
Chuanjiang Boatmen’s Song in Chongqing

2024-05-07 04:17重慶市第十八中學校初2023級31李靈彧指導教師黃忠雪
瘋狂英語·初中天地 2024年2期

◎重慶市第十八中學校初2023 級31 班 李靈彧 指導教師:黃忠雪


If one day you come to Wulong, Chongqing, you can’t miss the great sight and enjoy the powerful song—Chuanjiang Boatmen’s Song, one of the national intangible cultural heritage.It is a traditional folk song about the life and work of the boatmen on the Yangtze River.It also reflects the history, culture, and changes of Chongqing.

The song started in the late 19th century when Chongqing was an important trading port along the Yangtze River.The boatmen played an important role in transporting goods between Chongqing and other cities.The song describes the hardships and struggles of the boatmen.They walked barefoot( 赤 腳) on the riverbank with their backs bending for long hours to pull the boats.They worked under challenging conditions(條件).

The lyrics of the song focused on the boatmen’s determination(決心), love for their hometown, and longing for their families.The melody( 旋律) was simple yet powerful.The song became an anthem(贊歌) for the boatmen and a symbol of their unity and hard work.

Today although the busy trading port has disappeared, the song continues to be valued by locals and serves as a reminder of the city’s rich history.It is often performed during festivals and cultural events.The lyrics has changed to reflect the rapid development of the city, the spirit of its people, and their hopes for a better future.The melody suits modern tastes while keeping its traditional essence(精髓).

I am proud that Chuanjiang Boatmen’s Song was protected as national intangible cultural heritage(國家級非物質文化遺產) on May 20, 2006.
