

2024-04-27 15:43褚飛虎李興慧施民新黃向華吳瑋王健陳鈴麗金慧居科成陳述
交通醫學 2024年1期

褚飛虎 李興慧 施民新 黃向華 吳瑋 王健 陳鈴麗 金慧 居科成 陳述

[摘 ? 要] ? 目的:研究血漿硫氧還蛋白還原酶(thioredoxin reductase,TrxR)在乳腺癌組織中的表達及其臨床價值。方法:乳腺癌患者80例設為乳腺癌組,良性乳腺腫瘤患者48例設為良性對照組,50例健康體檢人員設為正常對照組。采用酶聯免疫吸附試驗檢測血漿TrxR水平,化學發光法檢測血清癌抗原(carcinoma antigen 153,CA153)水平。比較3組血漿TrxR水平,分析TrxR水平與乳腺癌患者臨床病理參數的關系,采用Spearman相關性分析血漿TrxR與血清CA153的相關性,受試者工作特征曲線(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)評估血漿TrxR、血清CA153對乳腺癌的診斷價值,比較乳腺癌患者治療前后TrxR水平的變化。結果:乳腺癌組血漿TrxR水平明顯高于良性對照組及正常對照組,良性對照組血漿TrxR水平明顯高于正常對照組,差異均有統計學意義(P<0.05)。組織學分級Ⅱ~Ⅲ級乳腺癌患者血漿TrxR水平明顯高于Ⅰ級患者,發生淋巴結轉移患者血漿TrxR水平明顯高于無淋巴結轉移患者,TNM分期Ⅲ~Ⅳ期患者血漿TrxR水平明顯高于Ⅰ~Ⅱ期患者,差異均有統計學意義(P<0.05)。Spearman相關性分析顯示,血漿TrxR和血清CA153具有一定的相關性(r=0.3805,P<0.05)。ROC曲線分析顯示,TrxR診斷乳腺癌的敏感度為84.0%,特異度為75.0%,曲線下面積(area under the curve, AUC)為0.8470;CA153診斷乳腺癌的敏感度為70.0%,特異度為77.5%,AUC為0.7815。72例Ⅰ~Ⅲ期乳腺癌患者接受手術治療及術后輔助治療,治療后2個月乳腺癌患者TrxR水平較治療前明顯下降,差異有統計學意義(P<0.05)。結論:血漿TrxR可能成為有效的乳腺癌診斷指標,其在評估乳腺癌病情惡化程度、預測未來發展趨勢等方面具有重要的臨床意義。

[關鍵詞] ? 乳腺癌;血漿硫氧還蛋白還原酶;酶聯免疫吸附試驗;血清CA153;化學發光法

[中圖分類號] ? R737.9 [文獻標志碼] ? A [DOI] ? 10.19767/j.cnki.32-1412.2024.01.003

Study on the expression of plasma thioredoxin reductase in breast cancer and its clinical value

CHU Feihu1, LI Xinghui1, SHI Minxin1, HUANG Xianghua1, WU Wei2,

WANG Jian1, CHEN Lingli1, JIN Hui1, JU Kecheng1, CHEN Shu1

(1Department of Breast Surgery; 2Department of Clinical Laboratory,

Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Nantong University/Nantong Tumor Hospital, Jiangsu 226361)

