

2016-12-15 15:48寇玉輝姜保國
北京大學學報(醫學版) 2016年5期


(北京大學人民醫院創傷骨科,北京大學交通醫學中心, 北京 100044)





(北京大學人民醫院創傷骨科,北京大學交通醫學中心, 北京 100044)

周圍神經; 神經延長; 神經缺損; 修復

周圍神經缺損在臨床上常見,也是臨床治療的難點[1]。創傷性神經缺失、神經腫瘤醫源性切除、神經延期修復時的神經短縮等均可導致不同程度的神經缺損[2-5],我國每年周圍神經缺損患者高達30~50萬例。對于小的周圍神經缺損,可通過神經游離、轉位、改變患肢體位和姿勢等方法,將神經兩斷端接近后進行直接縫合[6]。對于較大的周圍神經缺損,應用上述方法無法達到神經的無張力修復時,則需采用其他方法進行神經修復。目前臨床上最常采用的是神經移植術[7-8],即采用自體神經段橋接缺損的神經,進而達到神經缺損修復的效果,但由于神經移植術的移植神經來源有一定的限制, 且通常還要以犧牲供區神經功能為代價[9-10],因此尋找其他修復方法和技術一直是周圍神經缺損研究領域的熱點。


1 適合周圍神經緩慢均勻延長的周圍神經延長器


2 周圍神經的可延長性及神經缺損修復范圍

2.1 周圍神經對快速/緩慢延長的耐受性

首先,我們研究了周圍神經對單次快速延長的耐受性。通過動物實驗證實,在單次快速延長時,神經在10%延長率內耐受性較好,當延長率超過20%時將會對延長神經造成不可逆的損傷。隨后,我們在周圍神經慢性延長耐受性的研究中發現,當進行緩慢神經延長(延長速度1 mm/d)時,神經在27.0%延長率內耐受性較好,延長率超過37.5%時可導致對延長神經不可逆的損傷[11-12]。上述研究結果表明周圍神經對慢性延長的耐受性遠優于一次性的急性延長,對于較小的神經缺損可以采用單次快速延長,而對于較大的神經缺損,則可采用慢性延長[11-12]。

2.2 近端神經和遠端神經的延長極限及神經缺損修復范圍


3 周圍神經延長的組織學基礎及病理生理學變化規律

在系統完成周圍神經單次及多次延長極限的基礎上,我們采用組織學染色、免疫組織化學染色以及單根神經纖維剝離技術對周圍神經延長過程中神經干組織的病理生理學變化特點進行研究,發現方塔納帶(Fontana)是決定周圍神經單次延長極限的重要結構基礎[13];當神經延長幅度達到10%時,神經干內方塔納帶結構消失,郎飛結(nodes of Ranvier)、施-蘭切跡(Schmidt-Lantermann incisure)等增寬,但無軸索及髓鞘的斷裂;當神經單次延長幅度達到20%時,出現神經軸索及郎飛結的斷裂,同時神經延長過程中的神經電生理檢測結果與這一病理生理學過程相符[13-17]。

4 周圍神經延長和神經移植


在此研究基礎上,我們開展了神經延長修復神經缺損的臨床研究,采用術中延長器對13例神經缺損患者進行遠端神經延長的治療,臨床應用結果表明,在4 cm的缺損范圍內,延長的神經能夠填補缺損范圍,所有的患者神經均可進行無張力縫合。通過對患者進行系統的隨訪證實,患者神經修復后,受損神經再生良好,可達到同類型無缺損神經損傷患者的修復效果[18]。對比性研究證實神經延長技術可用于臨床周圍神經缺損的修復,并在一定程度上可以替代神經移植技術,成為臨床應用的新方法。

5 總結與展望



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(Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, Peking University People’s Hospital; Peking University Traffic Medicine Center, Beijing 100044, China)

SUMMARY Peripheral nerve defects are still a major challenge in clinical practice, and the most commonly used method of treatment for peripheral nerve defects is nerve transplantation, which has certain limitations and shortcomings, so new repair methods and techniques are needed. The peripheral nerve is elongated in limb lengthening surgery without injury, from which we got inspirations and proposed a new method to repair peripheral nerve defects: peripheral nerve elongation. The peripheral nerve could beelongated by a certain percent, but the physiological change and the maximum elongation range were still unknown. This study discussed the endurance, the physiological and pathological change of peripheral nerve elongation in detail, and got a lot of useful data. First, we developed peripheral nerve extender which could match the slow and even extension of peripheral nerve. Then, our animal experiment result confirmed that the peripheral nerve had better endurance for chronic elongation than that of acute elongation and cleared the extensibility of peripheral nerve and the range of repair for peripheral nerve defects. Our result also revealed the histological basis and changed the rule for pathological physiology of peri-pheral nerve elongation: the most important structure foundation of peripheral nerve elongation was Fontana band, which was the coiling of nerve fibers under the epineurium, so peripheral nerve could be stretched for 8.5%-10.0% without injury because of the Fontana band. We confirmed that peripheral nerve extending technology could have the same repair effect as traditional nerve transplantation through animal experiments. Finally, we compared the clinical outcomes between nerve elongation and perfor-mance of the conventional method in the repair of short-distance transection injuries in human elbows, and the post-operative follow-up results demonstrated that early neurological function recovery was better in the nerve elongation group than in the conventional group. On the whole, all of these experimental results revealed the physiological phenomenon of peripheral nerve elongation, and described the physiological change and stretch range in detail. The systematic research results have filled the blank in this field, which is very helpful for clinical limb lengthening surgery, the design of elongation surgery and the evaluation of the peripheral nerve stretch injury. Peripheral nerve elongation will become an innovative treatment technology in repairing peripheral nerve defects.

New treatment for peripheral nerve defects: nerve elongationKOU Yu-hui, JIANG Bao-guo△

Peripheral nerves; Nerve elongation; Nerve Defect; Repair

國家自然科學基金(31571236, 81372044)和北京大學人民醫院研究與發展基金(RDB2015-11)資助Supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China (31571236, 81372044) and Peking University People’s Hospital Research and Development Funds (RDB2015-11)

時間:2016-9-5 9:33:54






△ Corresponding author’s e-mail, jiangbaoguo@vip.sina.com

李保國 荒山禿嶺上書寫富民傳奇
脂肪推土機 Bulldozer “自體脂肪填充”大揭秘!