

2017-06-24 13:52ByJaneLove
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2017年6期

⊙ By Jane Love


Why Should You Study in a Multicultural Environment?

⊙ By Jane Love


1. It allows you to discover intriguing[有趣的]facts about other customs and cultures.


Many people would love to travel into new countries so they can experience new cultures but they often either can’t afford it or do not have the leisure time to take such a journey. However, what if you could achieve this desire at the cost of your school tuition fees?

Confused? Let me explain. By studying internationally, you can experience new customs alongside your studies, thus killing two birds with one stone. During your lunch breaks or free times, start a conversation on any topic you desire to know about with your fellow international students and you will be amazed at the quality of first-hand information you will receive. Plus, it saves you time and money.

2. It creates free exposure to other languages.


Learning a new language takes time and a lot of effort. I remember taking on French as a course. I had a lot of difficulty with pronunciations but I mastered it in the end. Then, I droppedit thinking that what I knew was sufficient[足夠的]for me. However, as time progressed, I realized that the level at which I could speak French was gradually dropping due to lack of practice.

For some, they are not so lucky—they lose the ability to speak the language altogether. The reason why mine was gradual was due to the fact that I had a bunch of friends who were French and occasionally talk with me in that language. Also, every evening, I listened to the news in French over the radio. So, by studying in a multicultural environment, you are saving money (why pay for a tutor in that language when you can get free lessons from a friend?) and exposing yourself to a variety of others as well.

3. It boosts your creative drive.


Working with diverse people improves your creativity because all of them have different opinions and ideologies[觀念]that open your mind to new ideas you may never have considered before. As someone has said, “You have always heard that two heads are better than one but I tell you: two heads who think in the same way are the SAME as one.”

4. You learn how to work in a multicultural team.


There are often challenges in the management of multicultural teams due to the cultural differences which create obstacles[障礙]for teamwork. Studying in an international environment can help you understand the behavior of professionals from diverse countries and how to deal with cultural misunderstandings that may occur.

5. You can acquire intercultural communication skills.


The gradual increase in globalization has led to an increase in multicultural work environments. Therefore, studying internationally is not just about an experience in new cultures but it helps graduates guarantee almost certain future success.

6. You may discover new interests or hobbies.


I have always loved soccer but studying in a multicultural manner has opened the eye of my interests to hockey[曲棍球]and golf. You can find hobbies that fit your interests perfectly.
