

2024-04-24 07:23劉海宇梁文安王葉元胡豆豆孫京臣
絲綢 2024年4期

劉海宇 梁文安 王葉元 胡豆豆 孫京臣

Research progress in regulating the mechanical properties of silk fibroin films










作者簡介:劉海宇(2001),女,碩士研究生,研究方向為蠶絲仿生材料。通信作者:胡豆豆,副教授, ddhu@scau.edu.cn。





1? 絲素蛋白的結構及其與力學性能的關系

1.1? 絲素蛋白的結構

絲素纖維由蠶繭脫膠而得,約占蠶絲蛋白總量70%。絲素纖維被溶解后,絲素蛋白的氨基酸組成和序列不會改變。絲素蛋白的重鏈基因編碼5 263個氨基酸殘基,其中包括甘氨酸(45.9%)、丙氨酸(30.3%)、絲氨酸(12.1%)、酪氨酸(5.3%)、纈氨酸(1.8%)及15種其他氨基酸(4.7%)[9]。重鏈的氨基酸序列可分為N端頭部和C端尾部,相間排列的12個疏水的重復序列和11個親水的非重復序列,如圖1[8]所示。


絲素蛋白的聚集態結構主要分為Silk I和Silk II。Silk I中包括α螺旋及其他非β折疊結構,不穩定且易溶于水。在固態核磁共振法研究中,Silk I被認為是II型β轉角結構[11]。β轉角中央的兩個氨基酸殘基能與水形成氫鍵,因此Silk I的親水性好。Silk II主要為反平行β折疊結構,反平行β折疊能量上處于最低狀態,穩定且不溶于水。


納米微纖實際上由交叉-β構象構成,是廣義上的Silk II。通常認為絲素蛋白材料的強度和剛度由Silk II決定,而延展性和柔韌性由Silk I控制。在納米微纖中,β微晶作為物理交聯點在拉伸過程中承擔主要拉力,而無定形鏈的存在又賦予其柔性。這種無定形鏈連接β微晶節點形成的拓樸網絡結構,使得納米微纖擁有比自然界其他物質更柔韌、堅固的力學性能。

1.2? 影響絲素蛋白材料力學性能的結構參數





2? 制備工藝對絲素蛋白膜力學性能的影響


2.1? 溶液制備


2.1.1? 脫? 膠

脫膠是指去除繭殼中絲膠蛋白的過程。在脫膠時既完全去除絲膠蛋白,又不破壞絲素蛋白的結構是制備出符合應用要求的絲素蛋白的關鍵。脫膠時可以控制脫膠溶劑的種類及質量濃度、脫膠的溫度、時間及次數。脫膠主要通過改變絲素蛋白分子量影響膜的力學性能[18-19]。具有高相對分子質量的絲素蛋白溶液制備的絲素蛋白膜拉伸強度更高,而徹底的脫膠往往導致絲素蛋白降解[18,20]。例如,Allardyce等[18]通過控制脫膠溫度、時間和次數及脫膠溶液的種類和質量濃度,改變脫膠過程中的降解程度。輕柔的脫膠條件下,如較低的溫度、較短的時間、較少的重復次數、較溫和的脫膠試劑,制得的絲素蛋白膜強度為8.9 MPa,比強烈的脫膠條件下的絲素蛋白膜大4.6 MPa。不完全脫膠時,殘留的絲膠蛋白(0.6%)有助于形成β微晶,且輕柔的脫膠使分子量的降低稍小,從而使拉伸強度和模量增加[19]。在脫膠率相近的條件下,使用沸水長時間脫膠所制膜的斷裂伸長率和強度仍比使用Na2CO3溶液脫膠所制膜顯著提高,說明烈性脫膠試劑如Na2CO3的使用會加劇分子量降低,導致力學性能減弱[20]。

