

2010-01-19 07:38黃換乃

趙 潔 黃換乃

摘 要:本文探討了肖伯納的《蘋果車》的英文原文與老舍先生的漢語譯文中的指同表達,發現英漢的指同表達在零照應和代詞使用等方面有所不同。



Contrastive Study on Coreferential Devices in Source

and Target Texts of Apple Cart


(Department of International Studies,Xian Technological University,Xian 710032,China)

Abstract:This paper studies the coreferential devices both in Apple Cart by Bernard Shaw and its Chinese version by Mr. Laoshe.It is found that English and Chinese coreferential devices are different in the use of zero anaphora and pronouns.

Key Words:coreferential devices;zero anaphora;apple cart

一、介 紹






在功能語篇中,詞語的語義關系主要有三種:指同關系(身份所指)、所屬關系(同類成員)、共存關系(成員間的共性)。本文分析和研究的正是指同關系。在語言學中,指同表達指在一段話或一段語篇中同一指稱的多種表達方式。當某一個人或某一類人、事、物、狀態、行為或時間、地點在語篇中的某地方再現時,作者可用相同或不同的語言表達方式來表示他與第一次出現的那個表達式所指相同,簡稱指同。例如:在You said you would help me.(漢語譯文:你說你會幫助我。)中, 句中的兩個“you”指的是同一個人,即第二個“you”是指同表達。同樣,在I saw Scott yesterday. He was fishing by the lake. (漢語譯文:我昨天看見斯科特,他在湖邊釣魚。) 在該語篇中He顯然是Scott的指同表達。

語篇的指同表達手段有很多,如名詞短語(NP:noun repetition, synonyms, etc.),代詞(Pron.:pronoun),省略(ellipsis),替代(substitution),零照應(ZA:zeroManaphora)等。名詞短語指使用名詞重復,同義詞等進行指同表達;代詞指使用人稱代詞、物主代詞等進行指同表達;省略包括名詞、動詞和小句的省略;替代包括名詞、動詞和小句的替代;零照應指語篇中的主語(明確或不明確),同時引領數個平行結構,如詞語、短語甚至句子。零照應是漢語口語和寫作中經常出現的語言現象。









〔An office in the royal palace. Two writing tables face each other from opposite sides of the room, leaving plenty of room between them. Each table has a chair by it for visitors. The door is in the middle of the farthest wall. The clock shows that it is a little past 11; and the light is that of a fine summer morning.〕




Table 1The distribution of NP, Pron. and ZA

NP Pron. ZA

English 2 3 0

Chinese 1 0 1

Note:NP (noun repetition, synonyms, etc.), Pron.(pronoun), ZA (zeroManaphora)

〔Sempronius,smart and still presumably young, shows his right profile as he sits at one of the tables opening the kings letters. Pamphilius, middle aged, shows his left as he leans back in his chair at the other table with a pile of the morning papers at his elbow, reading one of them. This goes on silently for some time. Then Pamphilius, putting down his paper, looks at Sempronius for a moment before speaking.〕



Table 2The distribution of NP, Pron. and ZA

NP Pron. ZA

English 2 9 0

Chinese 2 1 2

p174An Interlude 插曲

〔Orinthias boudoir at half past fifteen on the same day. She is at her writing table scribbling notes. She is romantically beautiful, and beautifully dressed. As the table is against the wall near a corner, with the other wall on her left, her back alone is visible from the middle of the room. The door is near the corner diagonally opposite. There is a large settee in the middle of the room.〕

〔The king enters and waits on the threshold.〕




Table 3The distribution of NP, Pron. and ZA

NP Pron. ZA

English 3 5 0

Chinese 3 3 4


〔Later in the afternoon. The Terrace of the Palace. A low balustrade separates it form the lawn. Terrace chairs in abundance, ranged along the balustrade. Some dining room chars also, not ranged, but standing about as if they had just been occupied. The terrace is accessible from the lawn by a central flight of steps.〕

〔The King and the Queen are sitting apart near the corners of the steps, the Queen to the Kings right. He is reading the evening paper: she is knitting. She has a little work table on her right, with a small gong on it.〕




Table 4The distribution of NP, Pron. and ZA

NP Pron. ZA

English 6 24 0

Chinese 7 3 3

p 30-31

M 〔humbly〕I wish I could see through you, Mr. Boanerges. But I have not your sort of cleverness. I can only ask you to be frank with me.

B〔now convinced that he has the upper hand〕You mean about the crisis. Well, frank is just what I have come here to be. And the first thing I am going to tell you frankly about it is that this country has got to be governed, not by you, but by your ministers.

M I shall be only too grateful to them for taking a very difficult and thankless job off my hands.

B But its not on your hands. Its on your ministers hands. You are only a constitutional monarch. Do you know what they call that in Belgium?

M An India rubber stamp, I think. Am I right?

BYou are, King Magnus.An India rubber stamp.Thats what you have got to be;and dont you forget it.

