

2014-11-03 00:00彭凱孫海法
軟科學 2014年10期

彭凱 孫海法





20世紀90年代,Grant[1,2]依據知識基礎的企業理論提出了知識整合(Knowledge Integration)概念,認為組織中最重要的不是靜態的、分散的知識本身,而是知識的整合和利用,企業的競爭力必須通過知識整合來獲得。謝洪明[3]、柯江林[4]等學者的實證研究也均表明知識整合是組織提升工作效能和運營績效的重要途徑。通過對國內外知識整合研究成果進行梳理,魏江等[5]構建了包含評價層、路徑層、要素層的知識整合研究框架。其分析指出,知識整合評價作為一個重要層次不僅體現了知識整合工作所要實現的目標,還是組織知識整合水平的最終評判標準。在具體評價方法上,Grant[1]認為可以從知識整合效率、知識整合范圍、知識整合彈性三個維度來展開。陳建勛等[6]在借鑒前人研究的基礎上,通過知識整合途徑中的系統化、社會化、合作化三個維度對知識整合效果進行測量。還有一些學者從知識管理的角度提出了評價方法[7,8]。






[1]Grant R M. Prospering in Dynamically-competitive Environments: Organizational Capability as Knowledge Integration[J].Organization Science, 1996,7(4): 375-387.

[2]Grant R M. Toward a Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm[J].Strategic Management Journal, 1996(Winter Special Issue):109-122.

[3]謝洪明,王琪,王成. 知識整合、核心競爭力與組織績效的關系研究[J]. 科技管理研究,2006(12):197-200 .

[4]柯江林,孫健敏,石金濤,顧琴軒. 企業 R&D團隊之社會資本與團隊效能關系的實證研究[J] . 管理世界,2007(3):89-101.

[5]魏江,王銅安. 知識整合的分析框架:評價、途徑與要素[J]. 西安電子科技大學學報(社會科學版),2008(2):8-14.

[6]陳建勛,朱蓉,王三木,等. 內部社會資本、知識整合與核心能力[J]. 軟科學,2008(6):16-21.

[7]Tien Hui Hsiaoa,Yuan Feng Wenb. Utilizing the Balanced Scorecard for Performance Measurement of Knowledge Management[J]. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems,2011(2):411-426.

[8]蔣翠清,葉春森,楊善林. 組織知識管理績效評估研究[J]. 科學學研究,2007(2):296-300.

[9]謝洪明,吳溯,王現彪. 知識整合能力、效果與技術創新[J]. 科學學與科學技術管理,2008(8):88-93.

[10]Kenney J L,Gudergan S P. Knowledge-Integration in Organizations: An Empirical Assessment[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,2006(10):43-58 .

[11]March J G .Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning[J]. Organization Science, 1991(2):71-871.

[12]Alva Taylor ,Henrich Greve. Superman or the Fantastic Four? Knowledge Combination and Experience in Innovative Teams[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(4):723-740.

[13]Kogut B, U Zander. Knowledge in the Firm, Combinative Capabilities and the Replication of Technology. Organization Science[J]. 1992(3): 383-397.

[14]Seigyoung Auh, Bulent Menguc. Top Management Team Diversity and Innovativeness: The Moderating Role of Interfunctional Coordination[J]. Industrial Marketing Management,2005,34(4):249–261.

[15]Smedlund A. The Knowledge System of a Firm:Social Capital for Explicit, Tacit and Potential Knowledge[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,2008,12(1): 63-77.

[16]錢春海. 我國高新技術企業內團隊知識分享行為的影響因素研究[J]. 軟科學,2010(11):20-37.

[17]Wegner D M. Transactive Memory: A Contemporary Analysis of the Group Mind. B Mullen&G R Goethals (Eds),Theories of Group Behavior[J]. New York: Springer-Verlag,1987:185-208.

[18]張鋼,倪旭東. 知識差異和知識沖突對團隊創新的影響[J]. 心理學報,2007.39(5):926-933.

[19]Reagans R,Zuckerman E. Networks, Diversity and Productivity:The Social Capital of Corporate R&D Teams[J]. Organization Science,2001,12:502-517.

[20]倪旭東,薛憲方. 基于知識異質性團隊的異質性知識網絡運行機制[J]. 心理科學進展,2013(3):13-21.


[13]Kogut B, U Zander. Knowledge in the Firm, Combinative Capabilities and the Replication of Technology. Organization Science[J]. 1992(3): 383-397.

[14]Seigyoung Auh, Bulent Menguc. Top Management Team Diversity and Innovativeness: The Moderating Role of Interfunctional Coordination[J]. Industrial Marketing Management,2005,34(4):249–261.

[15]Smedlund A. The Knowledge System of a Firm:Social Capital for Explicit, Tacit and Potential Knowledge[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,2008,12(1): 63-77.

[16]錢春海. 我國高新技術企業內團隊知識分享行為的影響因素研究[J]. 軟科學,2010(11):20-37.

[17]Wegner D M. Transactive Memory: A Contemporary Analysis of the Group Mind. B Mullen&G R Goethals (Eds),Theories of Group Behavior[J]. New York: Springer-Verlag,1987:185-208.

[18]張鋼,倪旭東. 知識差異和知識沖突對團隊創新的影響[J]. 心理學報,2007.39(5):926-933.

[19]Reagans R,Zuckerman E. Networks, Diversity and Productivity:The Social Capital of Corporate R&D Teams[J]. Organization Science,2001,12:502-517.

[20]倪旭東,薛憲方. 基于知識異質性團隊的異質性知識網絡運行機制[J]. 心理科學進展,2013(3):13-21.


[13]Kogut B, U Zander. Knowledge in the Firm, Combinative Capabilities and the Replication of Technology. Organization Science[J]. 1992(3): 383-397.

[14]Seigyoung Auh, Bulent Menguc. Top Management Team Diversity and Innovativeness: The Moderating Role of Interfunctional Coordination[J]. Industrial Marketing Management,2005,34(4):249–261.

[15]Smedlund A. The Knowledge System of a Firm:Social Capital for Explicit, Tacit and Potential Knowledge[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management,2008,12(1): 63-77.

[16]錢春海. 我國高新技術企業內團隊知識分享行為的影響因素研究[J]. 軟科學,2010(11):20-37.

[17]Wegner D M. Transactive Memory: A Contemporary Analysis of the Group Mind. B Mullen&G R Goethals (Eds),Theories of Group Behavior[J]. New York: Springer-Verlag,1987:185-208.

[18]張鋼,倪旭東. 知識差異和知識沖突對團隊創新的影響[J]. 心理學報,2007.39(5):926-933.

[19]Reagans R,Zuckerman E. Networks, Diversity and Productivity:The Social Capital of Corporate R&D Teams[J]. Organization Science,2001,12:502-517.

[20]倪旭東,薛憲方. 基于知識異質性團隊的異質性知識網絡運行機制[J]. 心理科學進展,2013(3):13-21.

