

2017-05-03 21:52曹澎
江蘇教育·中學教學版 2017年4期

【摘 要】詩歌是語言藝術的精華,英文詩歌滲透著語言文化內容和人文底蘊。初中學生進行英語詩歌學習,在學習英語基礎知識的同時,還要領悟詩意詩境,理解并初步運用詩歌韻腳、詩歌節奏、修辭手法,感受韻律美、節奏美和語言美,從而進一步提升學生的人文素養。


【中圖分類號】G633.4 【文獻標志碼】A 【文章編號】1005-6009(2017)27-0024-03



譯林版義務教育教科書《英語》八年級上冊 Module 2 Nature and the Environment 中Unit 7(簡稱M2 U7)的中心話題是季節。圍繞這一話題,教材在第一板塊Comic strip & Welcome中以“Weather and seasons”激活學生對這一話題已有的知識儲備,學習有關天氣的知識,討論各自喜歡的季節及原因。在之后的第二板塊Reading中,教材呈現一首詩歌Seasons of the Year,此為本節課的教學內容。

本課也是學生在教材中接觸到的第二篇詩歌。Seasons of the Year以四季變換入手,抓住四季特點,描述季節之美。全詩分為四個詩節,它語言凝練、韻律和諧、主題鮮明、意境優美。





Step 1 導入

T: Whats the video mainly about?

S: Its about seasons.

T:Yes, its about seasons,changes of seasons. We know a year is divided into four seasons. What are they?

S: Spring, summer, autumn and winter.

T: Right. Now lets have a brainstorm. Please use adjectives and nouns to describe different seasons.

S1: Spring is warm.

S2: Ice cream.

T: Oh, you mean summer reminds you of ice creams.

S3: Autumn is yellow.

S4: Winter is cold/cool/rainy/snowy...學生用了很多詞匯來描述四季。


Step 2 詩歌賞讀

(1)Feel the tone of the poem by listening.

T:Listen, Millie is reading the poem “Seasons of the year”. Please keep your eyes closed and listen.

T:Maybe poems are always as beautiful as pictures. Now lets enjoy the video of the poem with our eyes wide open.


(2)Understand the meaning of the poem by referencing the PowerPoint presentation.

T: After reading the poem, Millie is drawing pictures of the four seasons. Help her write the correct seasons in the blanks and then match each season with the descriptions in the poem.

T: Please read by yourselves and ask me for help if you have difficulties in understanding the poem.

【設計意圖】這一環節,先利用課本中的“詩畫匹配”練習,幫助學生結合文本,隨文識字,學習新單詞,再讓學生在自主朗讀中針對自己的理解疑難處,采用主動提問的學習策略,用語境和圖片幫助理解shower,memory,drop,temperature等單詞。詩歌中有很多地道的詞匯和表達法,如April showers,sweet memories,lazy afternoons等,通過詩畫結合的學習方式讓學生實現內化。整個詞匯教學的過程沒有打亂本節課詩歌賞讀的完整性,始終建立在“整體賞讀”的設計中。學生跟著視頻一起朗誦,讓學生進一步體會“詩歌是語言的音樂”。

(3)Feel the rhyme and rhythm of the poem by repeatedly reading and reciting.

T: Is the poem beautiful?

S: Yes.

T: Why do you think so?


T:Maybe one of the reasons is that poems have their own characteristics. What are they?


T:Now heres a Chinese ancient poem. Maybe we can learn from it.(Show the poem《春曉》)

T:These words “xiao, niao, shao” have similar sounds, and we call them rhyming words. Yes, a poem has its own rhyme. Words that rhyme with each other are often used in poems.

T:And we can stress or emphasize the words which are important. Make the stressed syllables strong, and the unstressed syllables weak and quick. So the poem has its own rhythm. The rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm means “cadence”. The rhythm and cadence of the poem delight our ears.

T: And they are the same as English poems.

(呈現翻譯家許淵沖的譯作:Spring morning/This spring morning in bed Im lying, / Not to wake till birds are crying, / After one night of wind and showers, / How many are the fallen flowers.)

T:Now can you find the words that rhyme in the poem “Seasons of the year”?

S1: Snow rhymes with grow.

S2: Away rhymes with day.


T: A poem has its own rhyme and rhythm, and they make poems beautiful. This time lets read the whole poem together with music, feeling the rhyming beauty and the rhythmic beauty.


(4)Appreciate the beauty of the poem by doing detailed reading.

T:Besides the rhyming beauty and the rhythmic beauty, what other beauty can you find in the poem? Can you find the language beauty?

T:Thats because the poet uses some beautiful words and phrases to make the poem beautiful. Now, lets find them.

S:In the sentence “When trees and flowers forget to grow”, the word “forget” is special.

T:Is it like a persons action? Here the writer uses personification to make the poem more beautiful. It gives human form of feelings, ideas to animals, or to inanimate objects.

T: Can you find more examples?


T: A famous poet says, “If you really want to know the poem, read it. Read it carefully. Pay attention, read it out loud.” Lets read the poem in roles. I read the first stanza, boys the second, girls the third,and we read the last stanza together.

T: Practise reading the poem in groups of four. Please express your own feelings about each season and then present in class.


(5)Have a discussion.

1) Why does the poem begin with winter and end with winter?

2) Whats your feeling after reading the poem?


Step 3 讀后運用

(1)Put them into the right order.

T: A poem is how the reader reads.

A poem is how the poet writes.

A poem is real. A poem is fake.

A poem is anything. I make it mine.

(2)Complete the poem with “seen, return, room, sky”.(Spring by Robert McCracken具體內容略)

(3)Try to be a poet. Try to write a poem about the season you like best.


Step 4 課后延伸

Revise your own poem after class and the website may help you. http://en8848.com.cn/read/poems.