[Abstract] ? Objective:To investigate the expression of plasma thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) in the breast cancer tissue and its clinical value. Methods:Eighty breast cancer patients were selected as the breast cancer group, 48 patients with benign breast tumor were selected as the benign control group, and 50 healthy physical examination personnels were selected as the normal control group. Plasma TrxR and serum CA153 levels in each population group were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and chemiluminescence assay respectively. Compare plasma TrxR level in the three groups. The relationship between plasma TrxR level and clinicopathological parameters of breast cancer patients was analyzed, and the relationship between plasma TrxR and serum CA153 was analyzed by Spearman. The diagnostic value of plasma TrxR and serum CA153 for breast cancer was analyzed by receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC). TrxR levels in breast cancer patients before and after treatment were determined and compared. Results:The plasma TrxR level in the breast cancer group was significantly higher than those in the benign and normal control groups (P<0.05). The plasma TrxR level in the benign control group was also significantly higher than that in the normal control group (P<0.05). The plasma TrxR level in the breast cancer patients with histological grade Ⅱ~Ⅲ was higher than that in the patients with grade Ⅰ; the plasma TrxR level in the breast cancer patients with lymph node metastasis was higher than that in the patients without lymph node metastasis; the plasma TrxR level in the breast cancer patients with TNM stage Ⅲ~Ⅳ was higher than that in the patients with stageⅠ~Ⅱ (P<0.05). The Spearman analysis showed that there was a correlation between plasma TrxR and serum CA153 (r=0.3805, P<0.05). According to the ROC curve, the sensitivity of TrxR for the diagnosis of breast cancer was 84.0%, its specificity was 75.0%, and the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.8470. The sensitivity of CA153 for the diagnosis of breast cancer was 70.0%, its specificity was 77.5%, and AUC was 0.7815. Seventy-two breast cancer patients with stageⅠ~Ⅲ underwent surgical treatment and postoperative adjuvant therapy, and the TrxR level after two months of treatment decreased significantly compared with that before treatment (P<0.05). Conclusion:Plasma TrxR might be an effective diagnostic indicator of breast cancer with important clinical significance in evaluating the deterioration of breast cancer patients and in predicting its future development trend.

[Key words] ? breast cancer; plasma TrxR; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; serum CA153; chemiluminescence assay

乳腺癌是臨床最常見的惡性腫瘤之一,發病率高于肺癌,位居全球女性惡性腫瘤第一位,是近年來發病率增長速度最快的惡性腫瘤[1]。及早發現乳腺癌,可使大部分患者獲得根治機會。除了彩超、鉬靶、磁共振檢查外,腫瘤標志物因方便、快捷、經濟、非侵入性等特點,越來越多地用于乳腺癌的篩查及隨診。癌抗原153(carcinoma antigen 153,CA153)、CA125、癌胚抗原(carcino-embryonic antigen,CEA)等是目前臨床上常用的腫瘤標志物。近年來國內外研究顯示,硫氧還蛋白還原酶(thioredoxin reductase,TrxR)是一種含硒和依賴于NADPH的二聚體酶,屬于吡啶核苷酸-二硫化物氧化還原酶家族,在多種原發腫瘤中異常表達[2-3],且與腫瘤的分化程度、生長與侵襲、耐藥等密切相關。硫氧還蛋白還原系統調控細胞氧化還原狀態和細胞增殖[4-5],它由TrxR、硫氧還蛋白(thioredoxin,Trx)和NADPH三部分組成。TrxR可以催化NADPH依賴的硫氧還蛋白還原。TrxR具有多種生物學活性,參與調控氧化還原平衡、細胞生長和凋亡、早期胚胎發育等重要生理過程[6]。研究發現,TrxR在多種腫瘤細胞和癌前細胞中過表達[7-8]。TrxR可通過腫瘤細胞膜釋放到外周血中[9],提示檢測外周血中硫氧還蛋白還原酶是合理的。選擇南通市腫瘤醫院乳腺外科2019年1月—2022年12月收治的乳腺癌患者80例、良性乳腺腫瘤患者48例、健康體檢人員50例為研究對象,研究血漿硫氧還蛋白還原酶(thioredoxin reductase,TrxR)在乳腺癌組織中的表達及其臨床價值。

1 ? 資料與方法

1.1 ? 一般資料 ? 乳腺癌患者80例均為女性,年齡<50歲36例,年齡≥50歲44例;組織學Ⅰ級10例,Ⅱ~Ⅲ級70例;淋巴結轉移37例,無淋巴結轉移43例;TNM分期Ⅰ~Ⅱ期49例,Ⅲ期23例,Ⅳ期8例。收集每例患者相關臨床資料、乳腺癌組織、癌旁組織及血液標本。以同期我科收治的48例良性乳腺腫瘤患者為良性對照組,以我院體檢中心體檢健康人員50例設為正常對照組。本研究經醫院倫理委員會審核(批準文號:通腫倫審2021-032),患者及家屬均知情同意。

