypt in rail transit project model and experience. Moreover, in-depth cooperation was maintained with Egyptian companies, and the Egyptian workers were responsible for the civil construction and installation work at the construction site. It is a new cooperation mode explored by the Consortium in the Egyptian market and is also a development trend for subsequent projects implemented in Egypt.

LRT Suiz HA-架梁LRT Suiz HA — girder erection

埃及齋月十日城鐵路項目由中國中鐵—中航國際聯合體以總承包模式承建,中車四方在2018年與聯合體簽署了車輛供貨合同,負責為該項目提供22 列市域電動車組及12年維保服務。中車四方根據埃及當地運營環境和文化量身定制的列車,是埃及首次采用25kV 交流接觸網供電的列車,設計時速120 公里,也是埃及目前速度最快的市域電動車組,采用6 節編組,最多可載客2222 人,具有技術標準先進、環境適應性強、本土元素濃郁等顯著特點。

The 10th of Ramadan Railway in Egypt was built by the CREC-AVIC INTL Consortium under an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract.In 2018, CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd. signed a vehicle supply contract with the consortium to provide the suburban railway project with 22 electric multiple units (EMUs) and 12-year maintenance services. Based on the local operation environment and cultural characteristics, CRRC Qingdao Sifang customized the train for Egypt. It is the first train in Egypt that adopted overhead cables using alternating current(AC) at 25 kilovolts (kV). With a designed top speed of 120 km per hour, it is the fastest EMU along a suburban railway line in the country. The six-carriage train, with a capacity of 2,222 passengers, features high technical standards,outstanding environmental adaptability and rich native elements.

中車四方股份公司人員同業主、監理一起拜年Representatives from CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., Ltd., the owner and the supervisor extend New Year greetings

A5 區間接觸網精調Refniement of the catenary in the Section A5

信號系統是保證列車運行安全、提高行車效率的“最強大腦”,中鐵二院地鐵院信號設計團隊和卡斯柯信號有限公司全程參與了“大腦”的設計工作。埃及齋月十日城鐵路是埃及首條采用CBTC 信號系統、具備數字化和信息化雛形的軌交線路,標志著埃及軌道交通事業掀開了嶄新的一頁??ㄋ箍仑撠煛爱a品設計—設備采購—現場施工—后期維?!比芷诜?。這也是卡斯柯在海外的首個全信號系統集成項目。除了為埃及齋月十日城鐵路定制化設計CBTC 信號系統,卡斯柯還牽頭主導信號設備的采購工作,信號設備大多為“中國制造”。

CASCO Signal Ltd. and the signal design team of China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.,Ltd. (CREEC) were fully involved in the design of the signal system, which is dubbed as the mightiest brain that ensures the operation safety of trains and improves the traffic efficiency. The 10th of Ramadan Railway is the first rail transit route in Egypt that adopted the Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) signal system and applied digitization and information technology, marking a brand new chapter for rail transit in the country. CASCO is responsible for the services in a full life cycle, including product design,equipment procurement, on-site construction, and aftersale maintenance. This is CASCO’s first overseas project of full signal system integration. In addition to designing the customized CBTC signal system for the 10th of Ramadan Railway, CASCO also took the lead in the procurement of signal equipment. A significant amount of the signal equipment was manufactured in China.

牽引變電所作為鐵路系統的“心臟”,主要負責全線電能的供給和控制,是列車平穩運行、車站穩定供電的動力源泉和關鍵所在。埃及齋月十日城鐵路項目牽引變電所是埃及第一個采用國際標準設計、采購、施工的市域鐵路牽引變電所,也是埃及鐵路及軌道交通首次采用交流25kV 供電。牽引變電所中的220kV GIS、220kV 電力變壓器、220kV 牽引變壓器、27.5kV GIS 架空出線開關柜以及20kV AIS 開關柜等核心設備均為中國品牌、中國制造,其中27.5kV GIS 架空出線開關柜為中鐵二院自主知識產權產品。2022年1月13日,開羅時間凌晨3:33,隨著埃及齋月十日城鐵路2 號牽引變電所220kV 成功受電,標志著電客車從此可以自主運行。

Traction substations, as the heart of a railway system, supply and control electric energy on a whole line. They are the source of power and the key to stable operation of trains and steady supply of electricity at stations. The traction substations of the 10th of Ramadan Railway Project in Egypt are the country’s first suburban railway traction substations designed,purchased and constructed according to international standards. It is also the first time that 25kV AC power supply was adopted in Egyptian railways and rail transit systems. At the traction substations, core equipment, such as the 220kV GIS, 220kV power transformers, 220kV traction transformers,27.5kV GIS overhead outlet switchgear and 20kV AIS switchgear, is Chinese brands’ products made in China. Among them, the 27.5kV GIS overhead outlet switchgear boasts independent intellectual property of China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd. At 3:33 on January 13, 2022, Cairo time,the project’s No. 2 traction substation successfully received 220kV electricity,marking that electric trains started to operate independently.

冷滑試驗The cold-running test

動車組在亞歷山大港口卸船The EMUs are unloaded at the Port of Alexandria

物流作為海外項目建設的后勤保障,其運作效率影響著項目進度、質量及成本目標的實現。工程物流作為海外EPC 項目采購環節的重要組成部分,已經不能簡單地理解為物資的空間轉移,這其中根據不同類型的物資,涉及與各專業之間無縫對接。2021年7月中旬,首批12 輛軌道車輛由中遠海運特運多用途船“紫荊松”輪從國內青島港裝船發運,8月31日在埃及亞歷山大港卸貨完畢,經300 公里埃及境外段陸運后運抵交付地點。經過中鐵二院建設公司埃鐵項目物流團隊精準、高效地工作,首批次物資安全、及時、高效入庫。截至2022年4月21日,埃鐵項目8批次共計22 列城軌列車全部抵達開羅項目車輛段現場并順利落軌。

The efficiency of logistics affects the progress of construction, quality and cost objectives of overseas projects. As an important part of procurement for overseas projects under engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract, engineering logistics can no longer be simply understood as the spatial transfer of materials. According to different types of materials, it involves seamless cooperation with various fields. In mid-July 2021, the first batch of 12 rail vehicles was loaded on Zi Jing Song, a multi-purpose ship of COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carriers Co., Ltd.,in Qingdao Port, China. On August 31, the unloading was completed at the Port of Alexandria, Egypt. The vehicles were transported by land for 300 km outside Egypt before finally arriving at the delivery site. The logistics team of the 10th of Ramadan Railway Project in Egypt of CREEC (Chengdu)Construction and Development Co., Ltd. made precise and effectual efforts to ensure that the first batch of materials was warehoused in a safe, timely and efficient manner. By April 21, 2022, all the 22 urban railway trains for the project were transported to the construction site of the rolling stock section in eight batches and put on tracks in Cairo.
