

2024-01-13 06:19孫曉旭馮堅李超高野王雷苗彤徐楊閆偉
巖礦測試 2023年6期


(遼寧省地質礦產研究院有限責任公司,遼寧 沈陽 110032)

中國稀土資源豐富、種類齊全,稀土資源量占全球稀土資源總量的近一半。中國目前已發現的礦床類型有堿性巖型、花崗巖型、碳酸鹽型和沉積變質型等類型,已發現的稀土礦物有30 余種,如氟碳鈰礦、獨居石、硬鉭礦、磷釷礦、鈰釓釷礦和棱錳礦等[1]。中國內生稀土礦床多分布在長江以南地區,大地構造位置如揚子準地臺、華南褶皺系、松潘—甘孜褶皺系、東南沿海褶皺系等,北方地區由于華北克拉通相對穩定,缺乏形成富集稀土元素的構造環境,僅在中朝準地臺邊緣出現一些稀土礦床,如內蒙古白云鄂博、山東微山郗山、遼寧鳳城賽馬、遼寧遼陽生鐵嶺等礦床[2-3]。


自動礦物識別和表征系統(AMICS) 是以成分點原位分析為基礎,連接高分辨率掃描電鏡(SEM)和高通量能譜儀(EDS),釆用礦物邊界分區法及圖形處理技術,結合頻譜列表快速、全面地對光譜進行合并及分類,比照礦物數據庫自動擬合計算,能高效、全面、精確地測定樣品的礦物成分、元素分布、粒度、連生關系以及孔隙度等信息,在含量低、顆粒細小的礦物定性、定量測試方面是一套先進、可行的技術方法[8-12]。該方法被廣泛應用于地質、冶金等領域。例如,葛祥坤等[13]和張然等[14]運用該系統對鄂爾多斯盆地砂巖型鈾礦礦物進行定量分析,查明了鈾礦物類型和其他伴生礦物;溫利剛等[15-18]、羅曉鋒等[19]將該系統應用于稀土礦物的賦存狀態研究,查明了稀土礦物種類和含量;王恩雷等[20]運用該系統對海城菱鎂礦進行工藝礦物學研究,發現其礦物粒度細、脈石礦物與菱鎂礦連生是礦石難選的主要原因;胡歡等[21]運用該系統研究了金屬鈹賦存狀態,認為其對低含量鈹元素的準確分析和微細含鈹礦物的識別有良好的效果;范雨辰等[22]運用該系統對頁巖儲集空間的微觀展布樣式進行表征分類,通過掃描孔隙-礦物接觸面積計算出孔隙類型和占比,有效地表征了含油(瀝青)的儲集空間。

因此,本文采用AMICS 自動礦物識別和表征系統對正在開展勘查評價工作的吉祥峪稀土礦床進行礦物識別,目的是獲得稀土元素在礦物中的分布規律,查明稀土礦物的種類和賦存狀態,通過分析稀土礦物及相關礦物的成分、結構和嵌布特征,研究其成礦機制,揭示稀土礦床形成的約束條件,為礦床的勘查評價和有效利用提供礦物學依據。

1 地質背景


2 實驗部分

2.1 樣品采集與制備

本次實驗樣品采集于遼陽縣隆昌鎮吉祥峪研究區鉆孔巖心,巖性為磷灰褐簾磁鐵角閃變粒巖(樣品編號XT-02),樣品顏色為灰黑色,鱗片粒狀變晶結構,塊狀構造。測試前先將樣品混合破碎至1mm 以下,篩出22~120 目樣品置于環氧樹脂中拋磨出光滑平面,真空噴碳增加導電性,然后進行AMICS 分析[27-28]。

2.2 實驗儀器及測試條件

實驗測試在河南省巖石礦物測試中心完成。實驗儀器包括一臺超高分辨率場發射掃描電鏡(Zeiss Sigma 500)、一臺電制冷能譜儀(Bruker XFlash6610)以及一套AMICS 自動礦物識別和表征系統。