1.2 ?觀察指標 ? (1)血漿TrxR及血清CA153水平:采集乳腺癌組患者(治療前、治療2個月后)、良性對照組患者、正常對照組體檢人員空腹靜脈血3~5 mL,取血漿用于測定TrxR水平,血清用于測定CA153水平。采用Spectra-Max酶聯儀(Molecular Devices公司),根據TrxR ELISA試劑盒的使用說明,測定各組血漿TrxR水平。運用電化學發光全自動免疫分析儀(Roche公司)及CA153化學發光試劑盒,測定各組血清CA153水平。(2)TrxR水平與乳腺癌患者臨床病理參數的關系。(3)血漿TrxR與血清CA153相關性分析。(4)血漿TrxR及血清CA153水平對乳腺癌早期診斷的價值。(5)乳腺癌患者治療前后血漿TrxR水平比較:72例TNM分期Ⅰ~Ⅲ期乳腺癌患者接受手術治療和術后輔助治療,比較治療前后血漿TrxR水平。

1.3 ? 統計學處理 ? 應用SPSS 19.0統計學軟件對數據進行分析處理,GraphPad Prism 5.0軟件作圖。計量資料以均數±標準差表示,組間比較采用t檢驗。采用Spearman相關性分析血漿TrxR與血清CA153的相關性。采用受試者工作特征曲線(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC)評估TrxR、CA153對乳腺癌早期診斷的價值。P<0.05為差異具有統計學意義。

2 ? 結 ? ? ?果

2.1 ? 三組血漿TrxR水平比較 ? 乳腺癌組患者血漿TrxR水平顯著高于良性對照組及正常對照組,差異均有統計學意義(5.59±1.57 U/mL vs 4.77±1.29 U/mL;5.59±1.57 U/mL vs 3.54±1.36 U/mL,P<0.05)。良性對照組血漿TrxR水平顯著高于正常對照組,差異有統計學意義(4.77±1.29 U/mL vs 3.54±1.36 U/mL,P<0.05)。見圖1。

2.2 ? 血漿TrxR水平與乳腺癌患者臨床病理參數的關系 ? 組織學分級為Ⅱ~Ⅲ級乳腺癌患者血漿TrxR水平明顯高于Ⅰ級患者,發生淋巴結轉移的乳腺癌患者血漿TrxR水平明顯高于無淋巴結轉移患者,TNM分期Ⅲ~Ⅳ期乳腺癌患者血漿TrxR水平明顯高于Ⅰ~Ⅱ期患者,差異均有統計學意義(P<0.05)。血漿TrxR水平與年齡、分子分型無關(P>0.05)。見表1。

2.3 ? 血漿TrxR與血清CA153相關性分析 ? 乳腺癌組,良性對照組及正常對照組血清CA153水平分別為21.75±11.42 U/mL、13.12±4.97 U/mL、11.81±5.43 U/mL。Spearman相關性分析顯示,乳腺癌組血漿TrxR與血清CA153相關系數r=0.3805(P<0.05),提示血漿TrxR與血清CA153有一定的相關性。見圖2。

2.4 ? 血漿TrxR及血清CA153水平對乳腺癌早期診斷的價值 ? ROC曲線分析顯示,TrxR診斷乳腺癌的敏感度為84.0%,特異度為75.0%,95%CI:0.7765~0.9175,曲線下面積(area under the curve,AUC)為0.8470。CA153診斷乳腺癌的敏感度為70.0%,特異度為77.5%,95%CI:0.7030~0.8600,AUC為0.7815。TrxR對乳腺癌早期診斷的價值優于CA153。見圖3。

2.5 ? 乳腺癌患者治療前后血漿TrxR水平比較 ? 手術及術后輔助治療2個月后,乳腺癌患者血漿TrxR水平較治療前明顯下降,差異有統計學意義(5.59±1.57 U/mL vs 5.03±1.70 U/mL,P<0.05)。見圖4。

3 ? 討 ? ? ?論






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[收稿日期] 2023-06-13

(本文編輯 ? 趙喜)