2.1.2? 溶解絲素



2.2? 成膜工藝


2.2.1? 致密膜


溶液澆鑄法是最常用且最簡易的成膜方法,只需將制備好的溶液澆鑄在基材上,溶劑完全揮發后即得到透明的薄膜。在這一過程中干燥速率可通過影響絲素蛋白分子微觀結構從而調控膜的力學性能[25]。緩慢的干燥速率使絲素蛋白分子有足夠的時間與水分子相互作用,β折疊含量降低。緩慢干燥制備的絲素蛋白膜與水蒸氣退火處理的膜相比,模量和強度分別降低了5.9 MPa和1.7 MPa,但斷裂伸長率增加了60%[25]。垂直沉積法制得的絲素蛋白膜與緩慢干燥的相比含有更高的β折疊結構,表現出更高的拉伸模量[26]。

旋轉涂布法指將要涂布的稀溶液加到平面底板上,底板旋轉產生的離心力使底板上的稀溶液涂布成薄膜。Jiang等[7]首次使用旋轉涂布法和自旋輔助層層組裝法制作多層絲素蛋白超薄膜,并用脹形實驗測量超薄膜的力學性能。在超薄膜中,Silk II晶體能形成物理交聯網絡,使絲素蛋白膜的模量增加到6~8 GPa,韌性增加到328 kJm3。然而超薄膜厚度小,絲素蛋白鏈受空間限制,無法通過滑移對自身再取向,無法全面地延展變形,導致斷裂伸長率下降至0.5%。

2.2.2? 多孔膜


Liu等[29]對絲素蛋白溶液進行高壓滅菌誘導絲素納米顆粒的形成,經溶液澆鑄、甲醇處理及水洗后,納米顆粒溢出使膜中成孔。制得的多孔膜不僅保留了傳統致密膜的拉伸模量(13.10±1.65 MPa vs. 16.27±3.81 MPa,p>0.05),且獲得了遠高于致密膜的滲透性(34.85%±2.12% vs. 6.14%±1.87%, p<0.05)。不同于Liu等從去除溶質的角度來制孔,Zhang等[30]從去除溶劑的角度出發制孔。相較于溶液澆鑄法中水無序蒸發的脫水方法,單向納米孔脫水的方法能引導水分子有序去除,使絲素蛋白能定向積累,形成穩定的Silk I結構,絲素蛋白膜獲得了更強的延伸能力,斷裂伸長率達665.23%。Sun等[15]使用磷酸溶液溶解纖維,硫酸銨溶液作凝固浴,制作出孔徑可調節的絲素蛋白膜。高質量濃度凝固浴意味著更快的凝膠化,從而形成大孔。因此,隨硫酸銨溶液質量濃度增加,絲素蛋白膜的拉伸強度和斷裂伸長率先增加,后降低。

2.2.3? 多層膜

多層膜的力學性能除前述的相關因素,還與層間結合緊密程度有關。這主要通過測試膜的抗彎性能來評價。在旋轉涂布法中,使用適當的方法或引入合適的材料能有效增強層間相互作用,從而改善力學性能。層層自組裝法可通過交替堆疊絲素蛋白溶液和其他材料來實現絲素蛋白膜力學性能的增強。例如,Hu等[31]用自旋輔助層層組裝法引入氧化石墨烯,使絲素蛋白與氧化石墨烯層間形成致密網絡,絲素蛋白膜的彈性模量由10 GPa增加到145 GPa。Yin等[32]用動態自旋輔助層層組裝法拉伸絲素蛋白分子,增強其與氧化石墨烯的相互作用,從而制出極限強度(300 MPa)、模量(170 GPa)和韌性(3.4 MJm3)相平衡的薄膜。另外,水蒸氣退火[33-34]和交聯劑[35]的加入也常被用于增強層間相互作用。