本次測試儀器均經過調整和標定,并引入了質控樣品用于監測和驗證儀器性能和數據準確性,對XT-02 樣品進行重復測試以檢查數據的重復性和精確性,測試過程中出現“計數率低”和“未識別”時調整測試參數和顆粒數,以保證測試數據的可靠性。測試時實驗條件為:高真空環境,加速電壓20kV,工作距離11.8mm,點分析采集時間達到250kcps自動停止。

3 結果與討論

3.1 稀土礦物的種類

通過礦物自動分析技術完成了稀土礦物的識別,確定組成稀土礦石樣品(XT-02)的礦物類型10 余種,主要礦物有:磁鐵礦、陽起石、褐簾石、磷灰石、獨居石、方鈰石,次要礦物有:石英、斜長石、鉀長石、榍石、黑云母。礦石礦物含量由高至低依次為:磁鐵礦63.48%、陽起石7.61%、石英7.36%、褐簾石6.25%、磷灰石5.73%、鉀長石2.20%、斜長石2.14%、獨居石0.73%、黑云母0.51%、榍石0.39%、方鈰石0.25%、綠泥石0.14%、鈣鐵榴石0.01%、鋯石0.01%(圖2、表1)。由此可知,吉祥峪稀土礦主要含稀土礦物為褐簾石、獨居石、方鈰石和磷灰石。

表1 吉祥峪稀土礦床樣品AMICS 礦物定量分析結果Table 1 Quantitative analysis results of minerals measured by AMICS in Jixiangyu rare earth deposit.

圖2 吉祥峪稀土礦床樣品(a)電子圖像和(b)AMICS 分析結果Fig. 2 Electron image (a) and AMICS analysis result (b) of Jixiangyu rare earth deposit sample.

3.1.1 褐簾石

褐簾石是一種含有較高稀土組分的簾石族礦物,其輕稀土成分可占全巖類的90% 以上,其中Ca 可被REE3+、Th4+、U4+等替代,使其高度富集LREE、U、Th 等微量元素,化學成分變化較大,Al 可被Fe2+、Mg2+等替代[31-32]。

褐簾石在XT-02 樣品中分布不均勻,含量為6.25%。樣品中的褐簾石多呈柱狀或厚板狀,解理不完全,自形-半自形,粒徑0.01~0.595mm。對其進行能譜分析,得到褐簾石平均含有O 37.07%、Fe 16.38%、Si 11.88%、Ca 7.96%、Al 5.35%、Mg 0.55%、Ce 10.69%、La 6.79%、Nd 2.24%、Pr 1.09%(表2)。礦物中富含輕稀土元素,以Ce、La、Nd 為主,含少量Pr,未見U 元素和Th 元素的替代[33-34]。鏡下觀察發現,褐簾石常與磷灰石、磁鐵礦連生,與磁鐵礦關系密切(圖3a;圖4 中a,c)。

表2 褐簾石能譜分析結果Table 2 Energy spectrum analysis results of allanite.

圖3 稀土礦物背散射圖像Fig. 3 Backscattering images of rare earth ores: (a) Allanite; (b) Cerianite; (c) Granular monazite; (d) Radial monazite.

圖4 樣品XT-02(磷灰褐簾磁鐵角閃變粒巖)的顯微組構特征Fig. 4 Microfabric characteristics of sample XT-02 (apatite-allanite-magnet-hornblende granulite): (a) Allanite, apatite and magnetite coexisting; (b) Monazite surrounded by apatite; (c) Allanite and apatite coexisting, surrounded by magnetite; (d) Monazite associated with magnetite and wrapped by amphibole. Aln—Allanite; Ap—Apatite; Mag—Magnetite; Mnz—Monazite;Cam—Amphibole.