M Yes, thats what we are most of the time: both of us.



馬: 我要十分感激他們,把那個勞而無功的工作從我的手里拿過去。

布: 可是那并不在你的手里。那在你的大臣們手里。你只是立憲的君主。你知道在比利時人們管它叫什么嗎?

馬:一個橡皮戳子, 我想。對吧。

布: 你就是個橡皮戳子,馬格納斯王。你只能是一個橡皮戳子,牢牢記住吧。

馬: 是,大部分時間咱們就只是橡皮戳子,咱們倆都是。


Table 5The distribution of NP, Pron. and ZA

NP Pron. ZA

English 2 31 0

Chinese 4 23 1

p136-147the longest utterance(1200 words or so) by Magnus, partly quoted

Amanda 〔splutters〕

Crassus〔whispers〕Shut up, will you?

Magnus〔continuing〕Naturally, I want to avert a conflict in which success would damage me and failure disable me. But you tell me that I can do so only by signing pledges which would make me a mere Lord Chamberlain, without even despotism which he exercises over the theatre. I should sink below the level of the meanest of my subjects, my sole privilege being that of being shot at when some victim of misgovernment resorts to assassination to avenge himself. How am I to defend myself? You are many: I suppose you singlehanded. There was a time when the king could depend on the support of the aristocracy and the cultivated bourgeoisie. Today, there is not a single aristocrat left in politics, not a single member of the professions, not a single leading personage in big business or finance. They are richer than ever, more powerful than ever, more able and better educated than ever. But not one of them will touch this drudgery of government, this public work that never ends because we cannot finish one job without creating ten fresh ones...…. Well, a King with a little courage may tackle them for you. Responsibilities which would break your backs may still be borne on a Kings shoulders. But you must be a king, not a puppet. ……



馬格納斯:(繼續)我當然愿意避免這個沖突:勝了呢,我也要受傷;敗了呢,我就成了廢人。但是你們告訴我要避免沖突,只有在保證書上簽字才行,其實那將使我變為僅僅像個宮內大臣,甚至連他那點對戲園子的威風都沒有。那將把我降到最低的庶民之下。我的唯一的權利,就是,如若有一個受苛政迫害的人要用暗殺來報仇的話,被一搶打死。我現在怎么保衛自己呢?你們人多,我單人抵御。在老年間,一個國王還可以依靠貴族和有教育的資產階級的援助。今天,沒有一個貴族,沒有一個自由職業者,沒有一個企業或財政的領袖人物,還管政治。 他們比以前更有錢,更有勢力,更能干和更有教育了??墒?他們沒有一個愿意摸摸政治工作這份苦工的,這個行政工作永遠沒結沒完,因為我們要為做成一件事就不能不搞出十件別的新事來?!?一個有膽量的國王卻可以替你們碰碰它們。有一些會壓斷你們脊背的責任還可以放在國王的肩膀上。但是,他必須是個國王,不是傀儡?!?/p>

p 270-271

ProteusYou can not abdicate except by my advice.

MagnusI am acting upon your advice.

ProteusNonsense! 〔He sits down.〕

Balbus Ridiculous! 〔He sits down.〕

PlinyYoure not serious, you know. 〔He sits down.〕

NicobarYou cant upset the apple cart like this. 〔He sits down.〕

Crassus I must say this is not playing the game. 〔He sits down.〕

卜羅塔斯: 除了有我的話,你不能退位。

馬格納斯: 我正是按著你的話做的。

卜羅塔斯: 瞎說!

巴爾巴斯: 可笑!

普林尼: 你并不認真要那么辦,你知道。

尼柯柏: 你不能這么把蘋果車弄翻了。

柯拉薩斯: 我得說,你這不是照規矩辦事呢。

備注:弄翻蘋果車,是英國俗語,相當于我們的攪亂如意算盤。If you upset the apple cart, you cause trouble and upset people





另外,從英語和漢語與語言的結構特點也可以解釋這一結果。英語是拼音文字,屬于印歐語系(IndoMEuropean family)是綜合并分析發展型(synthetic and analytic developing type);漢語是方塊文字,屬于漢藏語系(SinoMTibetan family),是分析并粘著型(analytic and agglutinative type)。英語是形合語言,主從句是語言的基本特點之一,因此需要大量的代詞及連接詞完成形合,這是英語代詞使用頻率高的原因之一。但是漢語是意合語言,有時并沒有確定的主語,但是主題卻貫穿語篇的全部,因此代詞使用率較低,零照應在語篇中很常見,經常引導一個話題鏈,從意思上層層推進。




Innes,Christopher.George Bernard Shaw.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.


Coreference-Wikipedia.The Free EncyclopediaAnno.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coreferential

陸振慧.英漢語篇中指同表達的對比研究.外語教學與研究, 2002,34(5):324.

Shaw Bernard.Apple Cart:a Political Extravagance.北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,2002.