2.3? 成膜后處理



水蒸氣退火通過調整溫度能更精細地調控β折疊結構含量。在60℃、95℃下形成的絲素蛋白膜β折疊含量較高,使膜的彈性模量、拉伸強度和屈服強度顯著的提高[39]。進一步研究水蒸氣退火時濕度的影響發現,在相同溫度下,濕度對絲素蛋白膜的拉伸強度有顯著影響,但對延展性影響不大。濕度越高,改變絲素蛋白膜二級結構所需的溫度越低[40]。就多層膜的制備而言,水蒸氣退火能有效增強層間相互作用。對于旋轉涂布法制備層層組裝的超薄膜,水蒸氣退火處理可以使絲素蛋白膜填充密度增加,絲素蛋白分子取向更一致,從而使氧化石墨烯-絲素蛋白納米膜的模量和硬度分別由22.1±7.1 GPa和0.8±0.2 GPa提高到45.5±4.8 GPa和2.3±0.6 GPa[33]。Xu等[34]利用水蒸氣退火塑化制出“磚泥結構”中的“泥”,有效加強了薄層間相互作用,不進行水蒸氣退火強度只有20%。

外力作用對絲素蛋白膜力學性能的影響也不可忽略。外力作用的方式有拉伸[41-43]、機械訓練[44-45]及壓力[46],使絲素蛋白膜的強度和模量增大。圖3(b)是仿生介觀自組裝薄膜(Biomimetic Meso-assembling Films, BMAFs)中絲素蛋白在機械訓練前后的結構示意,在4 h的機械訓練中,絲素蛋白中的無規卷曲經過交聯網絡的形成與重塑,無規卷曲轉變為β折疊,分子鏈高度取向,增加了結晶度和取向度。由圖3(a)可見,與重組絲蛋白(Reconstituted Silkworm Silk Fibroin, RSSFs)相比,隨著機械訓練時間的增加(0~4 h),BMAFs的強度和模量增加,表現出延展性。經4 h訓練后,膜的強度、剛度、延展性和韌性平衡完美,模量相比未訓練膜提高60倍[45]。


3? 添加物改性絲素蛋白膜



3.1? 共? 混





3.2? 增? 塑



3.2.1? 甘? 油


泡的絲素蛋白膜延展性高。圖4(a)是甘油分子與絲素蛋白作用的示意,甘油分子的氫鍵與絲素蛋白的羥基相互作用能破壞絲素蛋白鏈間的相互作用。當甘油含量增加到12%時,絲素蛋白鏈間的相互作用變弱,無定形結構域中絲素蛋白鏈移動,促使絲素蛋白膜形成β折疊結構,使結晶度增加[65]。當甘油含量增加到22%時,結晶度變化不顯著。結構的變化在力學性能上體現為:隨甘油含量的增加,絲素蛋白膜的斷裂伸長率和韌性分別由1.80%和0.65 MJm3增加到364.42%和32.19 MJm 楊氏模量由2.85 GPa下降至0.07 GPa;當甘油含量大于16%時,結晶度增加到達極限,極限強度穩定在13 MPa左右(圖4(b))[65]。

3.2.2? 水


3.2.3? Ca2+



Ca2+通過螯合作用和電荷相互作用與絲素蛋白結合。在使用CaCl2甲酸溶解絲素蛋白時,Ca2+作為增塑劑使絲素蛋白形成以分子內β折疊為主,而非以分子間β折疊晶體為主的結構,得到的絲素蛋白膜彈性模量為2.573 GPa、斷裂伸長率為79.72%[67]。隨絲素蛋白與Ca2+的質量比從90∶10改變到70∶3 絲素蛋白膜的斷裂伸長率從約1%增加到約200%[68]。Ca2+捕獲水的能力很強,通常1個Ca2+能配位6~8個水分子。濕度對含Ca2+的絲素蛋白膜影響極大。Chen等[62]通過分子動力學模擬分析Ca2+的塑化機理,認為Ca2+與環境的相對濕度共同作用影響水含量(圖6(c))。Ca2+含量越高,相對濕度越高,絲素蛋白膜的水含量越高,模量越低(圖6(a)(b))[62]。