3.1.2 方鈰石

方鈰石在XT-02 樣品中少量分布,多以單體形式存在,含量為0.25%。樣品中方鈰石常呈不規則粒狀及聚粒狀,粒徑0.01~0.5mm(圖3b)。對其進行能譜分析,得到方鈰石平均含有Ce 53.67%、O 21.07%、Fe 8.56%、Si 3.67%、P 3.36%、Pr 2.35%、Nd 1.79%、Ca 1.30%、 Th 1.29%、 Al 1.23%、 La 0.87%、Mn 0.56%、Mg 0.28%(表3),礦物中富含輕稀土元素,以Ce、La、Nd 為主,常見Mg 元素等被Th 元素替代[35]。

表3 方鈰石能譜分析結果Table 3 Energy spectrum analysis results of cerianite.

3.1.3 獨居石

獨居石是一種富含輕稀土元素的磷酸鹽礦物,含有放射性元素Th、U。獨居石常與綠泥石、陽起石等變質礦物交叉共生或作為包裹體鑲嵌其中(圖3 中c,d)。在背散射圖像中,獨居石較其他礦物具有更高的亮度,其亮度與Th 含量呈正比[36-38]。

獨居石在XT-02 樣品中多以單體形式存在,含量為0.73%。樣品中的獨居石呈自形-半自形板狀,解理完全,粒徑0.01~2.1mm。對其進行能譜分析,得到獨居石平均含有O 29.38%、P 13.87%、Ce 20.08%、La 20.43%、Nd 8.68%、Pr 2.92%、Ca 1.55%、Fe 1.05%、Si 0.81%、Th 1.25%(表4)。礦物中富含輕稀土元素,以Ce、La、Nd 為主,常見Ca 元素等被Th 元素替代。鏡下觀察發現,獨居石與磁鐵礦連生,常被褐簾石、磷灰石等礦物包裹[39](圖4 中b,d)。

表4 獨居石能譜分析結果Table 4 Energy spectrum analysis results of monazite.

3.1.4 其他含稀土礦物


3.2 AMICS 方法的優勢與不足

AMICS 系統的優勢明顯:①以往的稀土礦物鑒定工作需要先在目鏡下區分礦物,圈定礦物位置,然后才能進行實驗,且目標稀土礦物顆粒細小,光性特征復雜不易區分,這些都使得實驗效率和準確性明顯降低。該系統通過多種信號聯合分析快速、準確地獲得礦物微區準確的結構信息和化學成分。通過分析和比對大量的礦物樣本圖像和特征,快速、準確地識別出不同礦物類型,確定礦石的成分和礦物組合、尺寸分布、顆粒形狀、礦物之間的關系等。②該系統可以對大量的樣本數據進行分析和處理。能有效地識別出礦物的特征模式和相關性、潛在的規律和趨勢,以指導礦產資源的合理開發利用[43-44]。

但該方法仍然存在一些缺點:①在樣品制備階段需保證光片表面的平整度、凹凸表面及倒角會影響X 射線的產生和激發。②AMICS 測量的面積只有15mm2左右,選擇樣品時需注意所選樣品的代表性。③測試過程中需嘗試調整儀器參數和礦物測試顆粒數,控制測試相對誤差率在10%左右,保證置信度大于95%。④分析系統不能區分同質多象及成分相似的礦物,需要人工識別分析數據,輔以巖礦鑒定知識加以辨認,改變分類結果,或者借助電子探針(EPMA)進一步確定礦物[45-46]。

4 結論

通過AMICS 測試,完成了遼東吉祥峪稀土礦石(樣品編號XT-02)的原位解離分析,得到該稀土礦床稀土礦物主要為褐簾石、獨居石和方鈰石,其中褐簾石占礦物總量的比例為6.25%,獨居石占比為0.73%,方鈰石占比為0.25%,稀土元素以La、Ce、Pr、Nd 等輕稀土元素為主,且主要在褐簾石、獨居石和方鈰石中富集,少量稀土元素以類質同象形式賦存在磷灰石中。脈石礦物有陽起石、石英、斜長石、鉀長石、榍石、黑云母等。


Application of Automated Mineral Identification and Characterization System to Identify Minerals and Occurrences of Elements in Jixiangyu Rare Earth Deposit of Eastern Liaoning

SUN Xiaoxu,FENG Jian,LI Chao,GAO Ye,WANG Lei,MIAO Tong,XU Yang,YAN Wei
(Liaoning Geology and Mineral Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110032, China)


(1) The rare earth minerals in Jixiangyu rare earth deposit in Liaodong are mainly monazite, allanite, cerianite and apatite.

(2) Allanite, monazite, cerianite and apatite have a good contiguous relationship, and these minerals are cross-inlaid with magnetite in the form of single grain or aggregate structure, or distributed in the edge and gap of magnetite.

(3) The content and distribution of magnetite and rare earth minerals in ore deposits may exhibit a positive correlation. This relationship is primarily attributed to the original sedimentary enrichment of minerals, and secondarily, it could be influenced by magmatic and tectonic activities, as well as superimposed modifications.

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND:In Liaoning Province, there are limited known types of rare earth deposits, and historically,exploration and evaluation efforts have mainly focused on monazite placer and alkaline rock type rare earth deposits. Less attention has been given to sedimentary metamorphic rare earth primary deposits. Previous studies have shown that the Jixiangyu rare earth deposit is categorized as a sedimentary metamorphic remodeling deposit related to ancient volcanic structures. The analysis of existing data and previous exploration results prove that this type of rare earth deposit has a considerable rare earth content with monazite and allanite. However, unresolved issues remain, such as the occurrence status of rare earth minerals and the feasibility of extracting and utilizing rare earth minerals.OBJECTIVES:To explore the metallogenic mechanism and unveil the formation process of rare earth deposits by identifying the types of rare earth minerals, investigating the occurrence and distribution of rare earth elements within minerals, and analyzing the composition, structure, and distribution characteristics of rare earth minerals and associated minerals.METHODS:The experimental testing was conducted at the Henan Provincial Rock and Mineral Testing Center.The experimental instruments used in this study included an ultra-high resolution field emission scanning electron microscope (Zeiss Sigma500), an electric cooling energy spectrometer (Bruker XFlash6610), and a set of AMICS automatic mineral identification and characterization systems. During the experiments, a high vacuum environment was maintained, with an accelerating voltage of 20kV and a beam current of 5nA. The working distance was set at 11.8mm, and the point analysis acquisition time reached 250kcps before stopping automatically.RESULTS:The primary rare earth minerals in the Jixiangyu rare earth deposit were identified as allanite, monazite,and cerianite, constituting 6.25%, 0.73%, and 0.25% of the total mineral content, respectively. Light rare earth elements such as La, Ce, Pr, and Nd were predominantly present, enriched in monazite, xenotime, and bastnaesite,with a minor occurrence of rare earth elements in the form of solid solutions within apatite. Gangue minerals include actinolite, quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, sphene, and biotite.The rare earth minerals, including allanite, monazite, cerianite, and apatite exhibited interlocking structures with magnetite, occurring as single particles or clustered structures, and were distributed along the edges and gaps of magnetite, forming complex symbiotic relationships.CONCLUSIONS:The rare earth formation process can be attributed to the following factors: (1) Sedimentary enrichment: The Jixiangyu rare earth deposit is situated in the core area of the Liao Ji Rift, providing favorable sedimentary conditions for ore deposition. Over time, sediments accumulated, compacted, and underwent alteration,gradually releasing and enriching rare earth and iron elements, leading to formation of the ore deposit. (2) Magmatic modification: Magmatic hydrothermal fluids may have interacted with variolitic rocks from the Lieryu section,facilitating the simultaneous or interweaving mineralization of rare earth minerals and magnetite in the same geological environment, resulting in the activation andin situenrichment of high background values of rare earth and iron elements. (3) Tectonic control: The Jixiangyu rare earth deposit is situated on the anticlinal structure of the Liaoning—Jilin Paleoproterozoic rift core where fault zones and folds may have acted as channels for mineral enrichment, facilitating the migration of minerals from deeper to shallower crustal regions.

KEY WORDS:automated mineral identification and characterization system (AMICS);sedimentary metamorphic rare earth ore; monazite;allanite; magnetite; occurrence state of rare earth minerals