3.3? 交? 聯




3.4? 其? 他


4? 結? 語




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Research progress in regulating the mechanical properties of silk fibroin films

LIU Haiyu, LIANG Wenan, WANG Yeyuan, HU Doudou, SUN Jingchen

(College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)

Abstract:Silk fibroin shows biocompatibility, biodegradability, and a lack of immunogenicity and allergenicity, possessing great potential in biomedical applications. In various forms of silk fibroin biomaterials, silk fibroin films are attracting increasing attention due to their easy processing. Among the physic-chemical properties of silk fibroin films, mechanical properties have great impact on their subsequent applications in vitro and in vivo. First, this paper briefly discussed the relationship between the hierarchical structures and mechanical properties of silk fibroin. Then, it summarized the influence of preparation parameters on mechanical properties, and the influence of different treatments on microstructure of silk films and the resulting changes in mechanical properties. Moreover, it discussed the relationship between structural changes and mechanical properties of silk fibroin films. Finally, it looked to the future to provide reference for the development of silk fibroin films to meet a variety of needs.

The mechanical properties of silk fibroin materials are structure dependent. Silk fibroin materials have five levels of hierarchical structures, in which the content of β-sheet in the secondary structure, the size and content of β-crystallites in the tertiary structure, and the density and orientation of β-crystallites in the quaternary structure are all critical parameters to the mechanical properties. The multi-level structure of silk fibroin can progressively influence the macroscopic mechanical properties step by step. In the aggregated state, it is generally accepted that the strength and stiffness of the silk fibroin material are determined by Silk II while ductility and flexibility are controlled by Silk I.

The rational design and reconstruction of silk fibroin structure can be implemented by controlling the preparation process. Pure silk fibroin films can be prepared in three steps: solution fabrication, film formation and post-treatment. Solution fabrication consists of degumming and silk fibroin dissolution, which will reduce the molecular weight of silk fibroin and therefore weaken the mechanical properties. As for film formation, solution casting or spin coating is often used to produce dense, porous, and lamellar films. The mechanical property of silk fibroin films fabricated via solution casting is controlled by controlling the drying rate, while films fabricated via spin-on method are limited by thickness. The pore size, pore density and pore distribution are important to mechanical properties for porous films, while the mechanical properties of lamellar films are related to the interlayer bond compactness. Post-treatments, such as organic solution immersion, water vapor annealing, external forces, and relative humidity in storage, can improve mechanical properties by changing crystallinity and orientation.

Additive modification is an effective way to improve the mechanical properties of silk fibroin films. Blending, plasticizing, and crosslinking are common additive modification methods. Mechanical properties are changed by forming specific intermolecular interactions between silk fibroin and additives. The interactions between blends and silk fibroin can be roughly divided into phase separation, strong interaction, and network formation. Among them, network formation needs an appropriate mixing ratio to form an excellent balance interaction. Crosslinkers form covalent links between molecules and increase the molecular weight. In this way, physical crosslinking and chemical crosslinking need to be balanced. Plasticizing can improve the flexibility and ductility of silk fibroin films. The commonly used plasticizers are glycerin, water, and Ca2+, and the combination of other additives gives silk fibroin films excellent comprehensive mechanical properties.

All in all, the hierarchical structures and the mechanic-structure dependence of silk fibroin materials make silk fibroin films adaptive to meet the applications requiring different mechanical properties. In the future, it is necessary to continue to expand the preparation methods of silk fibroin, and have an in-depth knowledge of the relationship between the structure and properties of silk fibroin, so as to accurately regulate the mechanical properties of silk fibroin films and further study the relationship between mechanical properties and other relevant properties. Mechanical property modification, functionalization and biocompatibility need to be considered together in the application studies of silk fibroin materials, so as to further expand the application range of silk fibroin materials.

Key words:

silk fibroin; film; mechanical properties; regulation method; composite materials; structure-property relationship
